Tag: Lynn H. Blackburn

Unknown Threat

By Lynn H. Blackburn


This was a terrific suspense read! The storyline itself is an adrenaline rush. It never slows down and has action from start to finish. The scenes of suspense keep the reader on the edge of his seat for the entire journey of the novel. In most suspense reads the storyline is the main thing that keeps the reader engaged.

In this book, I really enjoyed the characters as well. They are created so well, and they each have their quirks that make them endearing to the reader. The romance is minimal and fairly well done.I prefer little romance in my suspense reads. The characters feel like real people and their development is terrific. I enjoyed the secondary characters as well.

The faith theme is evident in this novel and well done. This is always important in a Christian Fiction book in my opinion.

A wonderful suspense novel that is not at all realistic, but much suspense and well done characters.

This book was given to me by the publisher. All opinions are my own.