Tag: Hauck

<i>The Memory House</i> <br> <h4>by Rachel Hauck</h4>

The Memory House

by Rachel Hauck

The author really delivers in this read! So much about life…it’s tragedies and triumphs, mountains and valleys, times of spiritual weakness, and times of spiritual growth and grace.

The characters in this book are very well done, and I was so glad that a big fight over a secret wasn’t the climax because that is rather overused. I read a lot so I tend to notice…plus it’s a constant Hallmark trope as well. This book breaks from the mold in many ways, for that, if for no other reason- it made this book stand out to me.

We adopted so that being a subject in the book also gives the book a special feel. This book has pretty much all emotions.

How people deal with loss is different for everyone, but there is only One who can make you live again! To me, that was much what the book was about…walking through the valleys, never forgetting them,but using them to continue to live.

I enjoy Rachel Haucks reads…this has to be one of my favorites by her. There were a few things I wish had been explored more or places where I wanted more remorse or a different emotion. This was a personal preference, tho, and this book was really well done with the plot and storylines. There is depth to this story that makes it a definite re-read…and some things on which to dwell. Definitely a book to read, savor, enjoy, and cause the reader to muse more about life…the messy, the tragedies,the lovely, and the ugly. It’s far more than just a romance read so go get your hands on this one!! Take yourself to another’s world and see if your perspective of things doesn’t change..at least a little.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.