Category: Kimberly Duffy

The Weight of Air

By Kimberly Duffy


The Weight of Air covers some difficult topics. Most of these were not ones to which I could personally relate. I was never able to give birth ( different emotional difficulties there), and I had a utopian type childhood. I do, however, have some close relationships where postpartum depression was such a struggle, known those who committed suicide, and those who were abandoned by parents. So I understood to some extent the struggles these characters face.

Mabel was by far my favorite because she seemed to really grow throughout the book. She had a heart to forgive and love. The characters were very well done as is common for this author. I really enjoy her writing style, and I have read and own her other books.

I really felt this book had a great opportunity to have a better faith theme. “I can do all things” was mentioned, but in relation to circus tricks-nothing spiritual. There was faith and hope, but it wasn’t tied to the faith and hope we have through Jesus Christ. A very slight faith theme comes in at the end, but it doesn’t really affect the lives of the characters at all. There is also a relationship that a woman puts herself in to keep her job. There isn’t a big forgiveness or redemption story tied to that at all either. The idea of using the beauty of a woman was portrayed as wrong, but the characters, especially Mabel, did nothing when pictures were used of her that should not have been. She didn’t like it, but she made no complaints to the boss. That just seemed strange to me.

The story itself was well written as all of this authors books are. I felt the characters were real and intriguing as we learn the circumstances that shaped them, and the scenes were so vivid. I’ve never been to a circus so the author did a good job of making me “see it.”

It’s a book with flawed and broken people making their way through the life and circumstances that occurred that were beyond their control. One of my favorite tropes is used and done so well, but no spoilers so I won’t go there. A terrific set of characters, a wonderful story, it just needed more Christian faith elements for me to truly love it. I have to say it was refreshing to read a book where men were not terrible, abusive to women…but tried to support the women in their lives! That has been a common theme in many CF books. I have a husband who sometimes carries me literally and figuratively. I’m not saying they were perfect as none are, but they grew in their relationships and supported the women in their lives whether wife or daughter. Loved that.

If you enjoyed this book and author Kristy Cambron, Lynn Austin, and perhaps Jody Hedlund are some authors you might want to consider reading. If you want more historical circus stories Joanne Bischof and Kristy Cambron have some out there that are quite good.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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