Tag: mystery

A Beautiful Disguise

by Roseanna White


This book felt much different to me than the author’s other books. It has the mystery, interesting character group, and life among those with money. The interesting part, of course, is the fact that among the wealthy is a circus and two who love the trapeze and other acts that are done in a circus. To an extent, I enjoyed it. However, I had a hard time finding it believable.

It just seemed to be a bit of a stretch to find trapeze artists and circus animals among the “rich and famous.” It just didn’t seem at all realistic. I did enjoy the characters in the book-both the main and secondary characters were interesting. The storyline itself and the mysteries are what kept me turning the pages.

The faith thread in this book fits in well with the story, and it is well done. It isn’t like anything I’ve ever read before, and I do enjoy different books. If you like something a bit different, give it a try. It is a fun read. It kind of had a touch of Jen Turano in it, and I love her books. 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Critical Threat

by Lynette Eason


The plot in this story is amazing. The storyline moves at an incredibly fast pace making it very hard to put down. Many twists and turns keep the reader engaged throughout the story. The romance is very much in the background in comparison to many romantic suspense novels, and I am very much ok with that. I really prefer the mystery and suspense to be front and center in my reads.

The characters are interesting, and they definitely have fascinating jobs. The whole idea of how they try to catch a serial killer has always fascinated me. How does one try to think like them? Or figure the why of such evil? These are just a few interesting topics this book will cover.

I would have really liked it if this book had a strong faith theme throughout. It does give one towards the end for which I was thankful. If you are a clean reads suspense fan, you don’t want to miss this one.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Critical Alliance

By Elizabeth Goddard


This was an interesting read about cyber security, and the big “who dunnit ?” The characters were well done, I really liked the suspense in the book. All of the electronics and how they could be a bad thing was fascinating to me. The characters didn’t have extreme depth, but this story is really driven by the mystery and suspense. 

It does have romance, but it wasn’t a lot…and it wasn’t what kept me turning the pages. It seemed a bit fast, but there was some back history between the two.

It had a faith theme of forgiveness that was well done. It was about forgiving oneself and their past.

In reading mystery, I have gotten pretty good at guessing who the culprit is. Definitely NOT with this book. The ending and revelation of the “who” was a huge surprise and a fantastic well written turn of events. It was a WOW moment for sure.

Overall, it was a good read. I haven’t read the previous in the series, and it held up fine on its own.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Elysium Tide

By James Hannibal


I so enjoy this author’s books. 

A terrific suspense storyline with his signature fantastic characters! Hannibal is so incredibly good at writing interesting characters and putting them together to make a thoroughly well written suspense read.

This story has more facets than most of his. This book is quite a bit different than his last read. The faith theme is done well and so different than most authors. I think that is true for most of his stories. I really enjoy different so I don’t plan on missing any of his reads.

The author managed to give me two big surprises that I didn’t see coming. The twists and turns are so well done. I like the pace of this read. Its suspense is incredibly well written, but it doesn’t seem too fast paced which many fictional suspense stories are.just too fast for me.

If you enjoyed this read, I highly recommend The Paris Betrayal which is an amazing read. If you like Natalie Walters, then try this authors books. James Hannibal does not disappoint. It’s a strictly suspense not romantic suspense story which I totally love. This book has faith, suspense, story, and wonderful characters—everything I love in a story. So…do not miss it!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


Patricia Bradley


Really enjoyed this novel. It was one of those that I had a hard time putting down. The characters were well done. In this series, the females were the main characters. There was good secondary characters in this one as well. The fact that the characters knew each other previously was something I really liked. It gave their relationship more depth than what usually occurs in a book.

The plot is interesting…and has several side trails throughout the storyline. The mystery holds some surprises even for the best reader sleuths. It also gives the viewpoint of one off the bad guys which makes the story intriguing.

There is a faith theme in the book, but not an overt one. That’s what I prefer in a book, but this was an incredibly fast paced book so the author did a good job with the faith theme as the book flies.

I somehow missed the middle book in this series, but each book stands well on its own. I hope to get the middle book as well.

Nicely paced, fast moving thrill ride with a back drop of faith and wonderful characters.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Hostile Intent

by Lynette Eason


WOW! This book I didn’t put down, and I finished it in a day. The suspense is well done. It builds and crescendos at just the right times. The romance was well done also as it isn’t a rush to love as many suspense stories are. This has a reunion of high schoolers in the mix.

The storyline is intriguing, the cast of characters engaging, and a revengeful bad guy that has an unreal plan he hopes to execute. 

I did figure a few things out before they were revealed, but that didn’t make the story any less spell binding. Putting this book down just for a few hours was difficult. The reader is drawn in from the beginning. Russia and its history have always been fascinating to me so I’m sure that played a part.

