A Christmas at Hotel del Coronado

By Kathleen Denly


Wonderful story of a daughter and her father spending a Christmas at a fancy hotel. The characters are incredibly well written in this novel. Who doesn’t love second chances, right? This read gives you a great second chance story.

I love the suspense in the story. It’s one of my favorite genres to read, and it is done well in this book. There are several twists and turns, and a terrific surprise for the readers. I knew something was going on with the characters, but one twist was a huge surprise! 

It has a fantastic faith theme, wonderful and fun characters, and enough suspense to keep the reader engaged and turning those pages! You don’t want to miss this wonderful Christmas novella! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Of Gold and Shadows

By Michelle Griep


This is a fabulous mystery suspense read! I always enjoy books by this author. This one did not disappoint. The character development is wonderful with both main characters growing throughout the story. Ami is a fascinating character who is definitely courageous and so passionate about Egyptian artifacts. Edmund is an introvert really, who has a wonderful heart.

The novel caught me from the beginning. The mystery and intrigue is incredibly well written, and it kept me turning the pages well into the night. There are several things going on throughout the book and a twist or two at the end. One came as quite a surprise to this reader.

I really enjoyed the faith theme in this story. It is very well woven throughout the story…and winding up with “Serving God is the legacy…” was a wonderful faith approach to this story.

This book has wonderful mystery, thrilling suspense, and incredibly well done characters. No historical fiction fan will want to miss this story.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Christmas at Sugar Plum Manor

By Roseanna M. White


Beautifully written novella that I thoroughly enjoyed! I do not enjoy short stories very often, but this one was charming and delightful.

I really enjoyed the wonderful characters and the cast that made up the community. The story really brings Christmas alive with all the scenes, smell of baked goods, tastes of sweet treats, and the sweet gift of family.

The children and their play was such a whimsical part of the novel and beautifully done. If you want to be blessed with a Christmas story that will bring out the magic and beauty of Christmas, this will do it.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

A Token of Love

By Carrie Turansky


I think this is this author’s best book that I have read. I’ve only missed a few of the early ones. It was so well written, and the characters really leap off the page. They are so well developed and fleshed out that they seem real. 

I love split time stories, but there is usually ones far prefer above the other. That wasn’t true with this book. I thoroughly enjoyed the present day as well as the historical story.
This story is very much plot driven. I don’t know why, but it did take me a bit to get into the story. I’m blaming it on my mood since it was such a well done read that’s eventually stayed up into the night to read. Both stories had such good plots to them and those plots keep the reader turning the pages .
The research is interesting, and this author is always good at that. This story just seemed to be a bit different than her others, and it is really has a lot of emotion and faith based theme throughout .

I love the children in the story. It’s such a sweet part of the novel. It closes with a beautiful epilogue. This is a book that historical fiction fans won’t want to miss!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Meeting Her Match

By Jen Turano


One of this author’s best yet! This book was so much fun and full of laughter. A pig is back!! Matilda was the first…Esmeralda is just as fun. The characters are fantastic. The dialogue is what really makes the book what it is and moves it along at a great pace for the reader. It’s brilliantly funny and full of very clever chatter and amusing circumstances!

I tend to think this may be this author’s best book yet, but I have enjoyed every one of her novels. If you need a book to take you away to a place where zany things happen, witty and funny dialogue rule the day, and where a story envelops you with humor-go grab this book ( or any of her books, really). I thoroughly enjoyed this read!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Until Our Time Comes

By Nicole M. Miller


I thoroughly enjoyed the interesting historical tidbits that I learned in this book. It’s intertwined with fiction as is usually the case in books like these. I enjoyed the characters in this book-especially Brett and Ewin.

It was a fascinating story, and I didn’t have any problems keeping myself engaged and turning the pages. The idea of transporting so many horses for their bloodlines isn’t something I’d actually given much thought. It seemed a bit reckless at times, but it wasn’t just for the horses it was for the memory of a beloved mother. Perhaps that is what made me perceive it as plausible.

The romance was interesting. It grew through his acts of saving things she loved, but they don’t really spend much time getting to know each other. I’m not disappointed in having little romance as that is the kind of book that I prefer. I just found it a bit confusing on how a bond grows when not much is there as far as knowing each other.

My biggest disappointment is the lack of a faith theme. It is mentioned at the end that God had worked things out as they were meant to be, but that was it. 

I really enjoy historicals, and I enjoyed this one as it is so different from many I’ve read. It is all encompassed by the horses and what surrounds them. I’ve never quite read a book like this one before, and I’m looking forward to more books by this author. This is her debut novel.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Coal Black Lies

By Cindy K Sproles


This won’t be a book that I soon forget. It has many twists and turns, so many characters that learn and grow, and a faith theme that is strong and true.

Nobody is perfect. Even if you don’t lie to everyone else. How many lies do we tell ourself and then convince ourself that they are true? Lies cause so many problems in this world, and we are surrounded by them. 

This book is full of forgiveness and redemption while showing love, truth, and innocence through a mentally handicapped child who is so incredibly sweet and loving. The main characters learn that they truly can trust and lean on “the everlasting arms.”

This was a five star read for me for so many reasons. Readers who love inspirational fiction will definitely want to get their hands on this novel.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Hidden in the Night

By Elizabeth Goddard


This is another fantastic read by this author. Wonderful characters, terrific story, good faith theme, and a suspense thread that keeps the reader turning the pages.

I think my favorite thing about this novel was the setting, and all that is explained about Alaska. There is much in here about the difficulties faced due to the unique terrain, weather, and other challenges in Alaska. My daddy was in Alaska for awhile so the state itself has always fascinated me, even though I have never been there.

The characters are well done, both the main characters and the secondary. They are used well in the good faith thread. It isn’t always easy for suspense reads to have a strong faith thread as the pace of the book is so fast. It was well done in this read.

Using a lost manuscript is an interesting detail in the book, and the twists, turns, and surprises are well done. I have enjoyed all three books in this series. I definitely recommend this one.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

What I Promise You

By Liz Tolsma


Incredibly well done dual timeline story. I enjoyed ALL of this book. The characters are wonderful, the history fascinating, and the storyline so well crafted and beautifully written.
I usually have one story that I like more than the other, but I really loved both of the stories in this book.
I have read quite a few books by this author, and this is my favorite of hers so far. I was really captivated by the story and the history in this novel. It was all incredibly well done. I read this book in about 24 hours, and I highly recommend it.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Song of Sourwood Mountain

by Ann H. Gabhart


It’s a slow moving sweet story that I really enjoyed. The characters are well done. I enjoyed the main characters, and I really enjoyed so many of the secondary characters as well. Ada June was probably my favorite along with her dog Bo. She is incredibly sweet, but she needs a home and some help.

I really like how love is presented in this story. It’s deep, and it’s lasting. Mira was so careful to wait until true love was present before sharing those words with anyone. “Love” is a word that is so quickly thrown around these days. I really liked how true, abiding live was presented in the characters hearts-especially between Mira and Gordon.

The people were presented in an environment that one could feel and smell. It seemed so real and alive.

Once again this author has written a beautifully woven tale of love and loss, and the faith in God that gets people through the difficult times and gives us days in which to rejoice!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Lady with the Dark Hair

by Erin Bartels


I really liked the writing style of this book. I can’t fly so this book brought to life places overseas I’ll never see. The storyline was intriguing as well.

I had a bit of a difficult time gettIng into the story, but once I did I was caught up by the mystery of the unknown. Both the historical and contemporary stories were interesting. That’s rare as I usually enjoy the historical far more than contemporary. This author made both of them interesting. I enjoyed the stories far more than the characters. I know nothing of painting or painting vernacular so maybe that was why. I didn’t connect with either one, but the storyline themselves were definitely enough to keep me reading.

I’m not a fan of books that don’t really have an ending. That fact and the lack of a faith theme were disappointing. I know many readers like to be left hanging to finish the ending themselves. I must admit to double checking to make sure I didn’t skip a page or something. So I liked it well enough to really want closure for the characters, which says something. I also really was hoping for some sort of faith thread that never came to be.

The author writes incredibly well so I definitely see why so many are hooked on this author. I just really like closure, and I expect a faith theme in books published by Revell.
I was trying to find an author to compare…found that hard. Perhaps Katherine Reay type writing. I’m not sure, but the storyline and writing style are very well done.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple

by Joanna Davidson Politano


“For years I’d been running and restless. Running away, yes. But also running toward something that seemed elusive and impossible. That garden experience. The safety, the devotion and intimacy…the sheer beauty.”

Wow…I think that sums up my immediate thoughts when I finished. Terrific story. This author does such a fantastic job of using her words and stories as a shadow and allegory of spiritual truths. This book was no different, yet the faith theme is even stronger in this one. I am a big lover of A Tale of Two Cities, and I loved how that was woven into the story. The ending was a surprise for me.

There is something about this author’s storytelling that pulls me in and keeps me in the book. I read this book in one sitting…with dinner in between. I usually cherish hers over two days, but I wanted so much to just relax and enjoy-so I did. It has mystery, a strong faith theme, terrific characters , and a beauty in its story. You don’t want to miss any of this author’s books. This one especially holds so much beauty and heart. It’s beautiful lyrical prose that introduces Lily to the Master Gardener and the Master Storyteller. A person every reader should meet as well.

“They could walk over life’s burning coals and come out with strength and confidence on their faces. Because they had spent time in the garden, drinking in life from their source. They had met the Gardener.”

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

These Tangled Threads

by Sarah Loudin Thomas


Beautifully written book with wonderful, realistically flawed characters. These flawed characters are filled with experiences and circumstances used by the Master Weaver to create a more beautiful person. This doesn’t result in perfection, but in a beautiful masterpiece. We need to make better choices as our life’s story is woven. It will have flaws, but that makes each of us unique and helps us learn.

The book also has wonderful threads of forgiveness, hope, redemption, and love. The storyline is fascinating, and the book was really captivating. It is a beautifully done Appalachian story with the setting of Biltmore in the Carolinas.

Thoroughly enjoyed it.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Sleuth of Blackfriars Lane

by Michelle Griep


This is such a fun story! It’s full of action, questions of life, friendship fun, mystery and suspense. I have loved this series, and this book is no different. 

I really enjoyed the main and secondary characters in this book. They have faults, difficulties, and have such a normal kinda life, but they definitely don’t have normal kind of jobs and scrapes they enjoy. 

The storyline is interesting, and I really like that this takes place among normal folk-no ritzy balls and gowns. It’s been said they take place in Dicken’s London. That statement really is true. He is probably my favorite classic writer, and I thoroughly enjoy that this series doesn’t take place among the London elite.

There is so much to like about this book and this series. Good characters, intriguing storylines, faith themes, and just some wonderful fun. I’m rather sad to leave these characters behind, but I’m glad to have all three on my forever shelves.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Ark and the Dove

by Jill Eileen Smith


This book was my first by this author, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It definitely makes the reader think about what it must have been like during the times of Noah and his family. What struck me the most is that I never considered the grief that family bore as so many of their relatives died within a short time right before the flood came.

The characters of the book were well developed, the storyline had depth and emotion and really made this reader ponder what the family of Noah endured. Imagine knowing that you were going to be the only inhabitants of the earth, yet they didn’t know exactly what that earth would look like. The family dynamics were done so well also.

I really enjoyed this novel because I read to learn. This is a book that kept the reader very much engaged and thinking. I don’t always like Biblical fiction, but I thought this one was incredibly written with a lot of thought put into so many details. I’m looking forward to sharing this book and hearing what they glean from this novel! It would definitely make a good novel for a Christian book club.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

While the City Sleeps

by Elizabeth Camden


I really enjoyed the mystery in this novel as well as the faith threads of hope, love, and forgiveness.

I really liked the hero in the book. He had a fascinating story, and he was simply a wonderful character. He wasn’t perfect, but he had such a big forgiving heart. His past was quite an intriguing story as well.

In all honesty, I wasn’t a fan of the heroine through much of the story. She does grow in character, though, and as she learns , I learned to like her more. I like that element in a story. People do grow and change through each day and through life.

I’ve only been to New York City for a brief time for medical reasons. It was fun to visit in the book and hear of some of the “life” of NYC. It is definitely a city that doesn’t sleep. I was stunned at the number of people that were shopping at one in the morning as if it was so normal. The book did a great job of bringing life to the setting.

The book had a wonderful mystery, terrifically done characters, an intriguing storyline and setting, and a good faith thread.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Irish Matchmaker

by Jennifer Deibel


This is a sweet story. This story was far more character driven for me. I love kids in books so I enjoyed Sara. It was a sweet romance read that was predictable but enjoyable gettIng to the end. The main characters were well done, but Sara and her dad were definitely my favorite of them all.

The setting was interesting. I find it fascinating that they use to have a matchmaking festival where so many met their mate. The historical notes at the end of the book were interesting as well.

I also enjoyed the faith theme of this book, and the focus on trying to learn to rely on God for provision was tremendously well done. That isn’t always easy, and it was a well placed message in the story. It was intricate to the storyline, and the Bible verses and how Sara presented them to her Dad was adorable. Oh to have the faith of a child!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

All My Secrets

by Lynn Austin


Such a wonderfully written novel covering the stories of three women from different generations in the same family. It covers their joys as well as their sorrows. It shows that God ultimately writes our stories and can turn our great sins and sorrows into joy.

This is a Christian fiction book that actually has much about Christ and living purposeful lives unto him and leaving a meaningful legacy behind for the generations to come. It is a wonderful heartfelt, heart tugging, heart wrenching story that I will not soon forget. 

The main characters are so well done. No matter what stage of life you are experiencing, this book addresses many different situations in which we find ourselves as we travel through our lives. Two of them are sharing what they have learned with the youngest. This is a fantastically written novel that readers do not want to miss.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Seamstress of Acadie

by Laura Frantz


A beautifully written novel that tells the heartbreaking story of the Acadians. In the many, many books I have read, only one other series that I can remember talks of their sad story. It is a very sad historical event; but the storyline, though sad, remains hopeful.

A beautiful love story that is done slowly and incredibly well, a fascinating time in history, a novel written with such impressive beautiful prose, and a unique setting all combine for a wonderful book to enjoy and savor.

Psalm 23 is brilliantly woven into the story finishing the novel off with a lovely and fitting faith theme. This is a must read for historical fiction fans, and a novel that I will not soon forget.
I received this book from the author. A review was not required.

Double Take

by Lynette Eason


I thoroughly enjoyed this book with all its twists and turns.

The two main characters are fantastic. I really liked James and Lainie. I liked how their relationship grew and that they had known each other so long. The faith theme was quite good throughout the book. That’s not easy to pull off in such a fast paced suspense story.

This was a terrific suspense/mystery story with wonderful characters, a good cast of secondary characters, well paced, and a good faith thread.
This was a great read to start 2024, and it will definitely make my forever shelves.

My daughter is eagerly awaiting her turn. I am eagerly awaiting the next in the series.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Calling on the Matchmaker

by Jody Hedlund


The storyline is well done in this book, and the writing style is wonderful which is always what a reader expects from this author.

I really enjoyed the main characters and secondary characters in this story as well. The shenanigans of Finola are funny, and she has become quite adept at getting suitors to leave. Then she meets her match. Riley is well done in his role as well.

I enjoyed the history of this read. I prefer my historical fiction to have more history than romance so this was not my favorite book by this author. I am probably in the minority in this, but I read historical novels to learn. There are a few interesting historical facts, but the romance takes center stage. If that’s your jam then this will be your book!

My favorite part of this book is the faith theme of forgiveness and recognizing that Christ can forgive anything that we have done. There is also much in charity and helping those in need. The inspirational part of the story is strong.

If you enjoy historical reads with much romance than pick this book to read! Most that enjoy Roseanne White, Julie Lessman, or Tamera Leigh( I’m getting help in these recommendations from other readers) enjoy this author’s books.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

To Spark a Match

By Jen Turano


This was another fun read by this author. I enjoy dialogue in a book, and this book has a lot of fun and enjoyable dialogue.

The main characters were wonderful and well done. Adelaide is so fun! I love books, unique bookstores, and cats, and so does Adelaide. I really liked her character. She was a well fleshed out character who brought much life to the story. Gideon was a fun loving hero who didn’t mind Adelaide’s quirky ways and long talks. The secondary characters added much to the story as well.

The faith theme was very well done in this story, and I very much enjoyed the moral ideas put forth in the storyline.
This was a well done novel. This author really writes books that are very unique which, I think, is why I enjoy them so very much.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Warsaw Sisters

By Amanda Barratt


I just finished this heart-wrenching, poignant read. The history I have learned through this book is much. Reading about such horrid times during these times in which we live is eery.

The writing here takes one inside those that endured so much and fought so hard. The readers senses are all engaged as the words are so well written. It writes of the human struggle-the good and the bad. For me, this book started a bit slow. I highly encourage everyone to finish if you can. This is not an easy read, but history is not always easy. I would have liked more of a faith theme through this book, but I do understand the difficulties in that in a historical book such as this.

Do not miss reading the author’s notes at the end either. This is a powerful story of the human spirit and the bonds of love and family.

As an epilogue, this book also makes one consider what the reader might do in similar circumstances. I was confronted with this as I read what these sisters decided to do as a result of the atrocities being committed. They took different paths. It really made me think, how far does one go when evil occurs?

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Against the Wind

by Amanda Cabot


*I want to start by saying I did read the first book. Though this second in the series can stand alone, I do recommend reading the series in order. I got a lot more understanding from the second book after I read the first so I highly recommend reading this series in order.*

This book reminded me much of a prairie romance. Only this has a woman fighting to be accepted as a doctor. I am thankful for women doctors, but this particular theme of women fighting for a previously held man’s job has been a bit overdone of late. At least it has been that way in my choice of books (grant it, I don’t always read a book the year it comes out-but I’m close). 

I enjoyed the characters and the secondary characters. I didn’t realize this was a second in a series until it arrived in the mail. The first in the series is on its way. I really liked the male main character more than the female. He seemed to have more spiritual growth in him, and I loved it as he continued to grow and learn more. 

Most of the storyline is predictable in this read with a few minor surprises. It’s a fairly good storyline with a very well done faith theme that is intrinsic to the story itself. This author always seems to do a good job at that which is why I continue to read. Her romance isn’t overdone, and it grows naturally and is built on the character and morals of the characters themselves which I appreciate. It did seem to drag a bit, but that might be because the plot was just so predictable.

It’s a sweet prairie type story with wonderful characters, a beautiful setting, and a very well done faith thread.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own,

The Wind Blows in Sleeping Grass

by Katie Powner


This author really proves how great a storyteller she is in this well written contemporary fiction.

Their is nothing tragic or life shattering, but it is life. Life lessons are throughout the book in small and big ways through every day characters like you and me. There is something about the characters and the storyline that has stayed with me. That makes a book special for me as I have a terrible short term memory.

The characters feel like family, and they are incredibly well done. It’s so easy to love the simple, kind, and big hearted garbage man that sees value in the people in his life. I love kids in books so when his nephew shows up, I love the interaction between the two. All the main characters have flaws, but I liked them all. After all, flawed people are normal people.

The storyline seems simplistic, but lessons of life are throughout the book. There is a theme of forgiveness, redemption, and love that is so sweet. I’m not a huge fan of contemporary fiction, but I have enjoyed this author’s reads very much.

With a lovely setting, wonderful realistic characters, and a beautifully touching storyline This author has created a lovely novel that you don’t want to miss.
I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

A Beautiful Disguise

by Roseanna White


This book felt much different to me than the author’s other books. It has the mystery, interesting character group, and life among those with money. The interesting part, of course, is the fact that among the wealthy is a circus and two who love the trapeze and other acts that are done in a circus. To an extent, I enjoyed it. However, I had a hard time finding it believable.

It just seemed to be a bit of a stretch to find trapeze artists and circus animals among the “rich and famous.” It just didn’t seem at all realistic. I did enjoy the characters in the book-both the main and secondary characters were interesting. The storyline itself and the mysteries are what kept me turning the pages.

The faith thread in this book fits in well with the story, and it is well done. It isn’t like anything I’ve ever read before, and I do enjoy different books. If you like something a bit different, give it a try. It is a fun read. It kind of had a touch of Jen Turano in it, and I love her books. 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


by Lynette Eason


Enjoyed this story! I liked both characters in this story. The fact that it wasn’t an “Insta love” type story made it even better. I like far more suspense than romance, and I felt the author really delivered in that area. 

The suspense was well done, and it was very well paced. The storyline itself was engaging and kept the reader turning the pages. It felt like a bit of a slow start for me, but I didn’t mind that at all.

The faith theme was well done and very intrinsic to the story. It’s hard to get a good faith theme in the suspense genre so it is always well appreciated when it comes through so well.

