Tag: suspense

Deadly Revenge

By Patricia Bradley


A fast paced suspense and mystery read that has nice characters, lots of action, and a romance that rings a bit more real since they had met before this book starts.

I like strong faith themes so I would have liked a stronger one in this read. It is hard to fit a good one into a fast paced suspense, though, so I usually understand if it isn’t as strong as other genres. There is dealing with PTSD and anxiety in this one which some people really like to see. This book did a good job of presenting that well.

I had most of this figured out before the end. It doesn’t exactly all wrap up with a neat little bow when the mystery is closed, but that is life so not all of what we want to know is always known. The author does a good job of giving the reader enough information to decide for himself what probably happened with the few loose ends.

The suspense keeps the reader engaged throughout the story, and the author does a good job of slowly revealing things to the reader. I’ve been a fan of Patricia Bradley for some time, and this book doesn’t disappoint.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Hidden in the Night

By Elizabeth Goddard


This is another fantastic read by this author. Wonderful characters, terrific story, good faith theme, and a suspense thread that keeps the reader turning the pages.

I think my favorite thing about this novel was the setting, and all that is explained about Alaska. There is much in here about the difficulties faced due to the unique terrain, weather, and other challenges in Alaska. My daddy was in Alaska for awhile so the state itself has always fascinated me, even though I have never been there.

The characters are well done, both the main characters and the secondary. They are used well in the good faith thread. It isn’t always easy for suspense reads to have a strong faith thread as the pace of the book is so fast. It was well done in this read.

Using a lost manuscript is an interesting detail in the book, and the twists, turns, and surprises are well done. I have enjoyed all three books in this series. I definitely recommend this one.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Double Take

by Lynette Eason


I thoroughly enjoyed this book with all its twists and turns.

The two main characters are fantastic. I really liked James and Lainie. I liked how their relationship grew and that they had known each other so long. The faith theme was quite good throughout the book. That’s not easy to pull off in such a fast paced suspense story.

This was a terrific suspense/mystery story with wonderful characters, a good cast of secondary characters, well paced, and a good faith thread.
This was a great read to start 2024, and it will definitely make my forever shelves.

My daughter is eagerly awaiting her turn. I am eagerly awaiting the next in the series.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


by Lynette Eason


Enjoyed this story! I liked both characters in this story. The fact that it wasn’t an “Insta love” type story made it even better. I like far more suspense than romance, and I felt the author really delivered in that area. 

The suspense was well done, and it was very well paced. The storyline itself was engaging and kept the reader turning the pages. It felt like a bit of a slow start for me, but I didn’t mind that at all.

The faith theme was well done and very intrinsic to the story. It’s hard to get a good faith theme in the suspense genre so it is always well appreciated when it comes through so well.

This had a wonderful cast of characters, a terrific and fascinating storyline, and a good faith theme-all the elements that I really enjoy in a suspense read. I have really enjoyed this series, and I’m rather sad to see it end. It did finish with a fantastic novel, though.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Counter Attack

By Patricia Bradley


I was so glad to get this book and review it! Patricia Bradley always writes such good books, and this one doesn’t waver from being well written. 

From the start it was a little bit slow, but once you get to know the story a little bit better, you understand why it started that way.  The characters were well written. Liked Alexis story and how the romance between her and Nathan was slow and built up. 
One of my favorite parts of the story was of Alexis and her grandparents. A sweet relationship to which I can relate.
The suspense was very well done, except for the fact that I knew who it was before about 50 pages in. (Maybe that’s just because I read mystery a lot, but it didn’t take me long to figure it out.) I kept on reading to follow the main characters story, and why and how the person did the deed. 
The faith theme was there, but a bit lacking in depth. This book, since it moved slower than some suspense novels, could have had a better one, in my opinion. 
I really enjoyed the nice easy read, as I always do of Patricia Bradley!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Under Fire

By Lynn H. Blackburn


I have absolutely loved the team in this series of books. I like the camaraderie, the witty banter, and the faith shared in the group. I have really enjoyed the characters most of all. In an unusual statement, I don’t think I have a favorite book in this series. 

You can read each book as a stand-alone, but I wouldn’t recommend it. The reader gets much more from the books by getting to know the group one book at a time.

