Category: Christian Fiction

Last Chance Cowboy

By Jody Hedlund


The last of the siblings gets his story. I always love a good redemption story, and a marriage of convenience plot. The characters are well done, and the witty banter between siblings is fun. I have four siblings of my own.

I enjoyed the action and the forgiveness/ redemption topic. I do wish the redemption part had taken place during the story. I did enjoy the action in the story and the wonderful midwifery stories.

I’m not much into overly romantic stories…I prefer more the historical side of a book. I would have preferred it to be more like her previous series where I learned so many interesting historical facts. I am in the minority on this subject, though. Jody Hedlund fans and fans of cowboy romance will be sure to love the final story in the Colorado Cowboy series- characters, action, forgiveness, and a marriage of convenience story.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Weight of Air

By Kimberly Duffy


The Weight of Air covers some difficult topics. Most of these were not ones to which I could personally relate. I was never able to give birth ( different emotional difficulties there), and I had a utopian type childhood. I do, however, have some close relationships where postpartum depression was such a struggle, known those who committed suicide, and those who were abandoned by parents. So I understood to some extent the struggles these characters face.

Mabel was by far my favorite because she seemed to really grow throughout the book. She had a heart to forgive and love. The characters were very well done as is common for this author. I really enjoy her writing style, and I have read and own her other books.

I really felt this book had a great opportunity to have a better faith theme. “I can do all things” was mentioned, but in relation to circus tricks-nothing spiritual. There was faith and hope, but it wasn’t tied to the faith and hope we have through Jesus Christ. A very slight faith theme comes in at the end, but it doesn’t really affect the lives of the characters at all. There is also a relationship that a woman puts herself in to keep her job. There isn’t a big forgiveness or redemption story tied to that at all either. The idea of using the beauty of a woman was portrayed as wrong, but the characters, especially Mabel, did nothing when pictures were used of her that should not have been. She didn’t like it, but she made no complaints to the boss. That just seemed strange to me.

The story itself was well written as all of this authors books are. I felt the characters were real and intriguing as we learn the circumstances that shaped them, and the scenes were so vivid. I’ve never been to a circus so the author did a good job of making me “see it.”

It’s a book with flawed and broken people making their way through the life and circumstances that occurred that were beyond their control. One of my favorite tropes is used and done so well, but no spoilers so I won’t go there. A terrific set of characters, a wonderful story, it just needed more Christian faith elements for me to truly love it. I have to say it was refreshing to read a book where men were not terrible, abusive to women…but tried to support the women in their lives! That has been a common theme in many CF books. I have a husband who sometimes carries me literally and figuratively. I’m not saying they were perfect as none are, but they grew in their relationships and supported the women in their lives whether wife or daughter. Loved that.

If you enjoyed this book and author Kristy Cambron, Lynn Austin, and perhaps Jody Hedlund are some authors you might want to consider reading. If you want more historical circus stories Joanne Bischof and Kristy Cambron have some out there that are quite good.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Yesterday’s Tides

By Roseanna M. White


I really liked the characters in this book, and I liked both timeline stories which is rare. Both plots are well done, and I do not have a favorite. That is pretty much next to impossible.

The storyline with its mystery really keeps the reader engaged. The family history is another mystery for the reader to solve. The WWI and WWII history adds so much to the book! The book has action, mystery, history, and beautiful relationships. Anything else one could possibly want?

The entire group of characters is wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed the stories of the secondary characters as well. With the dual timeline, the reader gets the viewpoint of the US as well as some viewpoint from overseas.

My favorite part of this story is all the people that we meet that are in previous stories. I thoroughly enjoyed the Codebreaker series so I was thrilled that some of the characters show up in this story. It made a wonderful way of bringing the story more to life because I had already met some of the cast of characters. I think the only thing I did not like about it was mentioning rosary beads and Catholics. I did not feel that it was necessary to point out which people believed differently than others. Those parts of the story did not seem to fit, and they could easily have been left out.

The incredibly well done characters , a very engaging plot line in both stories, special pieces of previous series by this author, and as always fascinating history all combine to make a wonderful novel.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Hearts of Steel

By Elizabeth Camden


I really liked Maggie in this book…even though obsessive, her fears were definitely warranted. She was so scrappy and incredibly hard working. I liked Liam, but I do wish he had grown a bit and learned to better control his temper. He was too old for board room brawls…not saying the guy didn’t deserve it. However, he should have been above that eventually. I felt Maggie had some growth to her, but Liam didn’t really. I did love what he would do for those he loved. This was a great title for the two characters.

This story grabbed my attention from the beginning and held it. The plot and storyline was very interesting, and the attempts by the crooked guy that just keep coming seem unreal. Most of it, however, is based on a true character in history.

The two main characters complement each other well, the storyline keeps the reader engaged, and Liam ends up in the state in which I live with his yacht! He doesn’t come for a vacation, though. My favorite scene is a beautiful gift given to Liam from his sister that he treasures. 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Within These Walls of Sorrow

By Amanda Barratt


 I am at a loss for rating or reviewing a novel as powerful as this one.. The writing takes the reader on the journey, that much is incredibly true.