This had a wonderful cast of characters, a terrific and fascinating storyline, and a good faith theme-all the elements that I really enjoy in a suspense read. I have really enjoyed this series, and I’m rather sad to see it end. It did finish with a fantastic novel, though.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

With Every Memory

by Janine Rosche


I found this book wasn’t what I expected. Perhaps my expectations are irrelevant, yet they are there. I’m seeing a big theme come through in many of the “Christian” published books lately so my reviews are a bit like a broken record. Even my teen daughter noticed that.
This book could have had a truly powerful faith theme, but it didn’t capitalize on it. The characters show up in church, but that’s about it. In so many places the family could have turned to God or the scriptures for help and strength. That part was disappointing.

I didn’t find myself liking the characters. They were incredibly selfish in many ways, but occasionally acted out of character to care about someone else. The teen story was a bit more understandable. They aren’t adults yet so obviously don’t behave like adults. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but the fact that Xander and Avery were left alone so much and spent so much time in her bedroom alone-that was just weird to me. I didn’t like the touch on adult humor either.

I think the grandmother was maybe suppose to be funny, but I found her bitter and mean. There was a heaviness to this book that could have been better with more of God’s presence in the families life. Maybe the grandmother was the light hearted part? I don’t know.

The writing itself was well done. The parts I read to my daughter-she said the same. This author is very good with words and writing to try to touch the reader. The topics that have a warning I felt were handled well in this book by the author. How one rates a book like this I’m not sure. This is definitely going to touch readers in very different ways. 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

This is Where it Ends

by Cindy K. Sproles


This was a different way to present a story. I enjoyed the look back and the thoughts Minerva had as she approached the end of her life. I really enjoyed the writing style, and the sweet relationship that occurs between the elderly lady Minerva and the young man Del. I love how the author gives the facts of the past to the reader through Minerva’s point of view.

The characters and secondary characters are well done, and I was surprised by who turned out to be the bad guy in this story. The storyline flows very well, and I didn’t want to put the book down.
The scenes written on the farm were beautifully done, and it sure put the reader in the setting. Minerva’s thoughts really bring the story alive for the reader, putting the reader in her shoes so to speak.
My one disappointment was I felt that the faith theme could have been incredibly strong in so many places in this story. It did have hope and forgiveness in the storyline. It definitely wasn’t missing a faith theme. I just wished at so many places throughout the book that it had been stronger-just my point of view.
I love these kinds of stories. Ones that make one think, where everything isn’t sunshine and roses. The realizations to which the main character comes are very well done and powerfully written.
This is an emotionally touching read with life lessons learned and realistic characters and storyline.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Counter Attack

By Patricia Bradley


I was so glad to get this book and review it! Patricia Bradley always writes such good books, and this one doesn’t waver from being well written. 

From the start it was a little bit slow, but once you get to know the story a little bit better, you understand why it started that way.  The characters were well written. Liked Alexis story and how the romance between her and Nathan was slow and built up. 
One of my favorite parts of the story was of Alexis and her grandparents. A sweet relationship to which I can relate.
The suspense was very well done, except for the fact that I knew who it was before about 50 pages in. (Maybe that’s just because I read mystery a lot, but it didn’t take me long to figure it out.) I kept on reading to follow the main characters story, and why and how the person did the deed. 
The faith theme was there, but a bit lacking in depth. This book, since it moved slower than some suspense novels, could have had a better one, in my opinion. 
I really enjoyed the nice easy read, as I always do of Patricia Bradley!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Man of Shadow and Mist

By Michelle Griep


Loved it! It was a rare five star read for me. I had two main reasons for that. This was incredibly well researched, and I learned quite a bit from this story. That is always a goal when reading. It also had a wonderful faith theme that really resonated with me.

The characters are incredibly well done as this author is known for doing. Rosa is wonderful and so accepting and compassionate. James grows throughout the book which I thoroughly enjoy following. 

The mystery/suspense held a surprise for me. The storyline was intriguing…so much so that I could not put the book down. I read all but the first fifty pages in one sitting. It is such an incredibly well written book.

This author always impresses me with her stories, and this book didn’t fail to disappoint. Highly recommend.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

In the Shadow of the River

By Ann Gabhart


I do not recall having ever read a book with the setting on a showboat. That made this story quite unique. The author makes the setting come alive. I am a homebody and love “nesting”, but I could feel the draw of the setting as I read the book. The boat and the entertainment was fascinating.

I really enjoyed the characters in this book. There is quite a bit of character growth in Jacci and Gabe. They both face difficulties, and those are used to test their faith.The faith and hope theme are well done and woven well into the story. Yes, the story is predictable, but it’s interesting and enjoyable getting to the conclusion.

I wasn’t surprised by much of the mystery/suspense in the novel, but there were one or two interesting twist and turns.
This author writes such interesting stories, and this one definitely didn’t disappoint.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Murmur in the Mudcaves

By Kathleen Denly


This was my first book by this author, but I don’t expect it to be my last. I thoroughly enjoyed this read. This was fourth in the series, but the book held up well on its own.

The characters are well done and were fun to get to know. Bridget and Gideon are fleshed out well, and the secondary characters add much to the storyline. The main characters have growth throughout the book which I always like to see.

The storyline is interesting, and I’d never heard anything about mud caves. Learning things from a book is always fascinating. It was a bit predictable but enjoyable.

This book had a good faith and forgiveness theme that I’m always looking for in my choices of a novel. The faith theme tied in very well with the characters and story.

Adoption is an element in the book, and that is a subject very dear to my heart. We adopted our daughter, and she keeps in touch with birth family so much of this was believable and touching.

I thoroughly enjoyed this read and highly recommend. It reminded me of some of Karen Witemeyer and Regina Jennings novels.

I received this book from the author. All opinions are my own.

The Swindler’s Daughter

By Stephenia H. McGee


I really enjoyed this novel. The story was interesting, and I enjoyed the character growth shown in the book. The main character has a lot of character growth throughout the book. Much of that character growth is the result of an older woman who is so helpful as a mentor.

The main male character also experiences character growth throughout the book. He realizes how blessed he is, and what is really important in life. This is kind of a coming-of-age story.

I liked the setting. It was well done. The storyline itself was interesting, and the secondary characters were wonderful. The mystery adds even more interest to the story. If you like a lot of romance it isn’t found here, but I prefer other strong elements in my stories.

The story itself increased in stars because of the well done faith theme. In inspirational fiction, a good faith theme isn’t as common as it use to be. The author did a good job of making it intrinsic to the story and the characters.

With wonderful characters, an interesting storyline, and a good faith theme this was better than I expected. I definitely recommend.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Long March Home

By Marcus Brotherton, Tosca Lee


I was glad to read about the March of Bataan. I hadn’t learned of it previously. My conundrum in reviewing is that it was published by Revell, a Christian publishing company. This book was gritty, crass, swearing, and other elements not expected in a book published by Revell. In doing the review a content warning was given to us as readers. Much of the content I expected as it is a war novel. All the elements in this novel are typical of a regular war fiction book or even a non fiction traditionally published book. I expected a much stronger faith theme and no cussing. The fact it came nowhere close to those expectations was very surprising to me.

It is a heart wrenching and highly disturbing war novel. The authors did a good job of bringing the horror of war to the pages of the book. I wouldn’t recommend this book for just anyone as it is a bit tough to read. I read their purpose for writing it, I believe they accomplished it.

If you are looking for a clean book, I don’t recommend it based on some content. I only expected better than that because it was published by Revell. This book needed to be in the traditional publishing world. The authors brought to the reader the story of the March to Bataan. It is a subject more people need to know. The Pacific part of WWII isn’t as well known. My grandfather fought in the Aleutian Islands. He was a medic, but he was involved in hand to hand combat as well. I probably would not know as much about that part of the world war if it hadn’t been part of our family’s history.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.



Kathleen Denly writes historical romance to entertain, encourage, and inspire readers toward a better understanding of our amazing God and how He sees us. She enjoys finding the lesser known pockets of history and bringing them to life through the joys and struggles of her characters.

California, a favorite setting in her stories, is also her home. She lives there with her loving husband, four young children, two dogs, and ten cats. As a member of the adoption and foster community, children in need are a cause dear to her heart and she finds they make frequent appearances in her stories.

When she isn’t writing, researching, or caring for children, she spends her time reading, visiting historical sites, hiking, and crafting.

Kathleen is also a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and the award-winning author of the Chaparral Hearts series.


Where do you get your inspiration for your stories?

Many different things inspire my stories. The initial idea can come from anywhere, but often it comes from something I stumbled across in my historical research. For example, I was reading about mail delivery in California during the gold rush when I wondered what it would be like to have a loved one so far away (many men left their families behind when they went to hunt gold) and not receive correspondence from them for extended periods of time. What if their letters stopped altogether? That led to my debut novel, Waltz in the Wilderness. With Sing in the Sunlight, the inspiration came from my discovery that San Diego had once been struck by a hurricane. That event just begged to be included in a novel. Harmony on the Horizon, book three in the Chaparral Hearts series, was inspired by a true story often told by docents during tours of the old schoolhouse in Old Town San Diego.

When you’re not writing, what do you like to do?

Well, we’re a homeschooling family, so much of my non-writing time is taken up by teaching my four children. However, I’m a very crafty person, so when I have time, I enjoy several mediums of art. Some of my favorites are Bible journaling, junk journaling, sewing, knitting, and diy projects. In fact, if you look closely at my office in my YouTube videos, you can spot several of my diy projects in the background. These include a custom marker holder, a phone holder, and my latest junk journal. More recently I’ve begun teaching myself digital drawing. I’m always working on new projects to include in my Kathleen’s Readers’ Club Freebie Library. If your readers would like access to my KRC Freebie Library, they can sign up at http://bit.ly/KRCMemberSignUp .

What authors/books have influenced your writing?

Wow. That’s a tough question. There are so many books that have influenced and inspired me, I couldn’t possibly list and explain them all here, so I’ll focus on the first two that come to mind. One is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen simply because it’s the book I’ve read the most often. I learned a lot about the rhythm of a novel, the power of humor, and the beauty of romance from that novel. The second would be Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers because it opened my eyes to what Christian romance could be. Christian fiction has the power to tell hard stories through the lens of God’s redeeming love.

Are you a plotter or a panster?

I think I fall somewhere in the middle, actually. If I were writing for myself, I would probably just pants it and make corrections in rewrites. However, with deadlines to meet, I’ve taught myself to do more plotting and outlining in advance. That said, I have learned the hard way that if I go too far in my outlining, I kill the creative flow in myself. So I’ve learned to only plot enough that I know where I’m going but not every tiny detail of every scene.

What is your favorite part of the writing process?

Definitely the research and brainstorming stage. Because that’s the fun part where I’m just continually asking myself, “What if…?” and uncovering new little facts of history. For me, historical research is a lot like treasure hunting or thrift store shopping. I never know when I’m going to uncover a wonderful surprise.

Have you always wanted to be a writer / know you were going to be a writer?

Not really, no. I did know there was something odd about myself somewhat early on when I learned that not everyone silently added dialogue tags to things that were said in everyday life. Nor do others mentally rewrite everything they say until it just “feels right.” However, writing was just an occasional hobby until one night during my freshman year of high school when I awoke in the wee hours of the morning with the plot for a novel running through my mind. Until that moment, I’d never even considered writing anything more than super short stories and poetry for fun. Even then, I considered it something to do in my spare time, but that’s when I started dreaming of being published. It wasn’t until college that I started taking my writing seriously. My attempt to crash a creative writing course at my local community college was unsuccessful, but the assignment given that first day inspired my first historical Christian romance novel. 

What do you hope readers will gain from reading your books?

First and foremost, I hope that readers will come away with a better understanding of who they are in God’s eyes and how much He loves them. Secondly, I hope they’ll have just a bit more compassion for those who’ve lived a life different than their own. I think that’s one of the best things about novels. We get a chance to “live” someone else’s life and see into their hearts and minds. What better way to learn to love them as God asks us to? Of course, I always hope that my readers are entertained by my stories, and if that gives them a moment to step back from life and take a relaxing breath, well, that’s an important blessing as well.

What book do you have coming out next?

Murmur in the Mud Caves, Book 4 in my Chaparral Hearts series is currently on preorder and will release May 16, 2023. Each book in the Chaparral Hearts series can be read as a stand alone, but characters from previous books do make appearances in later books, so I recommend reading the series in order for the fullest experience.


Under Fire

By Lynn H. Blackburn


I have absolutely loved the team in this series of books. I like the camaraderie, the witty banter, and the faith shared in the group. I have really enjoyed the characters most of all. In an unusual statement, I don’t think I have a favorite book in this series. 

You can read each book as a stand-alone, but I wouldn’t recommend it. The reader gets much more from the books by getting to know the group one book at a time.

Both characters Zane and Tess get their story told from their perspective. I really felt like both were necessary and both gave much to the story. I would have preferred more action less romance-that’s always my opinion. I read for the suspense. You will note I’m in the minority on this one, but the budding of the relationship between the two characters seems to take precedent much of the time. There is nothing beyond kissing, but the romantic tension/dialogue felt a bit much for me. 

With fantastic characters, wonderful faith theme, well paced suspense this read will make suspense fans happy. The character group themselves really pulled me through the book. I really enjoyed how well they work together and support each other.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Remember Me

By Tracie Peterson


I really enjoyed this book. My favorite thing was the incredibly strong faith and forgiveness theme. Christian fiction doesn’t always have such a strong and open faith theme. This one was incredibly well written, and it is intrinsic to the story so it flows very well.

I liked the history of the expo as well…there is some very interesting historical facts in the book that made it a wonderful read that I didn’t want to put down. 

The main characters are well done in the book. They grow in their faith and towards each other throughput the book. The secondary characters are wonderful, and they really help complete the story.

This was an enjoyable read with strong characters, well written story, and a heartfelt faith theme.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Match in the Making

By Jen Turano


What an absolutely fun story!! I honestly think this is the best novel I have read by this author. That is really saying something since I have read all her books, and I own them all. 

Miss Gwendolyn Brinley is a wonderfully fun character. I really enjoyed her interactions with the kids. Kids in books is a favorite of mine, and these kids were so fun. Her interactions with people is wonderful…including Walter of course. Several scenes in the church were so fun, and children really do make everything so much more lively.

Walter grows so much throughout the book, and it is wonderful to see him bond with his three lively and heartwarming children.

I thoroughly enjoyed the dialogue, wit, antics, and characters in another terrific book by this author. A fun read is a must from time to time, and Ms. Turano is definitely an author that serves up lots of that to her readers.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own

The Cold Light of Day

By Elizabeth Goddard



4.5 stars
One of the best Elizabeth Goddard books I have read- wonderful characters, and plot lines.
Autumn and Grier’s story has plenty of romance, up and downs and all around fun times! The romance was not overdone, and it had a little more depth than some.

I really enjoyed all the water scenes and the suspense of what was going to happen next. There were a few twists and turns that were surprising, ( very unusual for me to say), and some of the more intense scenes were written so that I felt like I was the one in danger not the hero/heroine!

The faith theme was fabulously done and woven in to the story really well. Loved the verses and the amount of praying in the book. It is hard to weave in a faith thread in a suspense story, so I found this one really good!

The characters themselves were flawed, but God helped them be better. A sweet reunion makes the ending even better. The last quarter of the book was my favorite, as it was entirely fast paced, and the kind of suspense I love.

It would have gotten five stars if it hadn’t dragged just a bit at the beginning. I love the ending so much and the book was so well written it almost deserved it. I’m looking forward to the next book!

I received this book from the author , all opinions are my own.

The Maid of Ballymacool

By Jennifer Deibel


I have enjoyed every book by this author. This one, however, is my favorite. It has great story elements, unseen twist and turns, faith, and well done characters.

The mystery in this book is wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I got caught by surprise at an interesting twist in it. The pace and way it was written really kept me turning the pages.

The character development was so good in this book. I really enjoyed watching Brianna grow throughout the story. She has several friends as secondary characters that really round out the cast well. Michael Wray is a fantastic hero with his kindness and concern when others do not even seem to notice Brianna and her load of work.

So grab the book and follow Brianna’s story. You will not be sorry that you did. This author has become a must buy for me. Her setting is always fascinating and very well done. It’s a book that took me on a journey. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Last Chance Cowboy

By Jody Hedlund


The last of the siblings gets his story. I always love a good redemption story, and a marriage of convenience plot. The characters are well done, and the witty banter between siblings is fun. I have four siblings of my own.

I enjoyed the action and the forgiveness/ redemption topic. I do wish the redemption part had taken place during the story. I did enjoy the action in the story and the wonderful midwifery stories.

I’m not much into overly romantic stories…I prefer more the historical side of a book. I would have preferred it to be more like her previous series where I learned so many interesting historical facts. I am in the minority on this subject, though. Jody Hedlund fans and fans of cowboy romance will be sure to love the final story in the Colorado Cowboy series- characters, action, forgiveness, and a marriage of convenience story.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Weight of Air

By Kimberly Duffy


The Weight of Air covers some difficult topics. Most of these were not ones to which I could personally relate. I was never able to give birth ( different emotional difficulties there), and I had a utopian type childhood. I do, however, have some close relationships where postpartum depression was such a struggle, known those who committed suicide, and those who were abandoned by parents. So I understood to some extent the struggles these characters face.

Mabel was by far my favorite because she seemed to really grow throughout the book. She had a heart to forgive and love. The characters were very well done as is common for this author. I really enjoy her writing style, and I have read and own her other books.

I really felt this book had a great opportunity to have a better faith theme. “I can do all things” was mentioned, but in relation to circus tricks-nothing spiritual. There was faith and hope, but it wasn’t tied to the faith and hope we have through Jesus Christ. A very slight faith theme comes in at the end, but it doesn’t really affect the lives of the characters at all. There is also a relationship that a woman puts herself in to keep her job. There isn’t a big forgiveness or redemption story tied to that at all either. The idea of using the beauty of a woman was portrayed as wrong, but the characters, especially Mabel, did nothing when pictures were used of her that should not have been. She didn’t like it, but she made no complaints to the boss. That just seemed strange to me.

The story itself was well written as all of this authors books are. I felt the characters were real and intriguing as we learn the circumstances that shaped them, and the scenes were so vivid. I’ve never been to a circus so the author did a good job of making me “see it.”

It’s a book with flawed and broken people making their way through the life and circumstances that occurred that were beyond their control. One of my favorite tropes is used and done so well, but no spoilers so I won’t go there. A terrific set of characters, a wonderful story, it just needed more Christian faith elements for me to truly love it. I have to say it was refreshing to read a book where men were not terrible, abusive to women…but tried to support the women in their lives! That has been a common theme in many CF books. I have a husband who sometimes carries me literally and figuratively. I’m not saying they were perfect as none are, but they grew in their relationships and supported the women in their lives whether wife or daughter. Loved that.

If you enjoyed this book and author Kristy Cambron, Lynn Austin, and perhaps Jody Hedlund are some authors you might want to consider reading. If you want more historical circus stories Joanne Bischof and Kristy Cambron have some out there that are quite good.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Yesterday’s Tides

By Roseanna M. White


I really liked the characters in this book, and I liked both timeline stories which is rare. Both plots are well done, and I do not have a favorite. That is pretty much next to impossible.

The storyline with its mystery really keeps the reader engaged. The family history is another mystery for the reader to solve. The WWI and WWII history adds so much to the book! The book has action, mystery, history, and beautiful relationships. Anything else one could possibly want?

The entire group of characters is wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed the stories of the secondary characters as well. With the dual timeline, the reader gets the viewpoint of the US as well as some viewpoint from overseas.

My favorite part of this story is all the people that we meet that are in previous stories. I thoroughly enjoyed the Codebreaker series so I was thrilled that some of the characters show up in this story. It made a wonderful way of bringing the story more to life because I had already met some of the cast of characters. I think the only thing I did not like about it was mentioning rosary beads and Catholics. I did not feel that it was necessary to point out which people believed differently than others. Those parts of the story did not seem to fit, and they could easily have been left out.

The incredibly well done characters , a very engaging plot line in both stories, special pieces of previous series by this author, and as always fascinating history all combine to make a wonderful novel.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Hearts of Steel

By Elizabeth Camden


I really liked Maggie in this book…even though obsessive, her fears were definitely warranted. She was so scrappy and incredibly hard working. I liked Liam, but I do wish he had grown a bit and learned to better control his temper. He was too old for board room brawls…not saying the guy didn’t deserve it. However, he should have been above that eventually. I felt Maggie had some growth to her, but Liam didn’t really. I did love what he would do for those he loved. This was a great title for the two characters.

This story grabbed my attention from the beginning and held it. The plot and storyline was very interesting, and the attempts by the crooked guy that just keep coming seem unreal. Most of it, however, is based on a true character in history.

