Category: Contemporary

Over the Edge

By Irene Hannon


I’ve read very few books by this author-maybe one. My daughter collects this author so I grabbed up the book. I really enjoyed this suspense novel. It took a couple chapters to get hooked, but once I was hooked-I read it in one sitting! 

I really liked the main characters in the book. They were believable and relatable. I enjoyed the slower moving relationship building too, which tends to be a bit fast paced in many suspense novels. There are fantastic secondary characters as well. This book was the second in the series, but it was great as a stand-alone.

I enjoyed the faith theme and the twist and turns with the characters. The suspense part is definitely interesting. I had figured most out, but there was one that quite surprised me upon the revelation. I’m glad I chose to try this author, and it probably won’t be my last. I definitely recommend this story.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Hidden in the Night

By Elizabeth Goddard


This is another fantastic read by this author. Wonderful characters, terrific story, good faith theme, and a suspense thread that keeps the reader turning the pages.

I think my favorite thing about this novel was the setting, and all that is explained about Alaska. There is much in here about the difficulties faced due to the unique terrain, weather, and other challenges in Alaska. My daddy was in Alaska for awhile so the state itself has always fascinated me, even though I have never been there.

The characters are well done, both the main characters and the secondary. They are used well in the good faith thread. It isn’t always easy for suspense reads to have a strong faith thread as the pace of the book is so fast. It was well done in this read.

Using a lost manuscript is an interesting detail in the book, and the twists, turns, and surprises are well done. I have enjoyed all three books in this series. I definitely recommend this one.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Double Take

by Lynette Eason


I thoroughly enjoyed this book with all its twists and turns.

The two main characters are fantastic. I really liked James and Lainie. I liked how their relationship grew and that they had known each other so long. The faith theme was quite good throughout the book. That’s not easy to pull off in such a fast paced suspense story.

This was a terrific suspense/mystery story with wonderful characters, a good cast of secondary characters, well paced, and a good faith thread.
This was a great read to start 2024, and it will definitely make my forever shelves.

My daughter is eagerly awaiting her turn. I am eagerly awaiting the next in the series.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Wind Blows in Sleeping Grass

by Katie Powner


This author really proves how great a storyteller she is in this well written contemporary fiction.

Their is nothing tragic or life shattering, but it is life. Life lessons are throughout the book in small and big ways through every day characters like you and me. There is something about the characters and the storyline that has stayed with me. That makes a book special for me as I have a terrible short term memory.

The characters feel like family, and they are incredibly well done. It’s so easy to love the simple, kind, and big hearted garbage man that sees value in the people in his life. I love kids in books so when his nephew shows up, I love the interaction between the two. All the main characters have flaws, but I liked them all. After all, flawed people are normal people.

The storyline seems simplistic, but lessons of life are throughout the book. There is a theme of forgiveness, redemption, and love that is so sweet. I’m not a huge fan of contemporary fiction, but I have enjoyed this author’s reads very much.

With a lovely setting, wonderful realistic characters, and a beautifully touching storyline This author has created a lovely novel that you don’t want to miss.
I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


by Lynette Eason


Enjoyed this story! I liked both characters in this story. The fact that it wasn’t an “Insta love” type story made it even better. I like far more suspense than romance, and I felt the author really delivered in that area. 

The suspense was well done, and it was very well paced. The storyline itself was engaging and kept the reader turning the pages. It felt like a bit of a slow start for me, but I didn’t mind that at all.

The faith theme was well done and very intrinsic to the story. It’s hard to get a good faith theme in the suspense genre so it is always well appreciated when it comes through so well.

This had a wonderful cast of characters, a terrific and fascinating storyline, and a good faith theme-all the elements that I really enjoy in a suspense read. I have really enjoyed this series, and I’m rather sad to see it end. It did finish with a fantastic novel, though.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

With Every Memory

by Janine Rosche


I found this book wasn’t what I expected. Perhaps my expectations are irrelevant, yet they are there. I’m seeing a big theme come through in many of the “Christian” published books lately so my reviews are a bit like a broken record. Even my teen daughter noticed that.
This book could have had a truly powerful faith theme, but it didn’t capitalize on it. The characters show up in church, but that’s about it. In so many places the family could have turned to God or the scriptures for help and strength. That part was disappointing.

I didn’t find myself liking the characters. They were incredibly selfish in many ways, but occasionally acted out of character to care about someone else. The teen story was a bit more understandable. They aren’t adults yet so obviously don’t behave like adults. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but the fact that Xander and Avery were left alone so much and spent so much time in her bedroom alone-that was just weird to me. I didn’t like the touch on adult humor either.

