Sharing about the disorder that affects almost every aspect of my life has never been easy for me. I’ve had the disorder over 25 years, yet there is a lot about it i don’t share. My mom, two brothers, and a sister have been diagnosed with it. It is different in each of us. My oldest brother has many of the mental issues and the dystonia seizures that I have. He has started a new blog to put his musing into the written word. It’s been therapeutic for him, and I highly encourage him to continue. I painfully know all to well of what he is speaking … that makes it hard. I got it first and for many years no one else showed signs of it. It was sad days when our family realized it wasn’t going to just be me. My sis got it next. I was crushed. My brother, Joshua, got it at 30. We have always been close, and we are close in age. I don’t remember life without him. I want to really encourage anyone who reads this to please read and follow my brothers page as he works through this disorder in his own way. Go here-
He puts into words so much what it is like…and admits things about it I never have. I love all of my siblings more than any words can express. I was the oldest so I’ve loved them ever since they were born. Watching is hard…the comfort??
He is our Heavenly Father and wants what is best, but it isn’t easy. He didn’t promise that. He did promise He’d be with us as we live out the journey…the story He has written for our lives. Please visit this blog…perhaps leave an encouraging comment. Feel welcome to tell him his “ little sister” as he calls me, sent you! Some pics I had to share! I have lots, lots more…but I won’t bore you with them all.