The two main characters complement each other well, the storyline keeps the reader engaged, and Liam ends up in the state in which I live with his yacht! He doesn’t come for a vacation, though. My favorite scene is a beautiful gift given to Liam from his sister that he treasures. 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Within These Walls of Sorrow

By Amanda Barratt


 I am at a loss for rating or reviewing a novel as powerful as this one.. The writing takes the reader on the journey, that much is incredibly true.

A poignant, heart wrenching, tragic tale of The Ghetto. The word sorrow doesn’t really come close to all that occurred there. How humans treated other humans like this is something I will never understand. As hard as it was to read, I cannot imagine how hard it was to see and live through, if one could call it living for these souls. It’s a novel that makes the reader think of how one person could help, and yet how could a person not help. God must have put people there, miraculously through a pharmacy, to help with things beyond the scope of a pharmacy. It left people to tell the stories that needed to be told.

This book is not so dark that the reader cannot finish. The reader gets Jewish and non Jewish viewpoints. I really liked the different characters that the reader follows. It gives a good perspective. This was really one of the best books I’ve read about WWII Poland because of that…much of this isn’t fiction.

I’m still amazed every time I think of the fact that the pharmacy was allowed to stay open inside the ghetto throughout the entire time…the building is still there today.

Realistic characters, powerful and painful stories, and the ability to change the reader…this is a novel that I’m not sure I’ll ever forget. It leaves the reader with choices to make about his own life and to learn so much about past lives and their gifts to then and now.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

A picture of the pharmacy as it stands today. Used by permission.

The Rose and the Thistle

By Laura Frantz


A beautifully written tale set in Scotland. It is as if every word sings in this novel. I have a habit of skimming a bit since I read so fast. I did not with this book. Every word is to be savored as the reader meets the characters and takes a journey with them.

The main characters are fantastic and realistic. I loved them both. The secondary characters steal the readers heart as well, especially sweet Orrin. They struggle and contend just as we do. The love story is not just about looks and lust-it is about character and respect. Oh, how this reader loved that. I was kept up way past my bedtime to enjoy this alluring read.

I felt the strong underlying theme was to follow the Lord and rule what He has given well. God sets up the kings, but we each have our own dominion. It is for that, that we shall answer to The King how well we execute His commands.

The author appeals to all senses to put the reader in the setting. I thoroughly enjoyed the setting, loved the characters, eagerly anticipated the climax of the plot, and loved the happily ever after. This is one of those books that brings a beautiful sigh at the conclusion, yet I did not want it to end. Engaging characters, enchanting setting, intriguing plot, well woven faith theme, and an entirely magnificent story that will have its place on my forever shelves. Just lovely.

I received this book from the publisher as well as purchasing one. All opinions are my own.

The Secrets of Emberwild

By Stephenia McGee


This was a book that I really wanted to get my hands on. I heard a lot of positive buzz on social media for this book. I enjoyed the writing. The author was very descriptive and made the scenes come alive.

I just didn’t like Nora, the female lead. She was a whiner and complainer because she was limited for being a woman. I actually felt this way once, but I grew up. Taking a girl in the early 1900’s and having her say and do things that don’t fit the era just wasn’t appealing. I’ll also admit to feeling this topic is too overdone in Christian Fiction. The victim hood of women has been a common theme in a lot of CF in the last several years so I guess I have read too much of it. I think for others who have not been bombarded with it, I can see why they would like the main character. I would have liked her too if character growth was there. It was not.

I did like that the Mother’s character grew throughout the novel as well as other secondary characters. I’ll also admit that I am not a big horse fan. So I am thinking that perhaps I am not the reader this book needed.

My daughter does not look for the depth that I do, and she has loved reading horse books since a young girl. So I am passing it on to her thinking perhaps a teen that loves horses is more the target audience.

It was a sweet story and a well written one. I would have liked to see some spiritual depth, character growth, and more of a faith thread. If you like horse books then give it a try. It just might be a book you really like. I’m interested to see what my daughter thinks.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Engaging Deception

by Regina Jennings


A beautiful story.

My favorite part was with Olive and the two kids. She fell right in to taking care of them. They had a wonderful relationship.

I liked the construction and how it was described. It was well done. The scenery involved was very nice. The romance was not too overly done, I actually thought that it was a bit funny, in a good way. I like those kind of stories. The book had a bit of a mystery which always makes for a better book.

The one downer is, it didn’t have as strong a faith theme as some of her books do. It did get better throughout.
The writing was engaging and I would say one of her best written novels. A very sweet, caring, funny, sad, and happily ever after story! Much enjoyed.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Critical Threat

by Lynette Eason


The plot in this story is amazing. The storyline moves at an incredibly fast pace making it very hard to put down. Many twists and turns keep the reader engaged throughout the story. The romance is very much in the background in comparison to many romantic suspense novels, and I am very much ok with that. I really prefer the mystery and suspense to be front and center in my reads.

The characters are interesting, and they definitely have fascinating jobs. The whole idea of how they try to catch a serial killer has always fascinated me. How does one try to think like them? Or figure the why of such evil? These are just a few interesting topics this book will cover.

I would have really liked it if this book had a strong faith theme throughout. It does give one towards the end for which I was thankful. If you are a clean reads suspense fan, you don’t want to miss this one.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Framing the Marshall

By Sharee Stover


Really enjoyed this book! It was a terrific story with great characters…including the dog!

This book catches the reader right from the start. I didn’t want to put it down. Both lead characters are well done. The action doesn’t stop in this one. It is edge of your seat suspense from beginning to end.

My favorite part of the book is the faith theme which is so well done in this book. The plot is clear and incredibly involved, but the author takes time to put in a terrific and strong faith thread.

With interesting characters, a very intriguing plot, and a strong faith thread this author has written a wonderful novel. Definitely recommend! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

In Love’s Time

By Kate Breslin


Marcus finally gets his story…and what a story! I really enjoyed the suspense and mystery plot in this one. It really keeps the reader engaged. The main characters are fantastic, and I love that old characters are well woven into this one. For me, though, this was plot driven with all the intrigue that was present in the story.

With a faith theme that was incredibly strong and so valuable to the story, it truly fits in the inspirational market. I have read quite a few books this year in which this particular element was disappointing. I really enjoyed the faith thread that was so well woven into the story.

I prefer less romance in my stories, but I think most readers will be pleased. The witty banter is well written, and the attraction is not on looks alone but on the character that lies beneath the surface.

History takes a bit of a back seat in this one for a Kate Breslin novel, but it is completely fascinating. I, of course, learned things I did not know. The reader really feels as if they are taking the journey themselves. The historical backdrop is wonderful. WWI isn’t as common as other wars so I really enjoyed the history.

The characters, fascinating history, strong faith theme, and intrigue plot all combine to create a wonderful novel.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Holding the Line

By Jennifer Delamere


Really enjoyed this book. The storyline was interesting and held my attention. It was a good conclusion to the series with the previous characters showing up in this one. 

The history was interesting, and I really liked the characters. Trying to be very independent is something to which I can relate. I tried up until I couldn’t be anymore.

The three stars is because the faith theme wasn’t as strong as it usually is in this author’s book. She did a good job of bringing it in at the end, but I really felt this story needed it from the beginning. A strong faith theme throughout is what I expect from Bethany House.

Other than that, it was a good story with strong characters. A good way to end this series of three. The reader can read this as a stand alone, but I do recommend that all three be read. It makes for a better reading experience.

i received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


By Lynette Eason, Lynn Blackburn, and Natalie Walters


( This is a guest post by my teenage daughter. I wanted to change things up a bit. )

On the Run by Lynette Eason 
This little story was the best one of all three! So good suspense, great faith theme, and wonderful characters. It started off with a perfect chapter to keep the reader from putting it down. I read the story in two days! It was well written, one of the best books from this author. 

Deadly Objective by Lynn Blackburn
A good little short story with really good banter between the characters. I love that. The suspense was a little slow, not a lot of action to it. The romance took more precedence than I liked. The faith theme could have been an amazing one, but there was very little to the story. I enjoyed the banter, dialogue, and jokes the best. 

Caught in the Crosshairs by Natalie Walter
An okay novella. I liked it, but the romance was a bit much. The suspense was an interesting plot. All in all it is a good little story, just not my favorite. 
All well worth reading, if you really like short stories like I do. Enjoyed the whole book. 

All opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher.

Honor’s Refuge

By Hallee Bridgeman


This is a fantastic book with great characters, wonderful storyline, and a good faith theme. This entire series has been so good, and the author definitely does not disappoint on the last book of the three.

I am handicapped myself with difficulty walking among other things. It takes time, soul searching, and trusting God knows best to accept God’s story for one’s life with the understanding that God will get you through…and joy is definitely possible! The entire process is a learning one. Phil goes through a lot in this book; but with God working in his life, he comes to see what is important. The faith theme through this character is such a good one.

Two of his buddies, from the first book, show up for a short while to help, but this is mostly Phil’s story.

The female character is perfect to help Phil fully accept who he is, and what he needs to be whole.

The storyline is a good one with a lot of suspense, love both characters, and I really think my favorite part of the book is the faith theme. It is very well woven into the story and very powerful. 

All three of these books will be on my forever shelves, and I am hoping for more from this author. I’m also thankful that they were published so close together. It made it easier for me to follow as I have a very bad short term memory. This series is just incredibly well done.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Body of Evidence

By Irene Hannon


I liked the book pretty well. It had a good plot and great characters. Grace was good at her job and very good at bantering with her man, Nate. 
A great mystery always has a good surprise and I was fully surprised at the end at who did it. The book had some good turns. 
The romance was a little over done for me, when I read a suspense novel I am looking for mostly suspense and not too much romance. This one had more romance than I generally like in my suspense novels. 
I enjoyed reading about the pathology…best part of the book. Though, I’d never want to be one, I do like to read about what they can find in the deceased body. 
Some good qualities included in the book are great family ties and laughter among the people. 
I was disappointed that the book didn’t have much of a faith theme. I know it is hard to put it in some suspense books, but this one I felt there could have been more. The main characters prayed and went to church.
I enjoyed the book just the same. It was able to keep me wanting to go back and read it, just so I could know who did it! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Word of Honor

By Hallee Bridgeman


Terrific story! I really enjoy the characters in this book. This book can be read on its own, but you will get much more from the book if you read the previous novel.

The character cast is terrific. I enjoyed the characters from the previous book as well as the main characters in this read. They are fleshed out well, and the reader really gets to know them well. 

The suspense story is fascinating, and it keeps the reader turning the pages. There is much to determine, and the reader gets all kinds of twists and turns as they get more facts. Going undercover is a fascinating tale, and the details are wonderful.

I really enjoyed the strong faith theme in this book. That always makes a book far more worth reading. It was well done and easily woven into the storyline. I think I liked this one better than the first, which is rare.

With a wonderful suspense storyline, fascinating characters, and an incredibly well done faith theme- the reader gets a terrific journey! Highly recommended!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own,

Falling for the Cowgirl

By Jody Hedlund


This book follows in the style of the previous three books in the series. A feisty girl and a guy who can’t decide what he wants to do. If you like a romance read, this is for you. It was an easy read for me, and I’m not big on the romance. This series seems to have that more at the center than previously written books by this author. I prefer more history…just my preference.

The plot seemed a bit weak in this one, but it has some interesting intrigue moments and a bit of suspense/mystery thrown in if ( like me) you like suspense in your stories. This book is definitely driven by the characters.

Ivy feels as if she doesn’t really have a place, but she does know exactly what she wants. I grew up doing the things my brothers did so I understand that part of her character. I wasn’t a huge Jericho fan, but he figures it out, of course.

If you are a romance fan and love Cowboy stories, you will enjoy this entire series by Jody Hedlund.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Where The Blue Sky Begins

By Katie Powner


This was such a sweet, poignant read. Eric doesn’t start out being a nice guy, but his relationship Eunice helps him mature. I love how their friendship grows, and how he begins to think about love, life, and God so differently as a result of his growing friendship with Eunice.

She wants so much to forgive and leave some sort of legacy. As the book progresses, I really felt one of her greatest legacies would be in Eric.

I really enjoy reading stories with little to no romance. It many times makes for a deeper read. This one definitely had a deeper storyline and characters than many books I’ve read. She takes a relationship between two people and creates an amazing story.

I didn’t really like the discussions the girls had about Eric or when his thoughts about girls were out on paper. I realize the discussions occur and it is realistic, but I moved away from friends because of the shallow talk like that. I didn’t care for the storyline of Tiffani either, but that was really all I didn’t like about this read.

The faith lessons learned, the growth of the characters, and a story of someone brave enough to ask forgiveness for wrongs as she faces her terminal illness-it all made for a novel that I will not soon forget.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Honor Bound

By Hallee Bridgeman


I have always enjoyed the books I’ve read by this author. This one was no different. I really liked the details and thoughts that give the reader a better perspective on military life. The romance was well done in this story…not overdone. There was more to the relationship than tingles and cuteness. That’s a big positive for me as a reader.

The characters were well done. I really felt as if I knew them, especially the two main characters. The crew made it fun and witty at times, and I’m looking forward to the sequel.

The faith thread was strong and had elements in it that are so frequently missing in books- praying for one’s food, church attendance, and doing what God has in mind. I’ve read books about Christian people where prayer and church are completely absent, and that always bothers me. I really liked the faith thread.

Wonderful characters, terrific storyline, military action, and a very well done faith thread all combine to produce a very much enjoyed novel.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Worthy of Legend

By Roseanne White


This was a wonderful end to such a fun series. I really enjoyed the main characters and their slow build romance-friends to lovers. The group of friends are so fun, and these stories have been a real joy.

It had a good faith thread in it, though the “worthy” thread felt rather modern. I understand the main female character struggled with her self image due to her families terrible treatment. Watching her grow was done so well, but only Christ is worthy. The forgiveness and other faith elements were so good and strong…really liked that about this book. One particular scene between siblings was my favorite, but no spoilers. Just to say that faith in action was a deep part of the storyline.

This book had everything I look for in a good novel. Great characters, good faith thread, storyline with a mystery, and a book that moved at a very good pace. I definitely recommend the entire series.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Bride of Blackfriars Lane

By Michelle Griep


4.5 stars
Delightful and fun with so much wit…the characters are fantastic, and the story never stops. It’s such an incredibly fun novel from beginning to end.

This is the second book in a series of two, and I was thrilled when I found out a sequel to the first was releasing. Many books written in England are written about the elite and wealthy. This is a totally different kind of read, and probably far more realistic for most that lived during that time.

The characters are terrific, the mystery well written, the faith theme so very good and intrinsic to the tale, and the storyline is incredible. There is so much to like about this story.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own..


By Patricia Bradley


An incredibly fast paced suspense read. There is a lot going on in this novel-many paths to follow and many surprises.

The main characters, Madison and Clayton, are both well done. I liked both the main characters which is not always true. There are far too many surprises waiting for these two it is rather unbelievable that they are all contained in one novel. Both characters are like-able and good at their jobs.

Some inspirational elements in this book. Trust being a huge one for the female lead character as well as giving a second chance. This book really helped open my eyes to the struggles of an addict. I had never seen it so well written. I know several, and I think this fiction more than any other read presents the addiction as just a way of life. The way it is done it helped me to understand better how difficult it is to leave the addiction behind. Certain scenes in this book still come to mind as I am writing this. It was incredibly well done. The faith theme is an intricate part of the story.

The author keeps the reader on the edge of the seat for this one. There are so many twists and turns. It is a well done mystery/suspense read that just might keep the reader awake far past a persons bedtime. Well worth it, too.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Critical Alliance

By Elizabeth Goddard


This was an interesting read about cyber security, and the big “who dunnit ?” The characters were well done, I really liked the suspense in the book. All of the electronics and how they could be a bad thing was fascinating to me. The characters didn’t have extreme depth, but this story is really driven by the mystery and suspense. 

It does have romance, but it wasn’t a lot…and it wasn’t what kept me turning the pages. It seemed a bit fast, but there was some back history between the two.

It had a faith theme of forgiveness that was well done. It was about forgiving oneself and their past.

In reading mystery, I have gotten pretty good at guessing who the culprit is. Definitely NOT with this book. The ending and revelation of the “who” was a huge surprise and a fantastic well written turn of events. It was a WOW moment for sure.

Overall, it was a good read. I haven’t read the previous in the series, and it held up fine on its own.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Elysium Tide

By James Hannibal


I so enjoy this author’s books. 

A terrific suspense storyline with his signature fantastic characters! Hannibal is so incredibly good at writing interesting characters and putting them together to make a thoroughly well written suspense read.

This story has more facets than most of his. This book is quite a bit different than his last read. The faith theme is done well and so different than most authors. I think that is true for most of his stories. I really enjoy different so I don’t plan on missing any of his reads.

The author managed to give me two big surprises that I didn’t see coming. The twists and turns are so well done. I like the pace of this read. Its suspense is incredibly well written, but it doesn’t seem too fast paced which many fictional suspense stories are.just too fast for me.

If you enjoyed this read, I highly recommend The Paris Betrayal which is an amazing read. If you like Natalie Walters, then try this authors books. James Hannibal does not disappoint. It’s a strictly suspense not romantic suspense story which I totally love. This book has faith, suspense, story, and wonderful characters—everything I love in a story. So…do not miss it!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Where the Road Bends

Rachel Fordham


Another sweet story from Rachel Fordham. It has an early twist so that it does not end up like one thinks at the beginning. After a few chapters it is pretty predictable, but a sweet storyline none-the-less.

I loved the characters in this story, and they are what endeared the book to me. Flawed characters that really touch the heart..both main and secondary characters are wonderful.

I do think in the last year or so that I have read so many stories of woman abused by men. I have to admit that story line is getting a bit old and redundant. At least in this story it isn’t steeped in that for which I am thankful.

There is an orphan boy in this one, and I love reading books with children as main characters. Something about the dynamic of having a child who needs love that adds much to a story. 

It is a sweet, simple story that touches the heart. I have enjoyed all the books I have read by this author. I have one I have not read, and I hope to rectify that soon.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


Susan May Warren


I enjoyed this read. It has been sometime since I had read this author, but I enjoy suspense so I decided to give this book a read. I enjoyed the storyline, but would have liked more suspense and less romance— just my personal preference when it comes to books.

I am thinking I might have missed a bit by not reading the first in this series, but I’m not sure on that so that makes me say that really this book stands well on its own.

If you like to travel in your reads, I would recommend this one. You get a touch of another culture and experience “traveling” from the comfort of wherever you are reading. I really enjoyed that about this book. I liked the characters, but neither one of them were good at communicating well to the other, The two main characters seem to dance around their words and feelings through most of the book. They desperately needed to just open up and talk to each other. I’m the opposite of that, and I was bluntly honest when I fell in love with my hubby. I kind of underStand after reading the book, why the guy was hesitant. The girl really needed to just spit out what was on her mind…again…just my opinion.

I liked the faith theme in this book as well…always something I want in my books.
I rarely read any contemporary romance. This author wrote it well enough for me to want to find out what happens, and I finished the book enjoying the story. That’s a win for the author. If you like contemporary romance with some action, this book is for you.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

When the Meadow Blooms

By Ann H. Gabhart


Such a sweet story. This story was a good one for me. I’m bedridden much of the time, and my daughter has done so much of the work. I have had a difficult time with that so I really relate to Rose. It is hard to rest while one’s daughter is working, yet it must be done. I loved the attitude of the girls as they worked. My daughter handles the responsibility so incredibly well. I could so relate to that part of this lovely story.

This was a great read to come after a mafia story! I grew up in the city and now live in the country. I can totally relate to wanting to live or just visit a beautiful meadow. The girls are so sweet, and even as a reader I wanted to give them a hug.

Such a terrific faith theme woven in this book…hope, faith and forgiveness. Friendship and family, good times and tough times, all the things that make up our journey of life are in this story. It’s a sweet , heartfelt story…probably a new favorite from this author. 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Shadowed Loyalty

By Roseanna M. White


One thing I really did like about this book was that it was quite different from most books in this genre. This is the first historical I’ve read about the mafia. Some of the history and the beginnings of the mafia was quite fascinating.

I really couldn’t connect with the characters in this book, but I think that would be normal. I grew up in a very sheltered environment. These children did too, in a way, but the knew there was definitely something different about their families.

I liked Lorenzo , though I found his conduct hard to understand at times. The rosary bead mentions were a bit much for me, but I know that was holding to their history as well.

The storyline was well done and definitely keeps the readers turning the pages. It had a strong faith theme of forgiveness and hope, and though different-family was incredibly important. It was paced very well and will keep the readers attention to the very end.

One thing I really did like about this book was that it was quite different from most books in this genre. This is the first historical I’ve read about the mafia. Some of the history and the beginnings of the mafia was quite fascinating.

