Category: Book Review

Word of Honor

By Hallee Bridgeman


Terrific story! I really enjoy the characters in this book. This book can be read on its own, but you will get much more from the book if you read the previous novel.

The character cast is terrific. I enjoyed the characters from the previous book as well as the main characters in this read. They are fleshed out well, and the reader really gets to know them well. 

The suspense story is fascinating, and it keeps the reader turning the pages. There is much to determine, and the reader gets all kinds of twists and turns as they get more facts. Going undercover is a fascinating tale, and the details are wonderful.

I really enjoyed the strong faith theme in this book. That always makes a book far more worth reading. It was well done and easily woven into the storyline. I think I liked this one better than the first, which is rare.

With a wonderful suspense storyline, fascinating characters, and an incredibly well done faith theme- the reader gets a terrific journey! Highly recommended!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own,

Falling for the Cowgirl

By Jody Hedlund


This book follows in the style of the previous three books in the series. A feisty girl and a guy who can’t decide what he wants to do. If you like a romance read, this is for you. It was an easy read for me, and I’m not big on the romance. This series seems to have that more at the center than previously written books by this author. I prefer more history…just my preference.

The plot seemed a bit weak in this one, but it has some interesting intrigue moments and a bit of suspense/mystery thrown in if ( like me) you like suspense in your stories. This book is definitely driven by the characters.

Ivy feels as if she doesn’t really have a place, but she does know exactly what she wants. I grew up doing the things my brothers did so I understand that part of her character. I wasn’t a huge Jericho fan, but he figures it out, of course.

If you are a romance fan and love Cowboy stories, you will enjoy this entire series by Jody Hedlund.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Where The Blue Sky Begins

By Katie Powner


This was such a sweet, poignant read. Eric doesn’t start out being a nice guy, but his relationship Eunice helps him mature. I love how their friendship grows, and how he begins to think about love, life, and God so differently as a result of his growing friendship with Eunice.

She wants so much to forgive and leave some sort of legacy. As the book progresses, I really felt one of her greatest legacies would be in Eric.

I really enjoy reading stories with little to no romance. It many times makes for a deeper read. This one definitely had a deeper storyline and characters than many books I’ve read. She takes a relationship between two people and creates an amazing story.

I didn’t really like the discussions the girls had about Eric or when his thoughts about girls were out on paper. I realize the discussions occur and it is realistic, but I moved away from friends because of the shallow talk like that. I didn’t care for the storyline of Tiffani either, but that was really all I didn’t like about this read.

The faith lessons learned, the growth of the characters, and a story of someone brave enough to ask forgiveness for wrongs as she faces her terminal illness-it all made for a novel that I will not soon forget.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Honor Bound

By Hallee Bridgeman


I have always enjoyed the books I’ve read by this author. This one was no different. I really liked the details and thoughts that give the reader a better perspective on military life. The romance was well done in this story…not overdone. There was more to the relationship than tingles and cuteness. That’s a big positive for me as a reader.

The characters were well done. I really felt as if I knew them, especially the two main characters. The crew made it fun and witty at times, and I’m looking forward to the sequel.

The faith thread was strong and had elements in it that are so frequently missing in books- praying for one’s food, church attendance, and doing what God has in mind. I’ve read books about Christian people where prayer and church are completely absent, and that always bothers me. I really liked the faith thread.

Wonderful characters, terrific storyline, military action, and a very well done faith thread all combine to produce a very much enjoyed novel.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Worthy of Legend

By Roseanne White


This was a wonderful end to such a fun series. I really enjoyed the main characters and their slow build romance-friends to lovers. The group of friends are so fun, and these stories have been a real joy.

It had a good faith thread in it, though the “worthy” thread felt rather modern. I understand the main female character struggled with her self image due to her families terrible treatment. Watching her grow was done so well, but only Christ is worthy. The forgiveness and other faith elements were so good and strong…really liked that about this book. One particular scene between siblings was my favorite, but no spoilers. Just to say that faith in action was a deep part of the storyline.