The group of characters are terrific. There isn’t as much fleshing out of characters on a fast paced read, but the author does a great job of doing it well so that the reader feels connected to the main characters. Having a small cast of characters plays well, in my opinion, in these types of reads. I was glad that I didn’t have to keep up with too many. I read the first in this series, but I need to get the second and third. This book stands on its own,though.

A terrific suspense read that I simply had to lose sleep to find out the answers. Don’t miss it.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Paris Betrayal

By James R. Hannibal


The fantastic plot, wonderful characters, and well – paced story make for a read that is hard to put down! 

I enjoyed the banter between characters and the characters themselves. This author always has fascinating characters in his stories. This book is no different. It doesn’t lay them out quite the same as previous stories, but the plot doesn’t make that possible. It’s pretty much about one guy.

My daughter and I are currently studying Job so it was easy to see the allegorical details in relation to the book of Job.

The plot of the story is fascinating…never read a story quite like it. I had originally given it four stars, but the moral that is taught here kept coming to mind as did several of the predicaments in which Ben found himself . If a book is closed, yet it still remains with me, then I can’t help but rate it well. This book did that for me. Highly enjoyable, some surprises, and great dialogue makes this book a winner. Do not miss it…or the other books by this author!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Chasing the White Lion

By James R. Hannibal


I thoroughly enjoyed this read! I’m not big on Star Wars or Star Trek, but this author keeps it real enough to make it plausible and entertaining. All characters and places exist…it is not a dystopian or other world book, I’m not a fan of those.

I really like the suspense in the book. It’s a bit different than some as the guilt party at the end isn’t a huge surprise. The reader, however, is kept guessing throughout the book about so many subplots and the plot itself.

I really think my favorite part of this book, despite the fact that I love suspense reads, is the group of characters. The reader really gets to know this group of weird to exotic people. I got the advice to read the first book in the series before starting this one. I agree. The reader will miss much if he doesn’t read The Gryphon Heist first. The relationships between the characters is so well done. The backstory of Talia is great as well.

This book isn’t just a “clean read “ either…the faith theme in this book moves this author to the top group of the suspense authors I read. I’ve read some, loved the suspense, but felt let down when no faith theme is present. The faith theme in this book is natural, and incredibly well done.

I really am thrilled to have found a suspense author that has a different style, terrific plots, fun and endearing characters, and a real and wonderful faith theme. This is an author I’m definitely going to follow, and this book is going on my forever shelves.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Once Upon a Dicken’s Christmas

by Michelle Griep


This is a short quick novella. I rarely thoroughly enjoy novellas as I did this one! There is so much mystery, suspense , intrigue, and romance packed into the pages of this enjoyable read. I’ve had it for a while, but I wanted to wait until closer to Christmas to read and review.

If you like novellas and shorter stories,I highly recommend this read. Great and interesting characters, much is hidden to be revealed at just the right time, and romance blossoms as well. Truly, this book is so well done considering the size…less than 200 pages. It’s a thoroughly enjoyable mystery read so go get it!!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


Another fantastic Christmas Novella from this author. I will readily admit that I’m not a fan of novellas, but I so enjoyed the first in this series, and I was eager to read the second.

Wonderful characters, great story, lovely faith theme, and much Dickens as well. To top it all off, of course a happier ever after….maybe for more than one thinks.

Terrific story.

I won one book and received one from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


A wonderful Christmas novella by Michelle Griep! She creates fascinating stories even in novellas. That’s no small feat since I’m not a big fan of them. Such a sweet story…and I always love children in books! A sweet read that’s enjoyable,fun, and some wonderful Christian morals enter twined in the story. The little girl touched my heart.

This collection is a wonderful touch of Christmas for any reader. I thoroughly enjoyed each unique story…so go get it to enjoy a wonderful feeling of the Christmas spirit.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

<i>Burden of Proof</i> <br> <h4>by Diann Mills</h4>

Burden of Proof

by Diann Mills

“The darkest moments of our lives are intended for God to use in a mighty way.”

This is a terrific and fast paced suspense read. Right from the first page, you are pulled into the life of an FBI agent, father who is wrongly accused, and a baby being kidnapped. The journey from there is a fast paced rush of adrenaline to find the facts before the crooked law destroys all the evidence. Who can you trust?? Who is on whose side? No one knows, making the collecting of evidence and staying alive a game of cat and mouse with everyone.

I have always enjoyed Diann Mills books. Firewall has always been my favorite…this one comes close! Somethings the reader can figure out along the way, other things totally blind side the reader. 

Terrific suspense with a slight touch of romance which is my preference as I prefer the suspense over the romance. I highly recommend that any lover of suspense get their hands on this read!!