Tag: Ireland

The Irish Matchmaker

by Jennifer Deibel


This is a sweet story. This story was far more character driven for me. I love kids in books so I enjoyed Sara. It was a sweet romance read that was predictable but enjoyable gettIng to the end. The main characters were well done, but Sara and her dad were definitely my favorite of them all.

The setting was interesting. I find it fascinating that they use to have a matchmaking festival where so many met their mate. The historical notes at the end of the book were interesting as well.

I also enjoyed the faith theme of this book, and the focus on trying to learn to rely on God for provision was tremendously well done. That isn’t always easy, and it was a well placed message in the story. It was intricate to the storyline, and the Bible verses and how Sara presented them to her Dad was adorable. Oh to have the faith of a child!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Lady of Galway Manor

By Jennifer Deibel


I enjoyed this book very much. The characters were enjoyable. I especially liked the change of the heroine’s thoughts of who the Irish were…and then who she really found them to be. Much of the story deals with reality verses what people having heard about other people.

The author mentions having lived in Galway. That comes through the book in so many ways. You feel as if you are walking the streets there as you read the book. Many places are mentioned, but they aren’t mentioned as if they are at a distance or out of the ordinary. We see it as an Irish individual who feels so at home with the culture and food when seeing it through Stephen’s eyes. It’s written as though going for lunch for fish and chips is perfectly normal. I loved that. I also like the pronunciation and unique words that make it feel like one has traveled there.

I enjoyed the faith theme that was well done. The plot itself is quite predictable, but the characters kept me engaged in the story. I loved the history in the book as well. Another lovely story from this author.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

A Dance in Donegal

Jennifer Deibel

“In Him, there was never a promise of no grief on this side of heaven, but there was always the promise of joy. And she would await that day with a hopeful heart.”

It’s a beautiful story and a beautiful setting.

I really enjoyed the characters and the setting, but the faith, hope, and Biblical verses spoken at just the right time combined to be my favorite part of the novel. It’s wonderful to watch characters grow and to see a younger woman taking advice and help from an older wiser one. Moira and Sean both grow spiritually throughout the book which is a wonderful part of the story.

This novel has some real life situations in it ( nothing is graphic, but it does contain adult elements), and it isn’t all predictable either which I like in a novel. This was an easy read for me, but an enjoyable one. I will definitely be keeping my eye out for more books from this debut author.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.