I really couldn’t connect with the characters in this book, but I think that would be normal. I grew up in a very sheltered environment. These children did too, in a way, but the knew there was definitely something different about their families.

I liked Lorenzo , though I found his conduct hard to understand at times. The rosary bead mentions were a bit much for me, but I know that was holding to their history as well.

The storyline was well done and definitely keeps the readers turning the pages. It had a strong faith theme of forgiveness and hope, and though different-family was incredibly important. It was paced very well and will keep the readers attention to the very end.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

To Tame a Cowboy

By Jody Hedlund


The characters are vivid and well done in this third book of the Colorado Cowboys. This author always does such a great job of making her characters come alive. Even the secondary characters become interesting for the reader.

The setting is a beautiful one. I’ve never been to Colorado, and this book may be the closest I get. 

I read historical fiction for the history. I love to learn as I read fiction. This book, to me, seemed much more about romance and the attraction between the main characters than it did about anything else. Since I’m not a reader of just romance novels that was not a bonus for me,

If you like historical fiction with swooning romance then this is definitely a book for you.

There is a faith theme present in this read which is what gave its value to me. Christian fiction should have something of Christian in its pages. It isn’t a large one, but it is present and well woven into the story.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Written on the Wind

by Elizabeth Camden


This was a wonderful read with the backdrop of the Trans-Siberian Railway. I have always been fascinated by Russian history so I was looking forward to this read. It did not disappoint.

For me,the characters are what made the story. The author did such a good job of bringing them to life and making them real. Both of the main characters are fantastic. They are not copycats, and they cause this story to be different from so many other historical fiction books. I can’t say more or I take the chance of spoilers.

The storyline is a good one with a Russian viewpoint, American viewpoint, and a good faith theme. This authors books are always interesting. This one is definitely my favorite in the series so far…I’m looking forward to book three! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Master Craftsman

By Kelli Stuart


This book starts with some Russian history and a treasure hunt. That alone intrigued me. It was a split story line. The historical one was interesting, and the present day one was fast paced. If a deep storyline isn’t for you the treasure hunt may keep you engaged. I enjoy history so the historical Russian history was fascinating. 

The biggest problem the story had was the language and the lack of any faith theme. I expect a faith them from this Christian publisher, yet there was none. At one time, I would have been shocked at language in a book like this. Unfortunately, it isn’t as rare as it use to be. I did read a quote for the author that the book wasn’t a Christian one…which made me wonder why it was published by Revell.

If you are not bothered by the above, then you may find this read interesting and fitting for you. I honestly cannot think of an author I read to compare her writing style. Many reviewers do that, but I’m unable to come up with one for this particular book. Perhaps because it is the only one I’ve read by this author. I thought the storyline was well done as was the twist and turns in the book…especially a huge twist close to the end of the story. I didn’t connect with any of the characters, but this book was far more about story than people.

If the language or lack of faith theme doesn’t bother you, and you enjoy a fast paced mystery then this book might be for you. It just was not my type of read. There are plenty other reviewers who disagree.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Spark of Love

By Amanda Cabot


This was an enjoyable book. I have enjoyed each book in this series. The characters are really enjoyable. The reader knows that secrets will come out eventually so it makes it interesting to find out how and what is going to ensue afterwards.

Then the book is full of suspense/mystery of things the reader doesn’t know. This kept me reading for a long while and finishing quickly. However,the town of Mesquite Springs and its interesting cast of characters is what really keeps the book moving…and intriguing. I really enjoy the relationships here…father and daughter, lovers, and all the interesting relationships that make up life.

The faith theme is good, and is a natural part of the story. It is well done.

I really enjoyed this book. I think the growing relationship between father and daughter is what really touched me. It was sweet. I’m close to my own daddy so this part of the story was what really kept me from wanting to put the book down. I enjoyed this series and recommend all three.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Lady of Galway Manor

By Jennifer Deibel


I enjoyed this book very much. The characters were enjoyable. I especially liked the change of the heroine’s thoughts of who the Irish were…and then who she really found them to be. Much of the story deals with reality verses what people having heard about other people.

The author mentions having lived in Galway. That comes through the book in so many ways. You feel as if you are walking the streets there as you read the book. Many places are mentioned, but they aren’t mentioned as if they are at a distance or out of the ordinary. We see it as an Irish individual who feels so at home with the culture and food when seeing it through Stephen’s eyes. It’s written as though going for lunch for fish and chips is perfectly normal. I loved that. I also like the pronunciation and unique words that make it feel like one has traveled there.

I enjoyed the faith theme that was well done. The plot itself is quite predictable, but the characters kept me engaged in the story. I loved the history in the book as well. Another lovely story from this author.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

To Disguise the Truth

By Jen Turano


An absolutely witty, amusing, and fantastic read from this author. I have read them all, and this is definitely one of my favorites. There are a lot of characters…so many fun ones- from Eunice (who has so many names) to Arthur to Ivan to Aunt Hazel. There is lots of entertainment and intrigue to be had with this cast. 

The plot was fascinating, the mystery was terrific, and the themes of love and forgiveness were very strong. I really enjoy this author’s books as she always gives a lot of humor. Her books are an amusing and lively escape. This one is no exception.

So, jump at the chance to read any of hers, but this truly is one of her best!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Ever Constant

By Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse


The final story in the Treasures of Nome series is fantastic! I really enjoyed all the characters in this series. In the final book Whitney feels alone, confused…and tries to be strong. Being the oldest in the family, I do understand that part of her personality.

The story is incredibly well done. Life’s struggles are there, but God is always there as well. This story has a sweet love story; wonderful, vivid characters: and a deep faith theme that is so intrinsic to the story and magnificently done.

The final story in the Treasures of Nome series is fantastic! I really enjoyed all the characters in this series. In the final book Whitney feels alone, confused…and tries to be strong. Being the oldest in the family, I do understand that part of her personality.

The story is incredibly well done. Life’s struggles are there, but God is always there as well. This story has a sweet love story; wonderful, vivid characters: and a deep faith theme that is so intrinsic to the story and magnificently done.

I really enjoyed each of these novels, and I’m rather sad to see their tale come to an end. Go got your copy of the series-wonderful reads!

I really enjoyed each of these novels, and I’m rather sad to see their tale come to an end. Go got your copy of the series-wonderful reads!

A Heart Adrift

By Laura Frantz


I always look forward to a novel by Laura Frantz. She puts forth beautiful novels with exquisite prose that sings like poetry. This tale didn’t disappoint, and it is definitely among my top favorites of hers.

I love the characters! I really connect with Esmee. I love simple things, simple dress, nature, and it’s beauty. The hero is typical of this author-a wonderful one. I truly enjoyed the faith theme and how the characters use the scriptures to bring them direction and comfort. The main cast is surrounded by a terrific secondary set of characters that I loved.

The scene and all that it entails is fabulous. This story appeals to all ones senses, and the reader truly feels as if they have been to Colonial Virginia.

From the front cover to the last word, this book is beautiful, marvelously beautiful. The scenes and characters so real that the reader is not reading a story, the reader is IN the story, a part of the story. One wants to shed tears with them and cheer with them. The storyline is intriguing and engaging. The faith theme is heartfelt and incredibly well done. It has all the great elements for a marvelous novel. Do not miss this five star read!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Life Flight

Lynette Eason


This book grabs the readers attention from the very first line, and you are pulled into the story and cannot let go! The storyline is very engaging with twists and turns to keep one guessing. The faith theme is easily woven into the storyline and very well done. The romance is there, but it doesn’t overtake the book ( which is what I really like.)

The characters are very interesting and well done. I enjoyed the main characters as well as the secondary. It was a great start to a series.

I really enjoyed this novel. It was so intriguing right to the very end, and I lost some sleep in getting to the end as the author does a fabulous job of keeping the pace and the suspense at the right level throughout the book. I thoroughly enjoyed this suspense read…and recommend it! I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Finder of Forgotten Things By

Sarah Loudin Thomas


This book is one I enjoyed mostly because it wasn’t entirely predictable and the plot was so different.Many books after the first chapter, the reader pretty much knows how it will end -just not exactly how the story will get there. This story is refreshingly different yet melancholy. 

The main characters are all over middle aged, thus their view on life is different. The love story is sweet and tender, the relationships are deeper, and the characters themselves are more complex. With the backdrop of the story being a sad historical event of which I knew nothing, the author does a good job of keeping the readers interest and keeping hope in the story.

I did not feel the faith theme was as well presented as it could have been, but there was faith, hope and forgiveness in the story. There is also an adoption story…though minor, adoption has my heart!

I enjoyed the story because it was original, different, and the author did a great job of keeping the book full of hope despite the devastation in which they are surrounded.
I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Proposing Mischief

Regina Jennings


This book was really good. The story right off the bat intrigued me. It started with such great scenes I stayed with the book longer than usual. I never wanted to put the book down.

The history of the caves and the way the people made them was a great thing for me to read. I had never learned about the caves, even some of the names used were real people. The author did a great job writing the scenes of the spectacularity of the caves. It made me feel as if I was right there.

The romance started just right for me. I love stories of marriage of convenience. Then they begin to fall in love. It was such a sweet love story. My favorite parts of the bonding was Maisies and Boones wrestling.

It did have a good faith theme. It did not have as strong as I thought possible, but it still mentioned the wonder of Gods creation many times. The book was so wonderfully written that the emotions had many rides while reading. I laughed at the really funny parts , and I wanted to cry when Maisie was having a bad day. When they finally hugged each other was special.
It was a beautifully, tenderly written story! It gets 4.5 stars from me.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Lights Out

Natalie Walters


This was a terrific international spy type story. I love the characters, and I always enjoy when the team is kind of like a family. The witty banter and fun scenes always pull me in as a reader. Each character has their strange and fun quirks giving the book a bit of levity during the intense suspense.

This had a nice faith theme as well. It worked well in the story and was a natural part of the novel. If you like romantic suspense, then this book gives that to you plenty to make you happy. I kinda felt like a bit of the romance took away from the pace of the suspense. Some of the scenes were meant to portray the importance of balance and trusting that God ultimately was in control. I really liked that about this read. That is a rare thing to find in a suspense read.

I really enjoyed this novel. It was my first by this author…I plan on getting my hands on more!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

As Dawn Breaks

By Kate Breslin


I so enjoyed this story as I have enjoyed every Kate Breslin novel. Her history is always amazing, and I love how much I learn when reading her novels. A WWI setting is not that common…then put it in Scotland, and the reader has a unique historical perspective of the ways and means they used to help win the war. 

The characters are wonderfully done, all of them. I enjoyed the main characters, but the secondary characters are so interwoven with the story. The reader feels the familial bonds, the grief of those bonds broken, and the struggling of those trying to hold on to those bonds of relationship during such unsettling times. The romance story is realistic, engaging, and slowly grows ( each looking for certain character traits in the other). It isn’t overdone either. The book strikes a very good balance.

It’s a wonderful storyline with suspense and intrigue. The characters are so realistic, and their struggles definitely relatable. The faith theme is an intrinsic part of the story as they pray to the One who controls it all even though it seems nothing is in control. The amount of history contained is wonderful, interesting, and definitely makes the reader feel as if much thought and research went into the novel. Thoroughly enjoyed, highly recommend.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Lost in Darkness

By Michelle Griep


I have given very few five stars this year. I guess I am being stingy. My daughter told me that as much as I had discussed this book, its characters, and it’s depth that I should give it five…so I did. It has a fascinating plot and storyline, many interesting historical facts, intriguing characters, and such a wonderful faith theme!! These are what I love best in a well told story. This has a good and well written romance story as well, though that is not necessary for me to fall in love with a novel. 

I find it very interesting because this is really like no other book I have ever read. It was not at all predictable either which is SO nice. So many of the Inspirational fiction I have read lately has been shallow. Griep keeps to her style in writing a story that has depth and intrigue.

I thoroughly enjoyed the historical details given after the novel as well. I finished this book within 24 hours, and I have an extra copy of this one. I can highly recommend this read so I am looking forward to passing on to a friend.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher as well as purchased a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.


Patricia Bradley


Really enjoyed this novel. It was one of those that I had a hard time putting down. The characters were well done. In this series, the females were the main characters. There was good secondary characters in this one as well. The fact that the characters knew each other previously was something I really liked. It gave their relationship more depth than what usually occurs in a book.

The plot is interesting…and has several side trails throughout the storyline. The mystery holds some surprises even for the best reader sleuths. It also gives the viewpoint of one off the bad guys which makes the story intriguing.

There is a faith theme in the book, but not an overt one. That’s what I prefer in a book, but this was an incredibly fast paced book so the author did a good job with the faith theme as the book flies.

I somehow missed the middle book in this series, but each book stands well on its own. I hope to get the middle book as well.

Nicely paced, fast moving thrill ride with a back drop of faith and wonderful characters.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Heart of a Cowboy

Jody Hedlund


This is the second book in this series, Colorado Cowboys. It states it is Historical Fiction, but it really is far more a romance story

I liked the main characters in the story. I didn’t particularly care for their love story. There was a lot of physical attraction mentioned, and they kiss several times then decide to make nothing of it. I found that a bit strange for this historical time. Nowadays, that’s certainly a far more commonplace idea and happening. In the past, though, a kiss really meant something.

It was interesting to read how far they drove the cattle, the dangers along the way, what they did when water was scarce, and how they overcame other obstacles as they made their way on the Santa Fe Trail.

I also enjoyed the family dynamics in the story. They are interesting, really, for both the female and male heroine. There is more complexity in the hero’s story and family. I enjoyed getting to know Wyatt’s ( hero from the previous book) family in this book.

More history and deeper character development than romance is my “cup of tea”, but this book is a favorite among fans. For Jody Hedlund fans, her writing is vivid and detailed as always…and a bit of mystery to the story as well. So if you are interested in taking a historical trip on the Santa Fe trail, grab a copy.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

A View Most Glorious

Regina Scott


This was a fun, quick read. I really liked the main characters, and there are some wonderful secondary characters as well. They really come to life in the book. 

Lately I have really enjoyed the books that allow me to travel. The author does a great job with the setting and the history in the book.

The faith theme is a good one as well. It is quite strong in this book, and it is natural to the storyline. The book is a bit predictable, but I enjoyed the journey and seeing how things turned out for the characters.

An armchair travel book with wonderful, vivid characters; interesting and intriguing storyline, and an intrinsic faith theme is all wrapped up in a very enjoyable novel.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

A Deep Divide

Kimberley Woodhouse


I hadn’t heard anything about Harvey Girls until reading this book. The history of the restaurant chain was fascinating. I also enjoyed the historical characters added into the story. The author really did a great job of making the reader want to visit the restaurant and the Grand Canyon.

I enjoyed the characters in this book. The characters, plot, and storyline were very well done. The suspense keeps the reader turning the pages. The faith theme is a good one, and this read gets a higher rating because of it. The theme of over coming ones fears, and the scripture verses that are in the book do such a marvelous job of showing why we need not fear. The faith theme is an intricate part of the story, and it is so well done.

So take a trip to the Grand Canyon, learn some great history, and read about God’s Grace and love in this beautifully written story.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Carved in Stone

Elizabeth Camden


Carved in Stone by Camden is in an interesting time in history. I have watched documentaries on the Rockefeller and Carnegie dynasties so I’m familiar with steel and this time period. I enjoyed the history, plot. And characters. It was predictable but interesting enough to keep me in the book.

I felt more connected to the main female character, but I found myself wishing to know a bit more about her younger years. I liked the main male character, but I didn’t really like all of the rosary mentions that came up in regards to his character. I realize that some of it made it historical as Irish immigrants were Catholic, but it seemed odd in a Christian fiction book.

The history and its background was what really held my attention throughout this book. It was very well done.

I received this book from the publisher.All opinions are my own. 

The Secret Keepers of Old Depot Grocery

By Amanda Cox


I thoroughly enjoyed this read! It’s what I call “Women’s Fiction.” Three generations of mothers and their struggles and triumphs. Life…that’s the best way I can think to describe this wonderful read. Far too many secrets among family and how they play out in each of their lives. It is so realistic, heart wrenching, and heartwarming. Lynn Austin is one of my favorite authors, and it felt a bit like reading one of her stories.

Love, marriage, birth, rearing children…all those things that are so important in life and in a women’s life are so well put on paper. People’s perspectives, motives, and choices- how they affect what kind of life we lead…and how people can be so very wrong in their perspective of someone else, even their own mothers. It’s quite a powerful story, really, yet so simply told. Beautifully told.

I was thrilled with the characters, loved the split time,setting, and storyline. The Vietnam era isn’t a common one, though I have noticed more authors using it. I so enjoyed the story and writing that I hope to get this author’s first book as well. I believe I have found a new author to follow. If you love family fiction or women’s fiction, you really don’t want to miss this novel. It is definitely going on my forever shelves. This would make a great book club read….and a great re-read as well. Go get it.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Hostile Intent

by Lynette Eason


WOW! This book I didn’t put down, and I finished it in a day. The suspense is well done. It builds and crescendos at just the right times. The romance was well done also as it isn’t a rush to love as many suspense stories are. This has a reunion of high schoolers in the mix.

The storyline is intriguing, the cast of characters engaging, and a revengeful bad guy that has an unreal plan he hopes to execute. 

I did figure a few things out before they were revealed, but that didn’t make the story any less spell binding. Putting this book down just for a few hours was difficult. The reader is drawn in from the beginning. Russia and its history have always been fascinating to me so I’m sure that played a part.

The group of characters are terrific. There isn’t as much fleshing out of characters on a fast paced read, but the author does a great job of doing it well so that the reader feels connected to the main characters. Having a small cast of characters plays well, in my opinion, in these types of reads. I was glad that I didn’t have to keep up with too many. I read the first in this series, but I need to get the second and third. This book stands on its own,though.

A terrific suspense read that I simply had to lose sleep to find out the answers. Don’t miss it.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

To Write a Wrong

By Jen Turano


This was a slow starter for me, but that could have just been me. I was reading to get my mind of a ferocious headache which Daphne, the main character here probably would have said was a ridiculous idea. However, no one makes me laugh more than Jen Turano when it comes to books. I did eventually get into it, and I enjoyed her story.She has been my favorite character in this group. 

Her outlandish wardrobe and growing vocabulary were marvelous and so enjoyably funny. Her hero was wonderful and perfect for her. I can’t say he was one of my favorite people, but he definitely did well in handling Daphne.

All in all, it was another fun story from Jen Turano. You can count on out loud laughter when reading her novels. They are so fun.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Chase

By Lisa Harris


I really enjoyed this book. The characters were very well done, the storyline engaging, the setting was great, and the faith theme was very well intricately woven as a natural part of the storyline. I really like friends to lover stories as they seem so much more natural.

The pace was good and well laid out. I had not read the previous book, but I hope to do so. I was able to read this one just fine as a stand alone novel. I really enjoy this authors books! There is a lot of action and fast paced scenes. If you enjoy suspense or mystery that are clean reads, you definitely do not want to miss this one.

A Lady in Attendance

By Rachel Fordham


This is my first book by this author. I have wanted to read previous ones just have a TBR that feels like it’s never ending so I hadn’t read one yet. I’m hoping to get her previous ones as I enjoyed this book. I had no idea what “lady in attendance “ meant, but I was quite surprised that was her title. 

I really liked the characters in this book. Gilbert’s shy behavior was something to which I could definitely relate. His career was an interesting one, and I loved reading the author notes as to why she chose his profession.

The main characters were wonderful, the storyline turned out to have several surprises and much suspense. It’s difficult not to give anything away here, but I’ll just say that I was definitely surprised at the turn the book took. It held my attention, and I ended up staying up well into the morning hours to find out what happened.

The faith theme was incredibly strong, and it , in itself, brought about much change. It was incredibly well done.

I thoroughly enjoyed this author’s writing style and do hope to read more of her books soon. Definitely do not miss this story! It was such a sweet story with much to enjoy.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Along a Storied Trail

By Ann Gabhart


This was a lovely story and so well written. I really liked Tansy and her love for books. I had heard about the people who delivered books during the Great Depression, but this story really brought that to life. I didn’t realize that they used materials to make books or that they delivered so many magazines.

I really enjoyed the characters in this book that bring the storyline to life. It had wonderful dialogue between the characters. The story seemed so realistic and true to its time period. There was quite a varied group of characters in the book all adding to a well written story.

I loved the faith theme in the book as well. It was intrinsic to the story and well written. Forgiveness, love, hope, and thankfulness were all woven so well into the plot. The dialogue of spiritual things was intriguing and added much to the novel.