A poignant, heart wrenching, tragic tale of The Ghetto. The word sorrow doesn’t really come close to all that occurred there. How humans treated other humans like this is something I will never understand. As hard as it was to read, I cannot imagine how hard it was to see and live through, if one could call it living for these souls. It’s a novel that makes the reader think of how one person could help, and yet how could a person not help. God must have put people there, miraculously through a pharmacy, to help with things beyond the scope of a pharmacy. It left people to tell the stories that needed to be told.

This book is not so dark that the reader cannot finish. The reader gets Jewish and non Jewish viewpoints. I really liked the different characters that the reader follows. It gives a good perspective. This was really one of the best books I’ve read about WWII Poland because of that…much of this isn’t fiction.

I’m still amazed every time I think of the fact that the pharmacy was allowed to stay open inside the ghetto throughout the entire time…the building is still there today.

Realistic characters, powerful and painful stories, and the ability to change the reader…this is a novel that I’m not sure I’ll ever forget. It leaves the reader with choices to make about his own life and to learn so much about past lives and their gifts to then and now.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

A picture of the pharmacy as it stands today. Used by permission.

The Rose and the Thistle

By Laura Frantz


A beautifully written tale set in Scotland. It is as if every word sings in this novel. I have a habit of skimming a bit since I read so fast. I did not with this book. Every word is to be savored as the reader meets the characters and takes a journey with them.

The main characters are fantastic and realistic. I loved them both. The secondary characters steal the readers heart as well, especially sweet Orrin. They struggle and contend just as we do. The love story is not just about looks and lust-it is about character and respect. Oh, how this reader loved that. I was kept up way past my bedtime to enjoy this alluring read.

I felt the strong underlying theme was to follow the Lord and rule what He has given well. God sets up the kings, but we each have our own dominion. It is for that, that we shall answer to The King how well we execute His commands.

The author appeals to all senses to put the reader in the setting. I thoroughly enjoyed the setting, loved the characters, eagerly anticipated the climax of the plot, and loved the happily ever after. This is one of those books that brings a beautiful sigh at the conclusion, yet I did not want it to end. Engaging characters, enchanting setting, intriguing plot, well woven faith theme, and an entirely magnificent story that will have its place on my forever shelves. Just lovely.

I received this book from the publisher as well as purchasing one. All opinions are my own.

The Secrets of Emberwild

By Stephenia McGee


This was a book that I really wanted to get my hands on. I heard a lot of positive buzz on social media for this book. I enjoyed the writing. The author was very descriptive and made the scenes come alive.

I just didn’t like Nora, the female lead. She was a whiner and complainer because she was limited for being a woman. I actually felt this way once, but I grew up. Taking a girl in the early 1900’s and having her say and do things that don’t fit the era just wasn’t appealing. I’ll also admit to feeling this topic is too overdone in Christian Fiction. The victim hood of women has been a common theme in a lot of CF in the last several years so I guess I have read too much of it. I think for others who have not been bombarded with it, I can see why they would like the main character. I would have liked her too if character growth was there. It was not.

I did like that the Mother’s character grew throughout the novel as well as other secondary characters. I’ll also admit that I am not a big horse fan. So I am thinking that perhaps I am not the reader this book needed.

My daughter does not look for the depth that I do, and she has loved reading horse books since a young girl. So I am passing it on to her thinking perhaps a teen that loves horses is more the target audience.

It was a sweet story and a well written one. I would have liked to see some spiritual depth, character growth, and more of a faith thread. If you like horse books then give it a try. It just might be a book you really like. I’m interested to see what my daughter thinks.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Engaging Deception

by Regina Jennings


A beautiful story.

My favorite part was with Olive and the two kids. She fell right in to taking care of them. They had a wonderful relationship.

I liked the construction and how it was described. It was well done. The scenery involved was very nice. The romance was not too overly done, I actually thought that it was a bit funny, in a good way. I like those kind of stories. The book had a bit of a mystery which always makes for a better book.

The one downer is, it didn’t have as strong a faith theme as some of her books do. It did get better throughout.
The writing was engaging and I would say one of her best written novels. A very sweet, caring, funny, sad, and happily ever after story! Much enjoyed.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Critical Threat

by Lynette Eason


The plot in this story is amazing. The storyline moves at an incredibly fast pace making it very hard to put down. Many twists and turns keep the reader engaged throughout the story. The romance is very much in the background in comparison to many romantic suspense novels, and I am very much ok with that. I really prefer the mystery and suspense to be front and center in my reads.

The characters are interesting, and they definitely have fascinating jobs. The whole idea of how they try to catch a serial killer has always fascinated me. How does one try to think like them? Or figure the why of such evil? These are just a few interesting topics this book will cover.

I would have really liked it if this book had a strong faith theme throughout. It does give one towards the end for which I was thankful. If you are a clean reads suspense fan, you don’t want to miss this one.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Framing the Marshall

By Sharee Stover


Really enjoyed this book! It was a terrific story with great characters…including the dog!

This book catches the reader right from the start. I didn’t want to put it down. Both lead characters are well done. The action doesn’t stop in this one. It is edge of your seat suspense from beginning to end.

My favorite part of the book is the faith theme which is so well done in this book. The plot is clear and incredibly involved, but the author takes time to put in a terrific and strong faith thread.

With interesting characters, a very intriguing plot, and a strong faith thread this author has written a wonderful novel. Definitely recommend! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.