This book had everything I look for in a good novel. Great characters, good faith thread, storyline with a mystery, and a book that moved at a very good pace. I definitely recommend the entire series.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Bride of Blackfriars Lane

By Michelle Griep


4.5 stars
Delightful and fun with so much wit…the characters are fantastic, and the story never stops. It’s such an incredibly fun novel from beginning to end.

This is the second book in a series of two, and I was thrilled when I found out a sequel to the first was releasing. Many books written in England are written about the elite and wealthy. This is a totally different kind of read, and probably far more realistic for most that lived during that time.

The characters are terrific, the mystery well written, the faith theme so very good and intrinsic to the tale, and the storyline is incredible. There is so much to like about this story.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own..


By Patricia Bradley


An incredibly fast paced suspense read. There is a lot going on in this novel-many paths to follow and many surprises.

The main characters, Madison and Clayton, are both well done. I liked both the main characters which is not always true. There are far too many surprises waiting for these two it is rather unbelievable that they are all contained in one novel. Both characters are like-able and good at their jobs.

Some inspirational elements in this book. Trust being a huge one for the female lead character as well as giving a second chance. This book really helped open my eyes to the struggles of an addict. I had never seen it so well written. I know several, and I think this fiction more than any other read presents the addiction as just a way of life. The way it is done it helped me to understand better how difficult it is to leave the addiction behind. Certain scenes in this book still come to mind as I am writing this. It was incredibly well done. The faith theme is an intricate part of the story.

The author keeps the reader on the edge of the seat for this one. There are so many twists and turns. It is a well done mystery/suspense read that just might keep the reader awake far past a persons bedtime. Well worth it, too.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Critical Alliance

By Elizabeth Goddard


This was an interesting read about cyber security, and the big “who dunnit ?” The characters were well done, I really liked the suspense in the book. All of the electronics and how they could be a bad thing was fascinating to me. The characters didn’t have extreme depth, but this story is really driven by the mystery and suspense. 

It does have romance, but it wasn’t a lot…and it wasn’t what kept me turning the pages. It seemed a bit fast, but there was some back history between the two.

It had a faith theme of forgiveness that was well done. It was about forgiving oneself and their past.

In reading mystery, I have gotten pretty good at guessing who the culprit is. Definitely NOT with this book. The ending and revelation of the “who” was a huge surprise and a fantastic well written turn of events. It was a WOW moment for sure.

Overall, it was a good read. I haven’t read the previous in the series, and it held up fine on its own.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Elysium Tide

By James Hannibal


I so enjoy this author’s books. 

A terrific suspense storyline with his signature fantastic characters! Hannibal is so incredibly good at writing interesting characters and putting them together to make a thoroughly well written suspense read.

This story has more facets than most of his. This book is quite a bit different than his last read. The faith theme is done well and so different than most authors. I think that is true for most of his stories. I really enjoy different so I don’t plan on missing any of his reads.

The author managed to give me two big surprises that I didn’t see coming. The twists and turns are so well done. I like the pace of this read. Its suspense is incredibly well written, but it doesn’t seem too fast paced which many fictional suspense stories are.just too fast for me.

If you enjoyed this read, I highly recommend The Paris Betrayal which is an amazing read. If you like Natalie Walters, then try this authors books. James Hannibal does not disappoint. It’s a strictly suspense not romantic suspense story which I totally love. This book has faith, suspense, story, and wonderful characters—everything I love in a story. So…do not miss it!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Where the Road Bends

Rachel Fordham


Another sweet story from Rachel Fordham. It has an early twist so that it does not end up like one thinks at the beginning. After a few chapters it is pretty predictable, but a sweet storyline none-the-less.

I loved the characters in this story, and they are what endeared the book to me. Flawed characters that really touch the heart..both main and secondary characters are wonderful.

I do think in the last year or so that I have read so many stories of woman abused by men. I have to admit that story line is getting a bit old and redundant. At least in this story it isn’t steeped in that for which I am thankful.

There is an orphan boy in this one, and I love reading books with children as main characters. Something about the dynamic of having a child who needs love that adds much to a story. 

It is a sweet, simple story that touches the heart. I have enjoyed all the books I have read by this author. I have one I have not read, and I hope to rectify that soon.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.