I think the grandmother was maybe suppose to be funny, but I found her bitter and mean. There was a heaviness to this book that could have been better with more of God’s presence in the families life. Maybe the grandmother was the light hearted part? I don’t know.

The writing itself was well done. The parts I read to my daughter-she said the same. This author is very good with words and writing to try to touch the reader. The topics that have a warning I felt were handled well in this book by the author. How one rates a book like this I’m not sure. This is definitely going to touch readers in very different ways. 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Under Fire

By Lynn H. Blackburn


I have absolutely loved the team in this series of books. I like the camaraderie, the witty banter, and the faith shared in the group. I have really enjoyed the characters most of all. In an unusual statement, I don’t think I have a favorite book in this series. 

You can read each book as a stand-alone, but I wouldn’t recommend it. The reader gets much more from the books by getting to know the group one book at a time.

Both characters Zane and Tess get their story told from their perspective. I really felt like both were necessary and both gave much to the story. I would have preferred more action less romance-that’s always my opinion. I read for the suspense. You will note I’m in the minority on this one, but the budding of the relationship between the two characters seems to take precedent much of the time. There is nothing beyond kissing, but the romantic tension/dialogue felt a bit much for me. 

With fantastic characters, wonderful faith theme, well paced suspense this read will make suspense fans happy. The character group themselves really pulled me through the book. I really enjoyed how well they work together and support each other.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Cold Light of Day

By Elizabeth Goddard



4.5 stars
One of the best Elizabeth Goddard books I have read- wonderful characters, and plot lines.
Autumn and Grier’s story has plenty of romance, up and downs and all around fun times! The romance was not overdone, and it had a little more depth than some.

I really enjoyed all the water scenes and the suspense of what was going to happen next. There were a few twists and turns that were surprising, ( very unusual for me to say), and some of the more intense scenes were written so that I felt like I was the one in danger not the hero/heroine!

The faith theme was fabulously done and woven in to the story really well. Loved the verses and the amount of praying in the book. It is hard to weave in a faith thread in a suspense story, so I found this one really good!

The characters themselves were flawed, but God helped them be better. A sweet reunion makes the ending even better. The last quarter of the book was my favorite, as it was entirely fast paced, and the kind of suspense I love.

It would have gotten five stars if it hadn’t dragged just a bit at the beginning. I love the ending so much and the book was so well written it almost deserved it. I’m looking forward to the next book!

I received this book from the author , all opinions are my own.

Body of Evidence

By Irene Hannon


I liked the book pretty well. It had a good plot and great characters. Grace was good at her job and very good at bantering with her man, Nate. 
A great mystery always has a good surprise and I was fully surprised at the end at who did it. The book had some good turns. 
The romance was a little over done for me, when I read a suspense novel I am looking for mostly suspense and not too much romance. This one had more romance than I generally like in my suspense novels. 
I enjoyed reading about the pathology…best part of the book. Though, I’d never want to be one, I do like to read about what they can find in the deceased body. 
Some good qualities included in the book are great family ties and laughter among the people. 
I was disappointed that the book didn’t have much of a faith theme. I know it is hard to put it in some suspense books, but this one I felt there could have been more. The main characters prayed and went to church.
I enjoyed the book just the same. It was able to keep me wanting to go back and read it, just so I could know who did it! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Where The Blue Sky Begins

By Katie Powner


This was such a sweet, poignant read. Eric doesn’t start out being a nice guy, but his relationship Eunice helps him mature. I love how their friendship grows, and how he begins to think about love, life, and God so differently as a result of his growing friendship with Eunice.

She wants so much to forgive and leave some sort of legacy. As the book progresses, I really felt one of her greatest legacies would be in Eric.

I really enjoy reading stories with little to no romance. It many times makes for a deeper read. This one definitely had a deeper storyline and characters than many books I’ve read. She takes a relationship between two people and creates an amazing story.

I didn’t really like the discussions the girls had about Eric or when his thoughts about girls were out on paper. I realize the discussions occur and it is realistic, but I moved away from friends because of the shallow talk like that. I didn’t care for the storyline of Tiffani either, but that was really all I didn’t like about this read.

The faith lessons learned, the growth of the characters, and a story of someone brave enough to ask forgiveness for wrongs as she faces her terminal illness-it all made for a novel that I will not soon forget.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.