A beautiful cast of characters, wonderful scene and era brought to life, and a realistic and interesting faith theme all made for a novel that I thoroughly enjoyed. This book will make it to my forever shelves-beautifully done!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Cold Case Trail

By Sharee Stover


This was a terrific read! As always, this author engages the reader in the plot of the story and the wonderful characters. This story has a bonus in the side kick being a dog. 

I learned many things I did not know about K 9 units that was quite fascinating. I will not share that here…read the book! I read it in one sitting. It is one of those books that the pace keeps moving and I just did not want to put it down. 

The plot was a good one, the characters wonderful ( my favorite obviously being the dog), and the mystery/suspense was intriguing. Another terrific story from this author! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Power Play

By Rachel Dylan


This is the final book in the Capital Intrigue series. I enjoyed this book. The reader follows a main character and a secondary character. I enjoyed both stories. The characters in this series were really good. This was a good conclusion to the group of friends and their different jobs.

The plot and storyline were definitely engaging, the characters were great, and the action in the story really keeps the reader engaged. 

I also enjoyed the faith theme that was done so well in the story. It was an intricate part of the story well woven into the plot. Rachel Dylan has become a must read author for me in the mystery/suspense category. 

This series was incredibly well written so do yourself a favor and get your hands on all three! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own. 

The Nature of a Lady

By Roseanna M. White


This was a terrific mystery story with an engaging plot and lovable and despicable characters. It had all the right elements to make an enjoyable story.

I loved the mystery part of the story, and it was a pleasant surprise as this author is not known for mystery necessarily. It was very well done. I love the history in the book, and the setting is beautiful and so interesting with all the islands.

With such a wonderful plot and storyline, such creative characters, and a well done inspirational thread, the reader is kept engaged in the story and quickly turning the pages.
My favorite part is the spiritual mystery that unfolded in Libby. That story is beautifully and masterfully told.

I,too, was fascinated by the author notes. There she tells such an interesting story of how this story came to be. Do not miss reading those! I was so surprised at how the first part of this story was birthed.

Another wonderful novel from this author that will be on my forever shelves.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Paris Betrayal

By James R. Hannibal


The fantastic plot, wonderful characters, and well – paced story make for a read that is hard to put down! 

I enjoyed the banter between characters and the characters themselves. This author always has fascinating characters in his stories. This book is no different. It doesn’t lay them out quite the same as previous stories, but the plot doesn’t make that possible. It’s pretty much about one guy.

My daughter and I are currently studying Job so it was easy to see the allegorical details in relation to the book of Job.

The plot of the story is fascinating…never read a story quite like it. I had originally given it four stars, but the moral that is taught here kept coming to mind as did several of the predicaments in which Ben found himself . If a book is closed, yet it still remains with me, then I can’t help but rate it well. This book did that for me. Highly enjoyable, some surprises, and great dialogue makes this book a winner. Do not miss it…or the other books by this author!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Dark of Night

By Carrie Cotten


Fantastic thrilling read from start to finish. It is always hard for me to jump into a book that isn’t totally reality. Two authors make it a bit easier, and this author is definitely one of them. I stay hooked for two reasons.

First, I want to follow the characters. They are incredibly well done and have shortcomings like us all. They grow through the circumstances in the book just as they do in our own lives. It isn’t all sunshine and roses, but God is there with us through those trials.

Second, I love the faith theme in this novel it is absolutely fantastic. Dealing with anger and learning to trust and obey God are things in which every Christian can improve. One can feel these emotions as the writer portrays them so well! A big bonus in putting in scripture. All of this is so well done and the faith theme is seamlessly woven in the story.

So now we fans eagerly wait the next book….and try to wait patiently…maybe this book should have dealt with that virtue!

PS. Just do yourself a favor and go to Amazon and get this book. This books imagery created a movie in my mind. It’s really powerful in so many ways.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Hope Between the Pages

By Pepper Basham


This is a beautifully written time slip novel. I really enjoyed this novel, and this particular time-slip novel holds a unique distinction in all that I’ve read. I can’t pick a favorite. I enjoyed the historical and the contemporary stories. In all the others that come to mind, I can easily tell you that the historical held the largest part of my heart. Both of these stories, however, are so fascinating in story and sweet In characters. How can I possibly pick a favorite?

I love the interaction in the historical story between the two main characters. The fact that they fall in love through books is fascinating. It is so well done! The backdrop is wonderful and the characters engaging.

In the present day story Max draws me. He has scars that he thinks will prevent anyone from seeing HIM. With his sweet character and thoughtfulness, he definitely underestimated himself. I’m in a wheelchair, and I thought the same. Then I met a man who saw me…and no friend of my hubby’s knows until they meet me that I’m handicapped. I’ll never forget my trip to get a wig before a brain surgery. The lady who runs the place looked at me ( while he was perusing the tables of hair) and said, “ He married you like THAT?” Yes…yes, he did. This is why I felt so pulled towards Max and his story. I understand the thought that what can be seen will override anything else. So many times in this world of beauties…that is true. The treasure is finding someone who values you…the real you.

This was such a well done, beautiful written story ( both of them)…so many characters that I loved…and the story itself is enough to keep the reader turning the pages. Add the wonderful fairy tales with the well written lovely characters, and you have a book that made my forever shelves…and is highly likely to be read more than once. This is at least my second favorite book by this author. Vying for Position is August and Jessica in The Thorn Keeper…a read that I still easily remember. Hope Between the Pages will be the same. Do not miss this beautiful story where the authors heart is between the pages as well.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Dreams Rekindled

By Amanda Cabot


Such a wonderful historical novel. I really enjoy Amanda Cabot’s historicals. This series has a great set of characters. I really like the main characters and the secondary characters in this story.

It’s a lovely historically complete with a mystery! I really like that added element to the story. The characters themselves kept me vested in the story, but the storyline itself is a strong one. I love the character growth that takes place in this novel. Several of the characters have growing to do, and I love how the author uses the circumstances to bring about the growth. 

I connected very well with Dorothy. I never intended to marry. I thought that was God’s will for my life for several reasons, but God brought someone into my life that made it evident I had been wrong. Sometimes we have ideas of what our life should be, but choosing the path God wants is always the best choice.

I really enjoyed the storyline and the characters, but this novel got a full four stars because of the lovely faith theme that permeated this book. It was a beautiful faith theme and a strong one. Don’t miss out on this series. I’m loving it! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Unknown Threat

By Lynn H. Blackburn


This was a terrific suspense read! The storyline itself is an adrenaline rush. It never slows down and has action from start to finish. The scenes of suspense keep the reader on the edge of his seat for the entire journey of the novel. In most suspense reads the storyline is the main thing that keeps the reader engaged.

In this book, I really enjoyed the characters as well. They are created so well, and they each have their quirks that make them endearing to the reader. The romance is minimal and fairly well done.I prefer little romance in my suspense reads. The characters feel like real people and their development is terrific. I enjoyed the secondary characters as well.

The faith theme is evident in this novel and well done. This is always important in a Christian Fiction book in my opinion.

A wonderful suspense novel that is not at all realistic, but much suspense and well done characters.

This book was given to me by the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Yours, Till Heaven

Ray Rhodes Jr.

I fly through fiction, but I like to savor non fiction. I spent far more time on this book than most. What I loved most is how they chose to labor together for Christ…each giving everything of themselves.

I enjoyed seeing the quotes from one spouse to another all combined into one book. If you are a voracious reader of Spurgeon then some of this may not be new. However, having two sides of a love story told in their own words is precious. A combination of letters, books, and friends quotes combine to give a good example of what a Godly marriage should be. Neither Charles nor Susie were perfect, and they both try to name and overcome their weaknesses together. They both suffered through health issues, but they encouraged each other as they walked this journey with the Lord. Their time apart was difficult, yet it strengthened them both. I really enjoyed the realistic approach of this book.

I would really recommend this book as a wedding gift, anniversary gift, or a gift for someone who enjoys Spurgeon. 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Network of Deceit

Tom Threadgill

Another terrific suspense novel from Tom Threadgill. I really enjoyed the first in this series…the second was not a letdown. This is definitely an author I want to follow. Pretty much everything comes to a nice close with plenty of surprises for a mystery lover like myself.

The characters are interesting, and I really enjoyed them and their quirks. Many times in a suspense read it’s just the story that keeps the reader turning the pages. Not true with this author. Both the intriguing characters and the suspense kept me in the book. Lots of twists and turns keep coming in this one.

My only complaint is that I’d like to see a stronger faith theme. Other than that, this is a story with wonderful build, terrific storyline, interesting characters, and I really loved the last sentence! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Prince of Spies

Elizabeth Camden

Truly…WOW! I don’t think I can do this book justice in a review. The love story is a beautiful one…I love the time they spent together, the qualities they like in each other, and the growth of both of the main characters.

This book also contains fascinating history of Washington D.C. Everything from the historic building and construction to the historical ways of testing food preservatives on humans. I really enjoyed learning about that as well.

With an intriguing and beautiful love story, fascinating history, and well done characters this book was a read that stole my sleep. I read it within 24 hours though I wished I could slow down and savor..I could not. This book definitely makes its way to my forever shelves and a book I will enjoy reading again. This entire trilogy is one of my favorite trilogies of all time. 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

A Dance in Donegal

Jennifer Deibel

“In Him, there was never a promise of no grief on this side of heaven, but there was always the promise of joy. And she would await that day with a hopeful heart.”

It’s a beautiful story and a beautiful setting.

I really enjoyed the characters and the setting, but the faith, hope, and Biblical verses spoken at just the right time combined to be my favorite part of the novel. It’s wonderful to watch characters grow and to see a younger woman taking advice and help from an older wiser one. Moira and Sean both grow spiritually throughout the book which is a wonderful part of the story.

This novel has some real life situations in it ( nothing is graphic, but it does contain adult elements), and it isn’t all predictable either which I like in a novel. This was an easy read for me, but an enjoyable one. I will definitely be keeping my eye out for more books from this debut author.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Shadows of the White City

Jocelyn Green


Such a terrific story wound through all the exciting and educational exhibits that could be seen at the Chicago World’s Fair. It’s wonderful to revisit the characters in the first book of the series Veiled in Smoke.

There were several things that I really liked about this book. One being that the main character is older and single. That’s rather rare to read, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading about a women that was close to my own age. It helps to relate to her much better. I also have an adopted daughter. She was adopted at four so we have had some difficulties faced that this book brings to light. Sylvie has a lot to learn about control, and through that the author brings a great faith theme that is so well woven into the story.

The book takes you on a trip to many fascinating exhibits at the Chicago fair. The history is fascinating, and I learned so much about all the amazing things one could see there. It must have been quite an experience!

It’s a wonderful mystery and a beautiful story of relationships, life, and faith. With the tale all interwoven with real historical characters and real exhibits in the Chicago World’s fair. Definitely recommend. This one will be going on my forever shelves. Another terrific read brought to readers by Jocelyn Green.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Endless Mercy

Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse


Oh how I enjoyed this well told story. I love stories that involve close family members, and that is so much what the reader gets in this series. They live together, work together, and help each other both physically and spiritually.

I love the characters in this story. Madyson and Daniel are both great as main characters, and who cannot help but like Granny! She adds so much to the story. The family unit as secondary characters really help round out the story so well. The book does have a difficult scene with an attack. It is not at all graphic, but it does affect, in my opinion, what ages should read it. It contains some adult themes in it. It was handled well by the authors, and it didn’t hurt my view of the story. It’s not the focus at all. I love how the family helps each other through the difficult times , sometimes with unwanted advice. However, it is given with love.

This book has a good strong faith theme that is an intricate part and well woven. It seems so needful for the story itself. Redemption, grace, mercy, and forgiveness are all a beautiful part of this story.

With a wonderful setting, lovable and relatable characters, and powerful faith theme, it was a terrific story. I’m so eagerly awaiting the next book! 
I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Dreams of Savannah

Roseanna White


Dreams of Savannah had a good message in the book, and I enjoy watching characters grow throughout a book-especially as they come of age. The main characters need to grow in this book so that was nice to see. I also liked the morals portrayed in this book…the fact that we are all people that have a story, all equal in wanting freedom to pursue love and dreams.

The leering and untrustworthy men that are in the story…and their stories made for a difficult book to read. It makes it hard to dwell on the book once it is finished. Will the meaning of the message of the book and what the main characters learned throughout the book outweigh the constant difficult subject of untrustworthy, unfaithful men harassing women? I’m honestly not sure. I do know that occurred, but it felt as if that outweighed the love in the story. I’m hoping as I process this book that the good will outweigh the bad…and that perhaps I can put it on my forever shelves to reread or loan.

I did like the way the difficulties were fleshed out as to Confederate verses Union. Not everyone fought for the same purpose. That was a portrait that was well painted in this book. I enjoyed the secondary characters, and I found their stories just as interesting. The plot was well done, and the story very well written and researched.

The faith theme is very strong in this book, and it is probably what I liked most about the book-scriptures quoted, scriptures that affected the characters actions and heart, and scripture that had an effectual change.
The Civil War is something I’ve always seen both sides. My parents are Yankees, and from a place with very strong Union ties. I grew up in a place that has Southern ties and sympathies. The author handled the difficulties of the Civil War very well…I’m still thinking through somethings in the story. Though the back states it’s a “glowing love story” …it is really much more than that…and much that has nothing to do with love at all. It gives the reader much to ponder, but a couple subjects are things that are difficult to ponder. It is not at all graphic, but it is definitely a book with adult themes.

This author produces thought inspiring books. This one is no different.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

All Through the Night

By Tara Johnson


This was such a fantastic story! I completely fell in love with Cadence! The story is so well done, the characters are wonderful. They main ones are so easy to like, and I really connected with the cast here. The scenes can be felt, and I love the historical research that was put into the book.

The storyline and plot are thoroughly engaging. Some books written during the Civil War are so incredibly difficult. I felt this one was incredibly well done. The faith and hope message is so strong in this book, and it is intricately woven well into the story.

I read this book at the end of 2020, and it is definitely one of the best of the year. Putting into words the story and message of this book isn’t possible. I highly recommend reading it for yourself.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Untraceable Evidence

By Sharee Stover

I really enjoyed this suspense read. The two main characters are terrific. You don’t have a typical hero in Ace, but he is definitely a likable one! Randee is a terrific character as well, and it was interesting seeing her trying to be undercover. I really enjoyed the secondary characters in this book as well.

The plot was a terrific one. I found it especially interesting since I’m fascinated by 3-D printers. The storyline was done well, and it was a good pace.

This book pulled the reader in by quirky and fun characters as well as a good plot. The suspense is very well done with a good ending. This book also had a faith theme-something I always look for in my Christian Fiction reads.

Recommend this read for any suspense fans!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Storing Up Trouble

By Jen Turano

Another fun and wonderful book from Jen Turano! The characters are so incredibly fun, funny, and have faults like all of us. 

The storyline is funny, but there is also the suspense side that really keeps the reader engaged. The plot and storyline are well done. The reader will laugh out loud at the tremendous fun in the book, be totally swept away with the fun of the story, and eagerly follow the suspense side to find out what is going on that the reader can’t see! 

The faith theme in this book is slight, but the story itself is all about becoming a better person…and growing up, so to speak.
Once again, Jen Turano has produced a tremendously fun read which is definitely needed during this time. She really does write a genre all her own.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Flight Risk

By Cara Putman

I thoroughly enjoyed this read. This author has proven herself tremendously in this genre. The idea of the book is all about getting at the truth. That is definitely ripped from the headlines these days. It’s so hard to find truth amongst the lies. The plot was a fascinating one…one that kept the reader guessing as to where exactly the truth was.

I liked the characters as well. Savannah has a complicated life, but she tries to be there for her niece despite her incredibly busy schedule. She was easy to like, had far more patience than I would with many things, and was a mostly believable character.

Jett was like able, but a bit too stiff. I think by the end of the novel the reader knows him.The only real characteristic that sticks out is that he wants to print the truth and only the truth. That’s a terrific goal, but not everything is always as it seems. His character fell a bit flat for me as a hero, but I am positive many readers will not feel that way.

It does have a faith theme in the book…and of course, the entire book is about truth.

This book moves at a good pace, and I enjoyed it. I’m not much into the sex trafficking subject as it’s a difficult one.However, it is definitely current, and one that is a real problem. The book held my attention, and I eagerly await this authors next read.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Traitor’s Pawn

By Lisa Harris


A good suspense read with a believable plot line, interesting story,and terrific characters.
It also had a rather emotional surprise towards the end that I didn’t expect to happen.

I really liked the main character in this story, Aubrey. She wasn’t an emotional type, was incredibly analytical when thinking through the case before her, and she wanted serious relationships only. I could really relate to her and how she looked at the world. Her viewpoint was relatable and the reader could really build empathy for her.

Jack grows on the reader. I didn’t fall in love with him right at the beginning, but he proves himself as the plot moves along. He gives a lot of good, Biblical advice to Aubrey. 

The faith theme in this book mostly comes from discussions between the two main characters. I really like spiritual dialogue in my reads. It tends to provoke more thought than other ways a faith theme is introduced. It isn’t an incredibly strong faith theme, but the elements of hope and forgiveness is there. God and his power over all things is brought into the picture as is stories from the Bible. I always like it when an author can put a good faith theme in a fairly fast moving suspense read.

I actually hate to admit it, but I think this is my first read by Lisa Harris. I certainly don’t plan on it being my last. This had a good pace to it, believable storyline, loved the characters, and a faith theme. I enjoyed and recommend this read.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own. 

The Thorn Keeper

By Pepper Basham



Writing this review is hard because what does one say about a book that touches the heart so deeply, expresses Gods message so clearly, and may bring a tear or two! This is that kind of book! It is truly beyond my ability with words to describe. 

Catherine and David become family to the reader, as we struggle with them in their new found relationships. The reader feels the emotions and heartaches of the characters very strongly. Catherine has her new relationship with Christ which totally changes her. This part of the plot is so powerful and sweet! David is a wonderful hero who goes through personal changes and some incredible difficulties that only serve to make his character stronger.

The relationship between the two of them will have you sighing and your heart in knots. The romantic tension is indescribable, and the way they grow together is splendidly done. It all builds up to beautiful and breath taking crescendo! 

A magnificent read that pulls the strings of one’s heart, refreshes one’s spirit, portrays redemption so movingly, and leaves the reader pondering the powerful message weeks after the novel is done. A must read!

I was given this book by the author. All opinions are my own.

Tour Giveaway


The Joy of Falling

By Lindsay Harrel


A book that has so much emotion…and has my mind spinning. Books that make me think about life,and how a God wants us to live it…books that make me introspective are usually the five star reads for me. This gets those stars because I’m going to be thinking about this one for a while! 

The three main characters are really well done. The book goes back and forth between the two sisters-in-law’s point-of-view. I really liked that because it gives an insight into two people both experiencing the loss of a husband, but even they do not understand each other as they walk through the emotions of it.

The plot is an interesting one, and I loved running back when I could. The place is unique, and I enjoyed that. For me,though, it was the characters that kept me turning the pages. 

The shared mother-in-law was a source and pretty much the source for the faith theme.There were some great quotes from her that really make the reader think about their standing before God and how we think about Him.

So in the end with my connections felt to the characters…and the faith thread that brought a lot of thought about God, His ways, and learning from them, this book makes my forever shelves.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The House at the End of the Moor

By Michelle Griep


Another fantastic novel by this author! 

I really enjoyed this book…one of the best parts is that it is so different from the other reads I’ve had of late. The suspense and mystery is well done with several twists and turns. The plot and storyline keep the reader turning the pages.

I also really liked the characters. Part of it is light hearted and funny…the Michelle Griep that you see in Out of the Frying Pan comes out in this read to make some wonderfully fun moments. There is also a lot of sadness and reality in this read as well. The characters aren’t perfect…but so perfectly written.

This book also puts forth a strong and wonderful faith message which is lacking in much of Christian Fiction. I thoroughly enjoyed it in this read, and it is well woven into the storyline and characters.

This is a terrific story…one which has a spot on my forever shelves!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Chasing the White Lion

By James R. Hannibal


I thoroughly enjoyed this read! I’m not big on Star Wars or Star Trek, but this author keeps it real enough to make it plausible and entertaining. All characters and places exist…it is not a dystopian or other world book, I’m not a fan of those.

I really like the suspense in the book. It’s a bit different than some as the guilt party at the end isn’t a huge surprise. The reader, however, is kept guessing throughout the book about so many subplots and the plot itself.

I really think my favorite part of this book, despite the fact that I love suspense reads, is the group of characters. The reader really gets to know this group of weird to exotic people. I got the advice to read the first book in the series before starting this one. I agree. The reader will miss much if he doesn’t read The Gryphon Heist first. The relationships between the characters is so well done. The backstory of Talia is great as well.

