Category: Historical Romance

<i>The Artful Match</i><br> <h4>by Jennifer Delamere</h4>

The Artful Match

by Jennifer Delamere

I have really enjoyed this series, but I think this one is my favorite! It’s at a big changing point in history, but it’s rather rare in books. In the late 1800’s, the large estates in England were struggling, and Americans were fascinated with titles, yet in England artists and others who worked for “new money” were staring to become appreciated.

I love the characters in this book! Amelia totally steals my heart, and I really enjoyed Clara. The Characters are so well done, and they really drive the story.

I love the faith theme as well, and the fact that George Mueller’s orphanage helped inspire this series. The stories have been a delight.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.