Both characters Zane and Tess get their story told from their perspective. I really felt like both were necessary and both gave much to the story. I would have preferred more action less romance-that’s always my opinion. I read for the suspense. You will note I’m in the minority on this one, but the budding of the relationship between the two characters seems to take precedent much of the time. There is nothing beyond kissing, but the romantic tension/dialogue felt a bit much for me. 

With fantastic characters, wonderful faith theme, well paced suspense this read will make suspense fans happy. The character group themselves really pulled me through the book. I really enjoyed how well they work together and support each other.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Critical Threat

by Lynette Eason


The plot in this story is amazing. The storyline moves at an incredibly fast pace making it very hard to put down. Many twists and turns keep the reader engaged throughout the story. The romance is very much in the background in comparison to many romantic suspense novels, and I am very much ok with that. I really prefer the mystery and suspense to be front and center in my reads.

The characters are interesting, and they definitely have fascinating jobs. The whole idea of how they try to catch a serial killer has always fascinated me. How does one try to think like them? Or figure the why of such evil? These are just a few interesting topics this book will cover.

I would have really liked it if this book had a strong faith theme throughout. It does give one towards the end for which I was thankful. If you are a clean reads suspense fan, you don’t want to miss this one.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Critical Alliance

By Elizabeth Goddard


This was an interesting read about cyber security, and the big “who dunnit ?” The characters were well done, I really liked the suspense in the book. All of the electronics and how they could be a bad thing was fascinating to me. The characters didn’t have extreme depth, but this story is really driven by the mystery and suspense. 

It does have romance, but it wasn’t a lot…and it wasn’t what kept me turning the pages. It seemed a bit fast, but there was some back history between the two.

It had a faith theme of forgiveness that was well done. It was about forgiving oneself and their past.

In reading mystery, I have gotten pretty good at guessing who the culprit is. Definitely NOT with this book. The ending and revelation of the “who” was a huge surprise and a fantastic well written turn of events. It was a WOW moment for sure.

Overall, it was a good read. I haven’t read the previous in the series, and it held up fine on its own.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Elysium Tide

By James Hannibal


I so enjoy this author’s books. 

A terrific suspense storyline with his signature fantastic characters! Hannibal is so incredibly good at writing interesting characters and putting them together to make a thoroughly well written suspense read.

This story has more facets than most of his. This book is quite a bit different than his last read. The faith theme is done well and so different than most authors. I think that is true for most of his stories. I really enjoy different so I don’t plan on missing any of his reads.

The author managed to give me two big surprises that I didn’t see coming. The twists and turns are so well done. I like the pace of this read. Its suspense is incredibly well written, but it doesn’t seem too fast paced which many fictional suspense stories are.just too fast for me.

If you enjoyed this read, I highly recommend The Paris Betrayal which is an amazing read. If you like Natalie Walters, then try this authors books. James Hannibal does not disappoint. It’s a strictly suspense not romantic suspense story which I totally love. This book has faith, suspense, story, and wonderful characters—everything I love in a story. So…do not miss it!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


Susan May Warren


I enjoyed this read. It has been sometime since I had read this author, but I enjoy suspense so I decided to give this book a read. I enjoyed the storyline, but would have liked more suspense and less romance— just my personal preference when it comes to books.

I am thinking I might have missed a bit by not reading the first in this series, but I’m not sure on that so that makes me say that really this book stands well on its own.

If you like to travel in your reads, I would recommend this one. You get a touch of another culture and experience “traveling” from the comfort of wherever you are reading. I really enjoyed that about this book. I liked the characters, but neither one of them were good at communicating well to the other, The two main characters seem to dance around their words and feelings through most of the book. They desperately needed to just open up and talk to each other. I’m the opposite of that, and I was bluntly honest when I fell in love with my hubby. I kind of underStand after reading the book, why the guy was hesitant. The girl really needed to just spit out what was on her mind…again…just my opinion.

I liked the faith theme in this book as well…always something I want in my books.
I rarely read any contemporary romance. This author wrote it well enough for me to want to find out what happens, and I finished the book enjoying the story. That’s a win for the author. If you like contemporary romance with some action, this book is for you.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.