This book isn’t just a “clean read “ either…the faith theme in this book moves this author to the top group of the suspense authors I read. I’ve read some, loved the suspense, but felt let down when no faith theme is present. The faith theme in this book is natural, and incredibly well done.

I really am thrilled to have found a suspense author that has a different style, terrific plots, fun and endearing characters, and a real and wonderful faith theme. This is an author I’m definitely going to follow, and this book is going on my forever shelves.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Out of the Embers

By Amanda Cabot


This was an enjoyable prairie type story with suspense on the side. I really fell in love with the characters, especially Polly. Evelyn is a wonderful heroine with flaws, but with a heart full of love. The story has a wonderful plot with a surprise near the end. The suspense really adds to the appeal of the sweet story.

It’s a wonderful plot line, though pretty predictable, the story is hard to put down. I enjoyed getting to know the main male character,Wyatt as well as a host of terrific secondary characters in the town.

This was another one with a nice faith theme woven through the story…a story of hope and forgiveness. The main characters had rough childhoods, but the circumstances were used to create strong and stubborn personalities. Ones that knew how to survive. People that knew their life stories were written by God.

I look forward to getting to know Mesquite Springs and it’s citizens better as the series progresses.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Brightest of Dreams

By Susan Anne Mason


This was a terrific read by Susan Anne Mason centered on the little known history of children being brought from England to Canada to work. It showed the good and bad side of the program which I liked. Surely many who came must have profited from the program, but for some they were treated worse than hired hands. 

I also liked the contrasting of society here. It shows the difficulty faced by some as to how to behave now that society was so much different. One could work their way up, own land, and the rules of society were different in the New World.

The characters were incredibly well done. Quinten was such a gentleman and seemed like a very realistic main character. Julia grew throughout the story, and the reader feels empathy for her as she tries to make her way in her new environment.

I really enjoyed this series, and I will miss the characters. Once again, this was another read that had a good, strong faith thread that I really appreciated. It was incredibly well done by the author.

I’m looking forward to the next release from this author. She has a voice all her own in her books, and I enjoy them. 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Runaway Bride

By Jody Hedlund


What another terrific read by Jody Hedlund. I knew nothing about the bride ships until her first book. I had to wonder what would make a woman do something that seemed so drastic…England to Canada. Not only do they plan on marrying someone they don’t know yet, but they are in a totally new country across many miles of seas.
Ms. Hedlund does a great job of answering those questions by using probable situations. I really enjoyed the main characters in this book…their faults and all. The struggling of class really wasn’t important in Canada…but that was how these women were reared.

Love the quotes from the pastor that enter Peter’s mind as he lives his life after Christ changed his heart which changed his actions. The faith theme in this book is a good one. The theme of loving all of God’s children is terrific as well. I want to point out this is an adult read, at least in my opinion. If you think you have someone young in mind for it, I do recommend reading it yourself first. It’s a terrific story, but not all stories were meant for all ages. The carefulness that Peter shows in the relationship is terrific, and that is what true love is!

The continuing story of Mercy from the first book was a special treat. I enjoyed hearing about the other characters as well.

The story has terrific and realistic characters, a wonderful plot, and a natural and well woven hope and faith thread. I really enjoy historical fiction as I learn much that I never learned from a history book. I even read an article by a Canadian that mentioned she had no idea of several facts in Canadian history that happened right in her own backyard until she read historical fiction.

I am so eagerly anticipating the rest of this series! It’s history come to life.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Collision of Lies

By Tom Threadgill


This was a very well written suspense that had interesting characters, a lot of twists and turns, fascinating plot, and some interesting science as well.

I did put this book down a few times while reading which is unusual when reading a suspense story. It had times when it lagged a bit, but that does seem more realistic than some books where the speed exhausts the reader and makes for a totally unbelievable storyline.

I didn’t really connect with the characters, but I did enjoy the author throwing in their personality quirks.

My one big problem…this book is published by Revell…and at Amazon is listed as Christian fiction. If you are looking for the Christian part, you will not find it. There were so many scenes where a faith theme could have been so easily woven into the story…yet nothing. No God, no praying, just absolutely nothing that puts this in a Christian category. It was clean, and I was thankful for that. However, I like to see faith, hope, prayer and other aspects along those lines in my Christian Fiction.

Also there were a couple of things mentioned that weren’t really wrapped up completely. That bothered me some…I just wanted some answers that were not given. I know that happens in real cases, but one mention wasn’t brought to a conclusion…so just something that bothered me a bit.

So if you like Intense, complicated suspense without the romance and with the action…and like them clean-this is a read for you. I even googled some of the science stuff and shared it with my daughter who is in physical science…that is totally rare. Storyline reminded me much of the author , Lynette Eason, who endorsed it.

I was given this book by the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Their Ranch Reunion

Mindy Obenhaus


Single mom Carly Wagner is surprised to learn she’ll have to share ownership of the home she’s inherited with her first love–and first heartbreak–Andrew Stephens. The man who fled their tiny Western town is back and standing in the way of her dreams to expand her B and B. Now a successful businessman, Andrew has eight weeks to buy Carly out. But Carly’s too stubborn to persuade–and too beautiful to ignore. When fire ravages her inn and she and her daughter move in to their shared property, Andrew’s in over his head. Time is running out and Andrew must decide: leave and chase another deal…or stay and chase Carly’s heart.


I don’t always enjoy short reads…or romance reads. This book however was enjoyable. I liked the characters ( I’ll admit the little girl in this book stole my heart…so precious!), the plot was Hallmark type but still enjoyable, and the story was quite well done.

This was my first book by this author…and probably not my last. Really thought the book was sweet and well written. 

There are quite a few brothers on this ranch so maybe each brother will get his story. I liked the dad, too.

I received this book from the publisher through Just Read Publicity Tours. All opinions are my own.

Veiled in Smoke

Jocelyn Green


Meg and Sylvie Townsend manage the family bookshop and care for their father, Stephen, a veteran still suffering in mind and spirit from his time as a POW during the Civil War. But when the Great Fire sweeps through Chicago’s business district, they lose much more than just their store.

The sisters become separated from their father, and after Meg burns her hands in an attempt to save a family heirloom, they make a harrowing escape from the flames with the help of Chicago Tribune reporter Nate Pierce. Once the smoke clears away, they reunite with Stephen, only to learn soon after that their family friend not only died during the fire–he was murdered. Even more shocking, Stephen is charged with the crime and committed to the Cook County Insane Asylum.

Though homeless, injured, and suddenly unemployed, Meg must not only gather the pieces of her shattered life, but prove her father’s innocence before the asylum truly drives him mad.


A beautifully written tale of a disastrous and difficult time in history. The characters are so real and as the book progresses, the hearts are unveiled as we come to know these characters and watch them grow and learn.

The setting is well done, the plot fascinating and compelling. A story I stayed up late into the night to read and savor.

There was something intangible in this book that just made it almost impossible to put down. Perhaps, like Stephen, I as a reader suspected something. I wasn’t even sure what it would be, yet I knew eventually the smoke would clear to reveal the truth of the narrative.

The history in this novel is fascinating. It was a instant grasp and such a wonderful part of the story to start out with a man from the Civil War. If ever a horrendous and unimaginable story exists, it’s that of Andersonville. I felt like it was pure genius by the author to weave that tale within this story.

It’s a book to inspire to persevere with God…and one I could pick up now and read it again as it’s so compelling. I’d still felt completely riveted to the story long after I had closed the book.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Piper’s Pursuit

Melanie Dickerson

Book Synopsis

A plague of rats. A giant beast outside the village walls. A host of missing children. And one young woman determined to save her people.


Once again, this author puts forth a fascinating YA novel. Though the plot is strong, I really felt that this book was character driven. Seeing Steffan change and grow is a pleasure in this book. He takes a very common route of rebellion against his parents which didn’t turn out too well, but his story is a fascinating one. The reader really comes to like him in this story, and the growth of his character and willingness to admit his faults adds a lot to the story.

Katrina is no damsel in distress, but she can’t conquer the evil alone. Her story adds much to the novel, and the reader definitely cheers for her as she strives to help her people.

Melanie Dickerson writes some fabulous young adult novels that are intriguing and fascinating. They may be just the books to get the younger readers in your home to begin a wonderful journey in the pages of a novel.

I received this book from the publisher.All opinions are my own.

Forever Hidden

by Tracie Peterson and Kimberly Woodhouse


For Havyn Powell, growing up on her grandfather Chuck Bondrant’s dairy outside the 1904 gold-rush boomtown of Nome, Alaska, offered all she needed. She had the love of her mother, two sisters, and grandfather. But now, at 23, Havyn realizes the stability of her life may soon vanish. Havyn is determined to find a way to keep the family together, but her grandfather’s health is declining and everyone seems to be holding secrets from each other, including the handsome, dark-haired stranger who recently arrived.

John Roselli arrives in Nome looking for a steady, consistent job. He has grown tired of the promises of getting rich quick and just wants an honest job with honest pay. His grandfather once knew a Chuck Bondrant, and so when John arrives at the dairy, he’s quickly offered a job–and a path to more if he wants it.

Havyn’s plan for helping out the family means using her beautiful singing voice and her sisters’ musical talent at a local roadhouse. They’re an immediate hit, and it looks like her plan will be a success. But the spotlight brings with it dangerous eyes that covet Havyn and are jealous as she and John grow ever closer. But will they realize the peril before it’s too late?


Forever Hidden is a sweet yet heart wrenching story of three girls who are sisters. Three incredibly talented and opinionated girls. The characters are definitely what draw the reader in to the pages. They are incredibly well developed, and they each have their own wonderful personalities with flaws to which readers can relate.

The setting of a dairy farm is well done. We have goats that we milk and use that milk to make cheese so I really enjoyed that part of the story. We use to have seventy chickens or so, but honestly I can’t say I was overly fond of them. We hope to get some in the spring, and their mention throughout the story makes me eager to get maybe six. I have never been able to raise chickens for eating either.

Just as in life, there are surprises, tests of faith, forgiveness, and hope. The faith theme is strong in this book, and I greatly appreciated the Godly truths woven in the story. This book gave me the feel of a prairie romance with a bit more realism and Alaska( which obviously isn’t a prairie!) .

I’m eagerly awaiting the next read in this series.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

End Game

by Rachel Dylan


This book is quite a ride so hang on to your seat!

It’s got a great plot that keeps the reader engaged to the last page. There are a lot of characters in this book, but the author did a great job of giving just enough suspense to be engaged…but not so much that you end up totally lost at the end. Yes, that has happened before. The never ending twists and turns are fascinating, and they also make sense. The plot seems a plausible one.

The characters are relatable and well developed. They don’t get lost in the suspense and drama of the read. I really loved that about this book. The romance was there, but well done not overdone.

I really enjoyed this book by Rachel Dylan. She has become an author I want to follow and must read. If you love mystery and suspense grab a copy of End Game…grab the book and take the ride! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own. 

Collateral Damage

by Lynette Eason


Honorably discharged from the Army after an explosion nearly killed her, former military psychiatrist Brooke Adams has set up shop to help others–but her days of helping military personnel are over. She’s got her own battles to fight from her time overseas, and she’s not equipped to take on more. Former Army Special Ops Sergeant First Class Asher James could handle anything that war sent his way–terrorists, bombs, bullets. The only thing that scares him now is sleep. As the shadows close in, the nightmares begin.

Finally convinced that he needs help, Asher makes an appointment with a counselor, and Brooke is pressed by her boss to take him on. When he arrives at her office she isn’t there–but a dead body is. Brooke is devastated when she walks in, and Asher is a conveniently strong shoulder to cry on. But she can’t take him on as a client after sharing such an intimate and unprofessional moment, can she? And he’s not sure he can handle sharing his deepest fears with such a beautiful woman.

When it becomes clear that Brooke was the real target of the attack–and that her secrets go even deeper than his own–Asher vows to protect her no matter what.

Bestselling author Lynette Eason is back with a new series that spans the globe and will have your heart working overtime.


An intense fast paced read through most of the pages, lots occurs from Afghanistan to Tajikistan to the US. The suspense is held well through most of the book. Everyone from cops, to military, to eventually the FBI is involved in this one.

The characters are quite well done, and I really liked the main characters in this book. Though at times they seemed to act out of character, especially Brooke. They were military, though, so that isn’t perhaps unusual. The plot itself didn’t seem very realistic, and that was really the only negative to the fast paced romantic suspense. For me, the romance wasn’t too much so the ratio that is so frequently discussed about romantic suspense-well, this was just about as perfect as you can get for me.

I really liked how the author wove the faith thread into the book. In a fast paced suspense read that isn’t always easy. It was incredibly well done.

This was a great read that I would definitely recommend to all the suspense fans out there.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

An Uncommon Woman

by Laura Frantz


I look forward to this authors books every year. They are always a special treasure of a well woven storytelling. This one is no different.

The setting is set so incredibly well done that the reader is taken along on the adventure of those who long ago set off to a new frontier to establish homes, communities, and towns. There was so much danger in that- whether it be seen or unseen-they risked their lives to live differently, to experience a new place, and to put down roots in their own land.

This is the story of a young woman…a sister to five brothers, a niece, a daughter, and a friend. Each relationship is special and each relationship adds another layer to a story well told. A love story that’s so much like any other, yet it has its own difficulties. A friendship that withstands so much sadness and loss. A family that rejoices over successes and grieves over loss.

In short, this story is what makes up life. Our homes, our dreams, our hopes, most of all- our love for our fellow human beings and the building of our lives intertwined with their lives.

So take a journey back in time…to the new frontier filled with dangers of Indians, disease, and the unknown pitfalls that lie ahead. It’s a terrific novel that I recommend…as I do all of Laura Frantz’s stories.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

On Wings of Devotion

by Roseanna M. White


All of England thinks Phillip Camden a monster–a man who deliberately caused the deaths of his squadron. But as nurse Arabelle Denler watches the so-dubbed “Black Heart” every day, she sees something far different: a hurting man desperate for mercy. And when their paths twist together and he declares himself her new protector, she realizes she has her own role to play in his healing.

Phillip Camden would have preferred to die that day with his squadron rather than be recruited to the Admiralty’s codebreaking division. The threats he receives daily are no great surprise and, in his opinion, well deserved. What comes as a shock is the reborn desire to truly live that Arabelle inspires in him.

But when an old acquaintance shows up and seems set on using him in a plot that has the codebreakers of Room 40 in a frenzy, new affections are put to the test.


I really liked the characters in this read. In general, when reading stories based during the war, I tend to enjoy the history more than anything else. That is in abundance in this novel, but I was drawn in by the characters. Being a plain woman like Arabelle is definitely something with which I could relate. I could also relate to her never thinking a man would fall in love with her. I don’t relate on the family part, but I certainly had empathy towards her as I loved growing up in my large family. Her being so desperate to have a family to love that would love her in return resonates much in today’s society, I think.

The hero in this book is well done. Who doesn’t love a hero that transforms to a better person from the beginning to end? Phillip is a wonderful hero, and his story is the story of many in this world. He’s a multifaceted individual who this reader came to really like. His growth came with trial, and he fought with God. His spiritual journey was incredibly well done, as well.

The plot was a fascinating one, and it makes the book hard to put down. Nothing incredibly surprising, but such a tremendous story to tell. This author is so very good at weaving a terrific story with plenty to keep the reader engaged.

Perhaps my favorite part of the book was the faith theme. It’s strong in this book, yet woven incredibly well within the characters lives. It’s a story of faith, hope, and redemption that’s sure to please this authors fans as well as lovers of historical fiction.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


Roseanna M. White is a bestselling, Christy Award nominated author who has long claimed that words are the air she breathes. When not writing fiction, she’s homeschooling her two kids, editing, designing book covers, and pretending her house will clean itself. Roseanna is the author of a slew of historical novels that span several continents and thousands of years. Spies and war and mayhem always seem to find their way into her books…to offset her real life, which is blessedly ordinary. You can learn more about her and her stories at www.RoseannaMWhite.com.

The book and its information as well as a signed copy can be found HERE.
Below are links to purchase On Wings of Devotion
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Christian Book | Roseanna’s Shop (signed)

Kimberley Woodhouse

Kimberley Woodhouse is the best-selling and award-winning author of more than a dozen books. She is a wife, mother, author, and musician with a quick wit and positive outlook despite difficult circumstances. A popular speaker, she’s shared at more than 2,000 venues across the country. Kimberley and her family’s story have garnered national media attention for many years including ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, The Montel Williams Show, Discovery Health channel’s Mystery ER, The Hour of Power, The Harvest Show, and over 1,000 other TV appearances and radio interviews. She lives and writes in Colorado with her husband of twenty-five years and their two amazing kids.





A LANGUAGE OF LOVE by Kimberley Woodhouse
New York City, 1911
A milliner with thick Irish accent and a renowned baseball player with speech impediment meet at the office of a language teacher. But the issues with their backgrounds that first brought them together will also drive them apart.


I was first introduced to Kimberley’s books through the amazing series “Daughters of the Mayflower.” She has written four books in this series.

Her books have terrific stories, wonderful historical detail, and a well woven inspirational theme. I love the joy of a good story, and I love to learn about history through a fiction book. If you as a reader do as well, you won’t want to miss her books. One thing I truly love is that the books always have a tremendous faith theme that lends hope, forgiveness, and Christ in her novels.

Below are some of my reviews of her novels in the Daughter of the Mayflower series…



I really enjoyed the history in this read. The characters are wonderful, and it helps give a real perspective to what the people suffered that took on the adventure of coming to the New World.

The book is written in a somewhat YA type…for which I’m thrilled because it is a book I can let my teenager daughter enjoy. Finding books like that is really hard to do these days.

I thoroughly enjoyed this read and highly recommend any history lovers to purchase this book and the series!



I really enjoyed the history packed into this read. George Washington and Benjamin Franklin making their appearances really helps to pull one into the scene and times of this novel.

It’s really a light read which is always enjoyable to find after reading heavy, deep, or confusing reads. The romance was present but not overdone, which I prefer in my historical Fiction reads.

I have always enjoyed this author, and this book is no exception. This book may not be one hundred percent historically accurate, but it opens the imagination…and made for a very enjoyable story. The characters are well done, the plot believable, and the book overall recommended. I’m really enjoying this series!

Received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.



The Golden Bride was an enjoyable story with fascinating history. It was an easy read based in San Francisco during the time of the gold rush. The story did a good job of explaining the conditions of the city during that time.

I really wanted more about the characters themselves, but these books are slightly larger than a novella…but not as long as a novel. For the word count, the author did a great job with the story.

My favorite part was the sweet pieces of history from the previous books in the series! What a treat that was… I also enjoyed the strong faith theme in the book.

This is another delightful read in the Mayflower Bride Series.

I received this book from the publIsher. All opinions are my own.



“…at twenty eight, he had nothing to show for himself except wealth. That thought in light of eternity didn’t make him feel like he’d accomplished much of anything.”

This is another terrific novel in the Mayflower Bride series! The characters are so well done and set in a fascinating historical setting. It had mystery, suspense, and a terrific faith theme. All the elements combine to make a book that I just wish had been longer.

I don’t want to say it’s my favorite in the series, but if it isn’t-it’s close! The authors notes on The Pony Express are interesting and not widely known so don’t miss those. Definitely do not miss this next book in the Daughters of the Mayflower series! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Major’s Daughter

by Regina Jennings

My teenage daughter reviewed this book for the retail sites so I’m having her guest post her review here as well. This is the first time, but it won’t be the last. She has a love for reading as well so I hope to have her as a guest more often.

The Major’s daughter is a good read. The historical setting being the Oklahoma Land Run was well done and was my favorite part of the story. Oklahoma is finally being settled and treated as a state. ( I was born in Oklahoma, and I lived there seven years). The plot of who and how a town was settled was very good.

Frisco was an easy going person who only wanted a home. Caroline was a determined woman who didn’t want to live in her father’s fort. These characters were well written, but I didn’t really connect with them. My favorite characters were the secondary ones-Amber and Bradley.

The author fit Christianity well into the characters in the way they acted- nice and happy.

The author supplied the reader with many different storylines, and over all I truly enjoyed this book.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Echoes Among the Stones

by Jaimie Jo Wright

Once again this author brings another tremendous story. I really liked the characters of this story both in the contemporary and historical. I think I liked Imogene most. Collin is an amazing main male character because he isn’t the typical one. I really enjoyed his humor and wit as well as his wisdom. I love the difference in him. He fits the book so well. The book is morbid and sad, yet there is laugh out loud humor as well. The plot has twists and turns, one in particular,at least caught this reader off guard. 

I really felt the storytelling was terrific ,and I enjoyed both the present and historical stories. For me, that’s rare. Usually, i find the historical story much more appealing. This novel, though, had me deeply interested in both.

The faith theme in the book isn’t overly strong, but I enjoyed it and how well it was woven into the story. I felt the main part of it was the knowing we have is that God is in control, and there is a strong message of hope to be found.

This book really had all the elements of a good story! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Silent Night Suspect

By Sharee Stover


Suspected of a crime she knows she didn’t commit…

All she wants for Christmas is to remember.

Blood on her blouse. A gun in her hand. A cartel leader’s dead body in front of her. Widow Asia Stratton can’t remember what happened—just that she’s been framed. The only way to prove her innocence is to work with her ex-sweetheart, Nebraska state trooper Slade Jackson. But can they clear her name before this Christmas turns even deadlier?


Terrific read! Really enjoyed this suspense novel. The characters are really well done,the storyline keeps the reader guessing, and the plot has all the good and essential twists and dangers necessary to keep the reader turning the pages. My teen daughter also enjoyed this read…light romance , heavy suspense- perfect combination!! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


by Jody Hedlund

“Perhaps real treasure lies not in the wealth deep in the labyrinth, but in the gifts God has bestowed upon us- gifts we can use for the greater good of the kingdom and the people.”

This series ended with the best book yet!! This book was fantastic. I loved the characters, the interesting plots, subplots and twists and turns of the story. The reader knows they are going to get the “Happily-ever-after.” This book, tho, isn’t entirely predictable…I love it for that! 

So much of want I would like to say gives away far too much. If you want to lose yourself in a book that is just plain a terrific story, go get this book and this series. It’s fantastic reading. I’ve never been a fan of fairy tale stories, but Jody Hedlund made me one with this book! So all I can say is read it. It’s the third in a series, and I highly recommend starting with the novella to get the full scope of the story.

The characters, plot, story, and faith theme make this a terrific, interesting, and enjoyable story.

“Now in the face of the biggest challenges yet, God was helping to unleash the gift.”

The complete series The Lost Princesses by Jody Hedlund.
All reviews of each book can be found on the home page.

A Pursuit of Home

by Kristi Ann Hunter

I’ve been waiting for Jess’s story, and I wasn’t disappointed. It was just as convoluted, mysterious, and exciting as Jess herself. There were beloved characters from previous books that added much to the story, but the character and skills of Jess really come through in this story.

Though the story is wrought with suspense and intrigue, Jess still is what makes this book so good. Her varied and amazing costumes, many talents, and backstory are fascinating. Her future uncertain

I really came to like Derek. He’s so far removed from what most thrilling main male characters are suppose to be. There is nothing overly exciting about him, but he’s content to be himself, which is rare. I’m no lover of art so that’s a foreign concept, but I loved that he knew so many interesting facts. He reminded much of my hubby…not exciting or thrilling, but steady and always there when needed. He really is a unique male hero, and that isn’t a bad thing.

This book has a mild faith theme that grows and is woven well throughout the book.

I usually would read a book like this in one or two sessions, but I didn’t with this one. I’m not really sure why myself. Maybe I wanted to savor a book that wrapped up so many book friends, or perhaps I was pretty sure of part of the ending at least so I didn’t feel I had to rush through the book. I savored this one.
With a wonderful cast of characters, a country that needs saving, and a young woman coming into her own and discovering new things about herself, it all wraps up to make for a terrific novel well worth the read.

Take a journey with Jess-mostly to see what she discovers about herself and where her heart calls home.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

“I know you can do it. You’ve had your time in the shadows. God has brought you into the light. Maybe it’s time to try living there. You might find that you shine.
Living in Light. What a concept.”


by Jody Hedlund

Another fantastic medieval YA read by Jody Hedlund. So many interesting fairy tale events and characters, an amazing warrior hero, and a beautiful princess in need of safety. All the wonderful elements of a well told fairytale are wrapped in a beautiful book that has a cover as spectacular as the story. In this book, more than the previous, the reader gets a real feel of a fairy tale story.

The spiritual elements of forgiveness, self control, and selfishness are addressed in this novel. Maribel wishes to be a nun, and rosary beads are mentioned in the story- these staying true to the medieval times. The story itself holds more of a fairytale feel than the previous book, at least it did for me, and the reader gets a beautiful happily ever after. This book is a great addition to the story as a whole, and the series in no way loses its momentum. ( Which is saying something considering how well done the first book was written! ) I’m so looking forward to the conclusion of this series, though I know I’ll be disappointed when it’s over. However, a wonderful thing about books, they can be enjoyed over and over again.

Jody Hedlund has produced such a treat in these novels, and her writing skills come through magnificently. This had been a fantastically fun and adventurous series!

The Killing Tide

by Dani Pettrey

First of all I would like to thank Just Read Publicity Tours for their giveaway of The Killing Tide!!! I wanted this book so badly. Two reasons, I SO enjoy Dani Pettrey’s books…and secondly, my daddy was a Coastie. Growing up I always wanted to get stuff with their logo on it for my daddy. Do you know how hard that can be?? It’s like a forgotten entity…especially in Oklahoma, a landlocked state. However, my daddy was transferred there by the Coast Guard. Now that I live in DownEast Maine I hear A LOT more about the Coast Guard. That makes this series special to me. I entered several contests because my book budget was absent when this gem was released. Then life and health happens…and so Saturday I started reading this terrific novel…and Saturday, I finished. ( My Hubby says me buying books is a waste, but I do enjoy while reading them, and I sometimes re-read. Plus I collect them!😊 Books are never EVER a waste! ) Anyway, I really enjoyed this book and I’m thrilled and thankful I got to do so!

The characters are fantastic…and in an interesting twist some things about the characters you learn backwards ( just read the book, you’ll get what I mean). The suspense in this novel never ends. You jump in right from the first chapter…and just swim right through the book. Then BOOM, you are done! It’s a rush you don’t want to miss. Lots of action, just the right amount of romance.

My favorite thing about this book is how the author flows the prayers of the believers effortlessly through the novel. Just like I pray when faced with difficult things in my day. It made the characters more real and relatable to me. The faith theme is really good and just woven so well in the plot. The main female character really needed her head examined for some of her choices, but sometimes if your brothers underestimate you, you might just decide to try to prove them wrong! Not that I’d know anything about that at all. 😏

It’s a great book so run to the library, store, or the closest computer and get your eyes on this book!

I’m posting a more personal photo below. My daddy wrote a textbook called “Rules of the Road.” They put out quite a few editions because the rules change. If you click on the image it will take you to a page about the book. I use to have the textbook, but in one of our moves it didn’t make it I guess. Included is a pic of my daddy in uniform that was taken a few years ago.

Once again, big thanks to Dani Pettrey for writing a series about the Coast Guard and to Just Read Publicity Tours for the giveaway!


First Love Forever-Romance Collection

by Susanne Dietze, Cynthia Hickey, Marcia Gruver, Carrie Fancett Pagels, Martha Rogers, Lorna Seilstad, Connie Stevens, Jennifer Uhlarik

Lots of wedding bells ringing in this beautiful collection by Barbour House.

This book has such sweet stories in it! For anyone who likes historicals and short stories you will definitely not be disappointed. They are sweet and touching. Each other tries to write a complete story in short format which is not an easy task.

His Anchor by Carrie Fancett Pagels is especially compelling. It’s wonderful characters, touching storyline, and an incredibly done novella. I was hooked to the last page…and was so disappointed when it ended. The one sad thing about a story. It has a terrific happily ever after.

If you are looking for some historical romance stories don’t pass up this collection. It’s incredibly written and the cover is gorgeous,too.

I received this book from the publisher and through Just Read Publicity Tours. All opinions are my own.

Once Upon a Dicken’s Christmas

by Michelle Griep


This is a short quick novella. I rarely thoroughly enjoy novellas as I did this one! There is so much mystery, suspense , intrigue, and romance packed into the pages of this enjoyable read. I’ve had it for a while, but I wanted to wait until closer to Christmas to read and review.

If you like novellas and shorter stories,I highly recommend this read. Great and interesting characters, much is hidden to be revealed at just the right time, and romance blossoms as well. Truly, this book is so well done considering the size…less than 200 pages. It’s a thoroughly enjoyable mystery read so go get it!!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


Another fantastic Christmas Novella from this author. I will readily admit that I’m not a fan of novellas, but I so enjoyed the first in this series, and I was eager to read the second.

Wonderful characters, great story, lovely faith theme, and much Dickens as well. To top it all off, of course a happier ever after….maybe for more than one thinks.

Terrific story.

I won one book and received one from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


A wonderful Christmas novella by Michelle Griep! She creates fascinating stories even in novellas. That’s no small feat since I’m not a big fan of them. Such a sweet story…and I always love children in books! A sweet read that’s enjoyable,fun, and some wonderful Christian morals enter twined in the story. The little girl touched my heart.

This collection is a wonderful touch of Christmas for any reader. I thoroughly enjoyed each unique story…so go get it to enjoy a wonderful feeling of the Christmas spirit.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The King’s Mercy

by Lori Benton

Lori Benton is a must buy author for me! She has such beautiful prose that sets the stage for her books. I savor every word in her books. I hate to admit this, but I’m sure you avid readers have sorta skimmed pages?? Am I the only horrible person that tends to do this in the slow parts of books?? Any guilty? Well , I am. However, finding a book written by Lori Benton is a treasure to savor…no skimming.

Her characters jump off the page and as I lose myself in the book, it becomes a movie. I fall in love with some characters, I cheer on for the right guy to win the fights, I cringe at the rudeness of others…I’m there, “a fly on the wall” watching it all. That is a Lori Benton book.

I think this book has the strongest faith and Christian theme than any other of her books. Now, I can’t promise that because my memory is faulty, but to me…it feels like the struggle Alex has with his Creator and Christ presents a terrific and strong Christian theme that makes it stronger in its spiritual message than in her other novels. It’s terrific…it even follows the story of a character in the Bible. Nope, no spoilers here…so just go get it and read it to find out.

Of course this book has its villains,too. Although it isn’t clear always who they are. One is a cruel man who takes advantage of younger women and children. This part of the storyline is difficult, but it is definitely a problem they encountered much during this time period…and sadly something our world still deals with because we live in a cursed world. The author handles this subject with great care, but I did want to mention it as some can’t handle stories like that. In the end there is joy and peace for those who seek the Lord…and justice for the villains.

It’s a wonderfully told story of love and redemption. The storyline is so different because it isn’t all a happily ever after exactly…but peace definitely reigns at the end…for the characters and the reader. Please don’t miss this beauty of a novel.


by RachsRamblings

Many of us learned the song above when quite young. I did. In thinking about life and where it has taken me, the Lord brought this to mind. Amazingly, I remembered the words which isn’t always possible these days. I have noticed, though, that the verses and songs I learned when young…are much more easily remembered! ( Big thanks to my parents that we memorized so much scripture and spiritual songs.)

HAPPINESS IS THE LORD! It truly is. Finding happiness in our circumstances is sometimes impossible, and if we do…those circumstances change. For the Christian, happiness isn’t based on emotions, feelings, or what difficulties we face today. True Happiness is found in Christ. In this world, it’s so easy to lose sight of that.

I’m NOT saying you won’t experience sadness or sorrow. We are all human, and we all experience a wide range of emotions. Jesus did as well when he walked the earth. I’m not saying your life as a Christian will be sunshine and roses because, it won’t!


Read some verses on joy and happiness.

We can be truly happy and content if we follow Godly counsel and meet and befriend Godly people.

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

These verses wrap some things up nicely. It puts rejoicing, prayer, and thankfulness all in one thought. A person will never be happy if they can’t be thankful for EVERYTHING! It doesn’t say to just be thankful for good things. Be thankful for everything because for those in Christ, he can work anything for good. Prayer brings a thankful heart. This is something that I’m learning as I seek to do as Christ would wish. More than anything, prayer has changed ME! With a prayerful mind, be thankful for everything…and rejoice always in Christ Jesus!

It isn’t an easy thing to do because our fleshly nature seeks happiness in things of this world, but that is fleeting. It is a daily thing to put our heart and mind on thankfulness and happiness. It is a choice we must make.

Reading his word and spending time in prayer is the best way for me to find myself in a state of happiness…counting my blessings is definitely another way God has helped me as I daily seek happiness and contentment. Click on the image below to read some good verses on happiness!

No matter what storms God may send our way, He is faithful to carry us through each one! We can rejoice in Him if Christ has a place in our heart.


Any of you have a verse that helps you? A song that brings joy? A story to share of how God helped you find happiness in a difficult situation? I’d welcome any comments.


by Jody Hedlund

What a wonderful novella to introduce a new YA series by Jody Hedlund! It remains true to what she always puts in her YA reads. The importance of inner beauty and strength, the truth that we can’t live all on our own, and the truth that love grows and happiness can be a choice.

I eagerly wait for the series to begin! This was a fantastic start, and I’m not a big fan of novellas. This one was very well done. I don’t usually review a novella that introduces a series, but I felt this one was vital to the series as a whole.

“…happiness is a choice we make no matter what life brings us, is it not?”

“God, I whispered as I stared unseeingly at the glowing coals. I haven’t wanted to rely upon anyone, have only leaned on my own strength and determination. But I have nothing left. I can do no more.”

I knew now as I’d known then that my father depended upon God for strength and guidance in a way I never had.”


by Jody Hedlund

Terrific YA fairytale read by Jody Hedlund. Though I’m no YA, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Wonderful characters, terrific story, suspense, and a fantastic backdrop with knights, kings, and queens the reader is drawn into an exciting tale of a Princess who needs to regain her kingdom and become queen.

Some surprising twists and turns make this an even better read. I love the important morals and choices that are made, and the message that is given to young readers through this story. 

I definitely am looking forward to the rest of the series, and I do recommend the novella that sets up the story. I rarely say they are necessary, but to get a complete picture I highly recommend reading the novella “Always” before reading this one.

I bought the paperbacks, and they are gorgeous! Go get your ebook or paperback and be enchanted into another time and place!

The book Evermore and the novella that begins the series Always.

Spice King

by Elizabeth Camden

“God led us here,” Annabelle whispered. “ He planted a hope in your heart that was strong enough to send us a thousand miles across the country. There is a reason, and we’ll keep going until we find it. We can’t falter now.”

There is so much fascinating history in this read which is why I really enjoy this author’s novels. I never really considered that at one time salt and pepper was spicing up a dish-because it’s what they had. In this book, I really could feel the joy Annabelle experienced as she tried so many new spices and fruits that were incredibly rare in the early 1900’s.

The historical information about foods, Department of Agriculture, Smithsonian Institute, and so many other things made for a terrific and unique book setting. The Department of Agriculture played a huge role in our food supply-a much larger one than i ever knew.The characters are incredibly well done. I’m hoping for more from these characters in the future. This book combines so many good elements: It’s historical information and backdrop, information about the blind, incredibly well written and developed characters, and a forgiveness faith theme. All of the intertwined to make for a superb and enjoyable read.

In this case you can judge the book by its cover, and the cover is magnificent!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

I never wanted to be blind, but if it’s the price I must pay to have found Walter Talbot…then I’m glad it happened.”

Diamond in the Rough

by Jen Turano

Another just plain fun book from this author. I could sympathize with the main character. I’m a klutz…have been all my life. She gets involved in so many “catastrophes” that her grandmother is seeking help. Poppy is such a great main character, and I love the things that come into play from previous books…especially the mention of someone getting stuck because of an interesting bustle! This author is always sure to get giggles and outright laughter from her books. Reginald is wonderful opposite Poppy. The story, characters, and faith theme all combine for another winner of a read from Ms. Turano. No one in Christian Fiction produces a novel like hers. Go buy any of her reads…and have fun! This is one of her best yet.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Finding Lady Enderly

by Joanna Davidson Politano


“Raina Bretton is a rag woman in London’s east end when a handsome stranger appears in a dank alley and offers her a glittering smile and a chance for adventure. Rothburne Abbey has a unique position for her, one that will take her away from her hardscrabble life and give her a chance to be a lady. Things she could only dream of might be coming true. But some dreams turn out to be nightmares.

Though Raina has traded squalor for silk and satin, something about the abbey is deeply unsettling. As she wrestles with her true identity, the ruin, decay, and secrets she finds at the heart of the old mansion tear at her confidence and threaten to reveal her for who she really is. Only one man stands between her and the danger that lurks within–and only if he decides to keep her biggest secret hidden. “


It’s another terrific read from Ms. Politano! Her books are terrific stories with vivid settings and wonderful characters. However, they are much more than that! The story the reader reads is a shadow of sorts of the true meaning of the words on paper. A type of allegory to get your mind thinking…what if this is me? Is this what I portray? 

I love how this author can write the most fascinating tales with double meanings. This is another book by this author not to be missed. Don’t miss the deeper meaning either

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own .

Clear Confusion By Kathy M. Howard


Clear Confusion has some great character development and a good plot. The story has a good flow to it except for the few times the point-of-view quickly changes. I was use to that further on in the story.

“…the simple fact that she also knew Jesus was a huge encouragement. She felt strangely strong and confident in that memory alone.”

This is a read for those who enjoy romantic suspense or who enjoy a strong faith theme in their reads. The faith part and the references to forgiveness, mercy, grace and more was well done and definitely puts this book into the Christian genre. I enjoyed the faith aspect of the story very much.

I had much of it figured out, but the ending was a surprise. That’s quite an accomplishment since I read a lot of suspense books. Of course, the book gets its happily ever after for the main characters. However, the secondary characters story is left open. I wouldn’t mind reading that story.( hint 😊)

If you like romantic suspense, them I recommend this read. It was a good, enjoyable read with a lot of faith elements that makes the reader feel good once the story concludes.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


1:40 p.m. 

“Did you find the girl yet?” he asked, fearful of the answer. 

“No! Last time I saw her was when she disappeared into that crowd at the bus terminal. Man! I almost had her, too. Ya think it’s poss’ble she got on a bus instead of drivin’ off in a car?” 

“I doubt it. She didn’t look like the type to take a bus.” He shifted the phone to the other ear. 

“Well, keep your ears low to the ground. No one’s lookin’ for us at the moment. She’ll pro’bly talk, if she ain’t already. Don’t know what she’d say, though, other than what she saw us do. You’re convinced she didn’t see our faces; and if that’s true, she won’t be able to identify us. Kinda hard to pin something on us without an ID.” 

“It was an accident. Maybe she’ll just forget about it and let it go.” He tried sounding hopeful. 

“Accident or no accident, Roland don’t like it when we get sloppy. And he definitely don’t like it when there are witnesses.” 

“Did you tell him about her yet?” 

“Nope. Was hoping to take care of her on our own without lettin’ him know we messed it up. Just keep an eye out, will ya? Let’s don’t worry about Roland right now,” he nervously suggested. “I’ll fill him in soon enough.”


Click on this Image to read more about
and enter the giveaway

Underestimating Miss Cecilia

by Carolyn Miller

“Perhaps this trial was yet another way God was trying to gain her attention,so she would focus more on Him, and not let the distractions of this world steal her thoughts and emotions.”

I enjoyed this read and the fun characters that really drive the plot. Cecilia and Ned are both flawed characters as Carolyn Miller’s usually are. If you are fond of the girl falling in love with the boy next door or the prodigal son returns home in a wonderful historical setting this book is for you.

I really like how well this author natural weaves a strong faith message into her books. This one is no different. It truly belongs in the genre of “Christian Fiction.” Throughout the book the reader sees how the faith of the characters affects their everyday decisions as well as those decisions that are going to affect their entire life.

It’s a lovely story with the characters learning as they grow giving the reader a chance to ponder if perhaps he could do a better job at putting the focus on God in our lives as well.

“Understand that God’s plans are for good, not to be a weighty burden. Remember that He is with us, in both good times and challenges, empowering us for His work.”

I received this book through the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Express Bride

by Kimberley Woodhouse

“…at twenty eight, he had nothing to show for himself except wealth. That thought in light of eternity didn’t make him feel like he’d accomplished much of anything.”

This is another terrific novel in the Mayflower Bride series! The characters are so well done and set in a fascinating historical setting. It had mystery, suspense, and a terrific faith theme. All the elements combine to make a book that I just wish had been longer.

I don’t want to say it’s my favorite in the series, but if it isn’t-it’s close! The authors notes on The Pony Express are interesting and not widely known so don’t miss those. Definitely do not miss this next book in the Daughters of the Mayflower series! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
“Why God had chosen to spare him when he’d been such an atrocious human being was beyond his comprehension. But he was grateful.”

“ Thank you, God. For forgiveness. For grace. For a wonderful mom and dad.”



This is so incredibly true…and the questions can be frustrating when the caregiver is constantly asked if the dystonia patient is better, when we have a progressive disorder that doesn’t get better…not in the many years we have had it. I quoted the last part of the last line before my daughter finished reading it to me because I know what I wish people would ask. My hubby was totally honest once, and just mentioned I had a seizure…and things weren’t good. That’s pretty much always the answer. He can’t always truthfully sugar coat the realities with which we live. Abby, my daughter, is a huge part of the care giving process in this home. It’s why she is considering being a nurse. She comments on this post…it’s sweet, but heartbreaking to this mommy’s heart. Please read! Josh Farnsworth’s wife,Rachel Farnsworth, writes the piece. Just click on the image above this paragraph. Or here…. https://www.mydystonialife.blog/2019/07/forgetting-caregiver.html

Where Dandelions Bloom

by Tara Johnson

“But whether I live or die is Gods decision. Not Yours.”

Where Dandelions Bloom brings the Civil War to life through several interesting characters. The reader gets to see the war through the eyes of a woman who chose to face war instead of the awful man she was goi g to be forced to marry, through the eyes of a photographer who wants to tell the story through pictures, and following a young lad who signs up as well.

The picture of war isn’t pretty, and it’s effect can be damaging. It is always life changing. The authors characters are based in history. Quite a few women did sign up and fight in the Civil War, and she uses her research to bring a realistic plot to readers. 

Really liked the faith theme in this story. Various verses come to mind for Cassie as she strives to get through the difficulties that she faces. They give her perspective and strength. They even give her strength to do something she thought impossible.

The characters are well done, the story well told, and a faith theme that flows smoothly through the story and gives the characters an anchor. War isn’t pretty, and this book did a tremendous job of bringing out some of the real horrors that were faced….and the waste of lives that occurred. If you like historical fiction or love Civil War era reads, this is definitely for you. Ultimately, it’s a story of forgiveness and triumph through Christ and the love and forgiveness he offers.

“For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you…
A hot tear escaped her lashes, tracing a warm path down her cheek. Yes, her father had abused her over and over again. He’d sliced her apart with his words, his fists…Forgiving him didn’t excuse him. But it would free her.” 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

A Reluctant Belle

by Beth White

A terrific novel from this Author! It had just the right mixture of suspense, wit, humor, romance, and faith to produce an entertaining read that was at times incredibly funny and at others infuriating and tense.

Set during the very volatile time after the Civil War, the historical setting is incredibly well done and creates the suspenseful backdrop and circumstances surrounding a love triangle story where one angle clearly wasn’t IN the triangle. Historical fiction is probably my favorite genre ( though some days I might tell you it’s suspense) , and the historical backdrop is done so well. I love the strong faith theme present in this book. I take a special interest in that at the moment as a book I read recently had none. This author did a great job of weaving the message of faith through dialogue and other natural elements in the story.

It’s a hard to put down a novel with all the wonderful necessary threads needed to create a good read. This is definitely a book for the keeper shelf. If you enjoy historical fiction, go grab a copy. It’s a story that begs to be read and savored.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Cross My Heart

by Robin Lee Hatcher

This is by far my favorite series by this author! A split time series with a family Bible that is the link between past and present is a terrific idea, and I love the stories that have been created.

This has a wonderful plot, a slow moving relationship, terrific characters and just a really sweet story…both of them so touching. The angst and horror of war with faith as an anchor; a sordid past with faith getting him through each day. Reading the notes written by the man who relied on his faith through the war and beyond.

This book will go on my forever shelves next to the first in the series.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

No Ocean Too Wide

by Carrie Turansky

This was a fascinating piece of history about which I knew nothing. Taking children that aren’t wanted or are living on the streets, to a new world with parents waiting for them. It sounds like a wonderful idea, but with some involved it became a scary time for children and parents.

This book follows several characters in this backdrop of history. The characters are well done, and I enjoyed getting to learn about this time in history through their eyes. I found myself wondering what choices I would make in certain situations. It wasn’t exactly black and white for those who so very much wanted to right the wrongs that had occurred. The faith theme in this book is present and a good one! I always enjoy when Christian elements are present in Christian Fiction.

So take yourself on a journey through an interesting time in history…think of why your emotions, feelings, and mind would have suffered.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Ever Faithful

by Karen Barnett


Thoroughly enjoyed taking a trip to Yellowstone to “see” the geysers and enjoy a story with such a beautiful setting. The characters are well done, the time in which it takes place as well as the place are quite unique, and an interesting twist to the plot made this all a very intriguing and delightful story.
Honestly, I would so like to see this series continue. All the books have been wonderful. It isn’t likely I’ll ever see these beautiful places at the National Parks so I was thrilled to be able to read about them. The author did such a great job of setting the scenery in all three of the novels

The 1930’s and the CCC men who were sent to the camp in this story is a little discussed, little known piece of history. The author did a fantastic job in bringing this time period to life. I highly recommend this novel and the series. They have a place on my forever shelves!

I received a book from the publisher. All opinions are my own

My Dearest Dietrich

by Amanda Barratt


I think every reader starts a book with certain expectations. I expected this book to be good because I knew about Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Haven’t most? This book wasn’t just good, it was unforgettable.

I found it amazing how enthralled I was with the story, knowing the outcome. It takes a special kind of writing to want to enjoy and savor a book where there really aren’t any spoilers. I knew the ending ; yet I so enjoyed the journey, the blessed journey of this couple..so beautifully written.

The scenes are painted with intricate detail…as they tried to visit in prison with others looking on, the reader can feel the tension and the hesitancy of the actors, the characters. They are alive…so real and vibrant. I knew the happily ever after would never come, that darkness was abundant. However, it doesn’t overtake the beautiful love story, and the love God gave these two for each other. This book makes Mr. Bonhoeffer more a man than a minister…more human, and more relatable.

The book has prose as beautiful as poetry, and tells of a beautiful love story…but in a way that I’ve never quite read before.

This book finds its place on my forever shelves, and I definitely plan on visiting Maria and Dietrich again!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

All Manner of Things

by Susie Finkbeiner


A well written story with incredibly well developed characters. The timeline being that of Vietnam made it fascinating as that’s not a common backdrop for a fiction novel. For me, this story was definitely driven by its characters…by the end of the novel, you feel a part of the family…the depth of the characters so real, genuine, and engaging.

First of all, I know people who read my reviews will want to know that words such as “Golly,” “Gosh,” and similar words are used frequently throughout the story. I’m guessing these words were common during this time, but they aren’t words I use. I know some readers of my reviews don’t use them either so I wanted to make sure I mentioned that. No, there are no swear words or bad scenes…other than what is mentioned. It’s a completely clean novel with a minor faith thread that starts about half way through the story. It’s a natural progression of the story and done quite well.

The first words that comes to mind in regards to this story is it’s Americana. It’s the story of an American family and community. Their tragedies and triumphs, the difficulties of coming of age, the  burdensome problems of aging, the troubling ebb and flow of relationships…a well written drama full of life..real life. It reminds me much of Chris Fabry’s stories. Taking a piece of time, placing in it characters to love, and giving a tale of how lives are intertwined and how the dynamics of family play out. It’s a bittersweet story that could be similar to your neighbors. Nothing flashy, nothing suspenseful..life in all its beauty and heartbreak. 

It’s a winsome story that will touch your heart because of its veracity and endearing characters. 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Noble Guardian

by Michelle Griep


 Life couldn’t be better for Abigail Gilbert—but it’s been a long time coming. Having lived with a family who hated her, love is finally within reach. Abby sets off on a journey across England to marry one of the most prestigious gentleman bachelors in the land—until highwaymen upset her plans and threaten her life.

Horse patrol captain Samuel Thatcher arrives just in time to save Abby. But to him she’s simply another victim in a job he’s come to despise. Tired of the dark side of humanity, he intends to buy land and retire.

Abby pleads with him to escort her on the rest of her journey. He refuses until she offers him the thing he desperately needs to achieve his goal: money. Delivering her safely will earn him more than enough to settle into a quiet life.

So begins an impossible trek for the cynical lawman and the proper lady. Each will be indelibly changed by the time they reach her betrothed, if they don’t kill one another first—or fall in love.


“ I respect your caution in sparing my sensibilities, sir, but I believe God provides us with fellow sojourners to help lighten our heavy loads through prayer and encouragement.”

I have so enjoyed this series by Michelle Griep! Lots of action, adventure, and love written on a page and woven into intriguing tales. The Noble Guardian for me was all about the characters .

Abigail is an endearing character full of spunk. She actually reminds me of a dear highschool friend so I really felt as if I knew her. She always makes the most of situations. Her character is so well done that the readers emotions are definitely highly invested in her outcome.

Samuel can be a bit of an enigma, unless you know a man with a harsh exterior and a heart as soft as a pillow. So he’s not so different from many men. His character is well done, and he brings a lot of mood and tension to the read.

With a brooding man who exudes a harsh exterior, a woman who needs his protection to get to her fiancé , and a little one who needs them to survive, all of this wrapped up in a story of magistrates, highway men, and a man wanting to kill for revenge…you don’t want to miss book number three of the Bow Street Runners.

“…ye can safely leave them in God’s hands. Not that He can’t use yer gun, though, mind he. There’s no sin in wanting to protect them. The fault lies when he think ye’re their sole protector. Aye?

“It’s more noble to love, even if it’s not returned, than to live without it.”

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Having some fun with photography!

My Dystonia Life. It’s a Family Thing! – Visit My Brother’s Blog

A shirt my sis designed for our family. 💗

Sharing about the disorder that affects almost every aspect of my life has never been easy for me. I’ve had the disorder over 25 years, yet there is a lot about it i don’t share. My mom, two brothers, and a sister have been diagnosed with it. It is different in each of us. My oldest brother has many of the mental issues and the dystonia seizures that I have. He has started a new blog to put his musing into the written word. It’s been therapeutic for him, and I highly encourage him to continue. I painfully know all to well of what he is speaking … that makes it hard. I got it first and for many years no one else showed signs of it. It was sad days when our family realized it wasn’t going to just be me. My sis got it next. I was crushed. My brother, Joshua, got it at 30. We have always been close, and we are close in age. I don’t remember life without him. I want to really encourage anyone who reads this to please read and follow my brothers page as he works through this disorder in his own way. Go here-


My brother and I….long ago! 😊 This pic will take you where you need to go!

He puts into words so much what it is like…and admits things about it I never have. I love all of my siblings more than any words can express. I was the oldest so I’ve loved them ever since they were born. Watching is hard…the comfort??


He is our Heavenly Father and wants what is best, but it isn’t easy. He didn’t promise that. He did promise He’d be with us as we live out the journey…the story He has written for our lives. Please visit this blog…perhaps leave an encouraging comment. Feel welcome to tell him his “ little sister” as he calls me, sent you! 😊 Some pics I had to share! I have lots, lots more…but I won’t bore you with them all.

The year my brother graduated from highschool
The Year I graduated from highschool. He was my “date” to the Senior Banquet.
My brother visiting me in Maine

Between Two Shores

by Jocelyn Green

I read this book back when it released earlier this year, but it was such an amazing read that I wanted to spotlight it on my blog which is fairly new.

A book with wonderful depth, terrific characters, amazingly accurate historical detail- these all combine to make a read that kept me awake till 2AM to get to the conclusion. One thing that I really loved about this book was that everything doesn’t necessarily turn out the way one might think, but that is life. God’s ways aren’t always ours, and sometimes he has a different path for us than what we wish. His way will be better.

I enjoyed the characters in this story, and one feels pulled into the time and place by the terrific historical detail. With all the treasures this book holds, I had to give it my rare five stars. You should get your hands on this read! It’s a beautifully written historical novel that just is meant to be read and savored!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Always Be Thankful

Some Ramblings of the Heart…

Ephesians 5:20 “Giving thanks always for ALL things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;”

Abby and I finished a Bible study that I titled “Attitude of Gratitude.” We finished the study, but we hope as a family we will hold each other accountable. Like when complaining the difficulty of having the sun shine in ones eyes, one pipes up to say that at least we SEE the sun at 7:30!! Come winter it will be dark at 4!!

Abby and I both realized during this study we needed to change…we also realized that always being thankful for ALL things is a verse that we will have to wrap our mind and heart around EVERY day.

There is always much for which to be thankful, but to be thankful for ALL things? It isn’t too much for our Lord to ask, but without him it’s a task I realize I can’t fulfill. Thankful for a week of rain? Thankful for Dystonia? Thankful for being so far away from my parents? YES!

  • Come summer a cool rainy day will sound nice
  • My Dystonia has brought many wonderful people into my life. This includes my dear Hubby and my daughter!
  • I live in my Daddy’s hometown so I get to see my wonderful parents ever year for several weeks.

Frequently, it’s our perspective that needs a change!

Just one verse in the Bible, yet I can’t perform this one without God’s help. How weak our flesh is, and how strong is God’s mercy and grace towards us. Always be Thankful!!

I wrote this a year ago, but I needed the reminder so I decided to add it to the blog. I hope it is a blessing. 💗

Breach of Trust

by Rachel Dylan

A great ending to a terrific suspense trilogy! I really enjoyed this read. Lawyers may be nice, but they can’t always play nice. Mia learns that through the situations that occur in court. Outside of court, her faith is being tested in so many ways…just like in anyone’s life. I really enjoyed the suspense in this read. The author did an awesome job of slight hints of things along the way without giving away who all was involved or exactly the end game.

It’s a terrific legal thriller with a page turner plot and very relateable characters. Some faith questions that are common in this wicked world…and characters from the previous books. All of this comes together for a tremendous legal thriller that I highly recommend. I will admit that it took me a bit to get into the read , but that was probably more my mood than the writing.

I really highly recommend this read, and this entire series.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

My Heart Belongs in the Blue Ridge:Laurel’s Dream

by Pepper Basham

Pepper has written a beautiful novel…just as beautifully written as the picture she describes of her precious mountains. The main characters are sweet and take your heart. It has the good of people and the evil, the sweetness and the temper. The writing evokes so many emotions as the reader gets to know the beautiful Appalachian mountains and it’s people.

If you have followed this author for any length of time you know she has a special love for Appalachia. Her passion for the place, people, and her roots really comes through in this read. I have followed this author from her first book, and I think this may be her best yet.

It’s so incredibly done, and it has a special place in this readers heart!

I received this book from the author. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

<i>Daughters of Northern Shores</i> <br> <h4>by Joanne Bischof</h4>

Daughters of Northern Shores

by Joanne Bischof

I was so eager to get this book, and it did not at all disappoint. Beautifully written story with characters that become family. I just love Aven and Thor, especially. The writing itself takes you away to a different time and place, the characters jump off the page, and the entire book evokes so much emotion. Another book by this author that is incredibly well done! Highly recommend this read.. delightful, alluring,and so much more!

Governess of Penwythe Hall

by Sarah Ladd

I don’t know why God chose to give me this illness. How I wish it could have been otherwise, but if I had spent my life questioning His reasons…I would have wasted the days I’d been given.”

I thoroughly enjoyed this Regency read by one of my favorite authors of this genre. Her writing is much more like classical writers so you feel a part of the story. This author gives the reader the feeling of true authenticity of the time and place.

The characters are wonderfully done in this read. The faith theme is present, though not a strong one in this read. Once again, I find children really pulled me into this storytelling. Each child is so well done, and I fell in love with all of them. As usual, there are somethings I as a reader knew would happen after the first chapter, but Sarah Ladd makes the journey getting there very enjoyable. The storyline and plot is well done as always, but this book ( to me) was really driven by the characters themselves.

If you enjoy historical fiction or the Regency age, you must try Sarah Ladd. This is one of my favorites of hers, I think. However, they are all worth the read. I really felt like I wanted a sequel with this one, but I doubt that’s a possibility so I shall write my own in my imagination. Enjoy a lovely book by a terrific writer and go grab a copy….you might find yourself smelling the blossoming of apple trees!


RachsRamblings on the idea of real love…

In reading my devotions lately, in conversations, on social media, and in what little TV movies I’ve seen lately-much is said of love. It’s sad some of the ideas we have about love.

It seems many of the conversations on social media and TV go something like this, “ Well, if he loved me, I and my feelings would matter.” “If she loved me she would act differently.” “If they loved me they would ( fill in the blank.)”

As much as society would like us to think that love is GETTING. It isn’t! Love is giving…love is giving everything. Christ set the perfect example, of course, by somehow loving me when I was unloveable. Dying for me, when I was unloveable. The Bible never indicates that we are to only love those who give to us- quite the opposite. “ (Charity) seeketh not her own.” This verse is a dart straight to the heart and definition of love.

Before I was married, a lovely couple that has known me my whole life gave me a piece of advice I’ve never forgotten. “Marriage is NOT 50/50. Marriage is 100/0. Giving your all expecting nothing in return.” This is a piece of wisdom that I’ve held onto for seventeen years-a convicting one at times. If I love my husband because of what I get, it isn’t love. True love is the love that Christ gives- unconditional! We are just to love others. Period. No excuses- not in marriage, not in relationships. May I learn to love as Christ did! LIVE TO LOVE!


<i>Burden of Proof</i> <br> <h4>by Diann Mills</h4>

Burden of Proof

by Diann Mills

“The darkest moments of our lives are intended for God to use in a mighty way.”

This is a terrific and fast paced suspense read. Right from the first page, you are pulled into the life of an FBI agent, father who is wrongly accused, and a baby being kidnapped. The journey from there is a fast paced rush of adrenaline to find the facts before the crooked law destroys all the evidence. Who can you trust?? Who is on whose side? No one knows, making the collecting of evidence and staying alive a game of cat and mouse with everyone.

I have always enjoyed Diann Mills books. Firewall has always been my favorite…this one comes close! Somethings the reader can figure out along the way, other things totally blind side the reader. 

Terrific suspense with a slight touch of romance which is my preference as I prefer the suspense over the romance. I highly recommend that any lover of suspense get their hands on this read!!

<i>How the Light Gets In </i> <br> <h4>by Jolina Petersheim </h4>

How the Light Gets In

by Jolina Petersheim

This is a masterpiece of a novel. I love the authors voice and how well she writes this book. I’m always mentioning, when authors ask what I’m looking for in a book, that I want more books beyond the wedding. Perhaps it’s not as romantic, but I retally enjoy reading books that have life lessons and are realistic….books to which I can relate.

There are several things in this book to which I relate, the biggest one really is adoption as we adopted a child that required much time and care. There is much to love about this read.

There is a twist in the book that I still am not sure exactly what I thought. One thing in particular I didn’t like, BUT this book evokes so much emotion that I as a reader was totally invested in these characters ( and kids in a book- I LOVE that!).

The twist is really totally brilliant and skillfully done on the authors part…but it doesn’t feel so much that way on the readers part as the reader makes their way through the plot twist. If a writer can pull so many emotions from a story, though…it’s gotta be a good one. Whether the reader is perfectly happy with the ending or not, I just had to give my rare five stars because I was confused, a bit upset, yet somewhat happy at the same time…and those emotions have changed as I’ve thought on the novel. This is a book I will be thinking about for a long time to come. This novel is really exceptionally done!

I highly recommend you read this book…and I’m so looking forward to reading everyone’s thoughts on this read. I’ve never read a book like this one.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

<i>The Memory House</i> <br> <h4>by Rachel Hauck</h4>

The Memory House

by Rachel Hauck

The author really delivers in this read! So much about life…it’s tragedies and triumphs, mountains and valleys, times of spiritual weakness, and times of spiritual growth and grace.

The characters in this book are very well done, and I was so glad that a big fight over a secret wasn’t the climax because that is rather overused. I read a lot so I tend to notice…plus it’s a constant Hallmark trope as well. This book breaks from the mold in many ways, for that, if for no other reason- it made this book stand out to me.

We adopted so that being a subject in the book also gives the book a special feel. This book has pretty much all emotions.

How people deal with loss is different for everyone, but there is only One who can make you live again! To me, that was much what the book was about…walking through the valleys, never forgetting them,but using them to continue to live.

I enjoy Rachel Haucks reads…this has to be one of my favorites by her. There were a few things I wish had been explored more or places where I wanted more remorse or a different emotion. This was a personal preference, tho, and this book was really well done with the plot and storylines. There is depth to this story that makes it a definite re-read…and some things on which to dwell. Definitely a book to read, savor, enjoy, and cause the reader to muse more about life…the messy, the tragedies,the lovely, and the ugly. It’s far more than just a romance read so go get your hands on this one!! Take yourself to another’s world and see if your perspective of things doesn’t change..at least a little.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

<i>The Golden Bride</i><br> <h4> by Kimberley Woodhouse </h4>

The Golden Bride

by Kimberley Woodhouse

The Golden Bride was an enjoyable story with fascinating history. It was an easy read based in San Francisco during the time of the gold rush. The story did a good job of explaining the conditions of the city during that time.

My favorite part was the sweet pieces of history from the previous books in the series! What a treat that was… I also enjoyed the strong faith theme in the book.

This is another delightful read in the Mayflower Bride Series.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.