Category: Christian Romance

Lost in Darkness

By Michelle Griep


I have given very few five stars this year. I guess I am being stingy. My daughter told me that as much as I had discussed this book, its characters, and it’s depth that I should give it five…so I did. It has a fascinating plot and storyline, many interesting historical facts, intriguing characters, and such a wonderful faith theme!! These are what I love best in a well told story. This has a good and well written romance story as well, though that is not necessary for me to fall in love with a novel. 

I find it very interesting because this is really like no other book I have ever read. It was not at all predictable either which is SO nice. So many of the Inspirational fiction I have read lately has been shallow. Griep keeps to her style in writing a story that has depth and intrigue.

I thoroughly enjoyed the historical details given after the novel as well. I finished this book within 24 hours, and I have an extra copy of this one. I can highly recommend this read so I am looking forward to passing on to a friend.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher as well as purchased a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

The Heart of a Cowboy

Jody Hedlund


This is the second book in this series, Colorado Cowboys. It states it is Historical Fiction, but it really is far more a romance story

I liked the main characters in the story. I didn’t particularly care for their love story. There was a lot of physical attraction mentioned, and they kiss several times then decide to make nothing of it. I found that a bit strange for this historical time. Nowadays, that’s certainly a far more commonplace idea and happening. In the past, though, a kiss really meant something.

It was interesting to read how far they drove the cattle, the dangers along the way, what they did when water was scarce, and how they overcame other obstacles as they made their way on the Santa Fe Trail.

I also enjoyed the family dynamics in the story. They are interesting, really, for both the female and male heroine. There is more complexity in the hero’s story and family. I enjoyed getting to know Wyatt’s ( hero from the previous book) family in this book.

More history and deeper character development than romance is my “cup of tea”, but this book is a favorite among fans. For Jody Hedlund fans, her writing is vivid and detailed as always…and a bit of mystery to the story as well. So if you are interested in taking a historical trip on the Santa Fe trail, grab a copy.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

A View Most Glorious

Regina Scott


This was a fun, quick read. I really liked the main characters, and there are some wonderful secondary characters as well. They really come to life in the book. 

Lately I have really enjoyed the books that allow me to travel. The author does a great job with the setting and the history in the book.

The faith theme is a good one as well. It is quite strong in this book, and it is natural to the storyline. The book is a bit predictable, but I enjoyed the journey and seeing how things turned out for the characters.

An armchair travel book with wonderful, vivid characters; interesting and intriguing storyline, and an intrinsic faith theme is all wrapped up in a very enjoyable novel.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

A Deep Divide

Kimberley Woodhouse


I hadn’t heard anything about Harvey Girls until reading this book. The history of the restaurant chain was fascinating. I also enjoyed the historical characters added into the story. The author really did a great job of making the reader want to visit the restaurant and the Grand Canyon.

I enjoyed the characters in this book. The characters, plot, and storyline were very well done. The suspense keeps the reader turning the pages. The faith theme is a good one, and this read gets a higher rating because of it. The theme of over coming ones fears, and the scripture verses that are in the book do such a marvelous job of showing why we need not fear. The faith theme is an intricate part of the story, and it is so well done.

So take a trip to the Grand Canyon, learn some great history, and read about God’s Grace and love in this beautifully written story.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Carved in Stone

Elizabeth Camden


Carved in Stone by Camden is in an interesting time in history. I have watched documentaries on the Rockefeller and Carnegie dynasties so I’m familiar with steel and this time period. I enjoyed the history, plot. And characters. It was predictable but interesting enough to keep me in the book.

I felt more connected to the main female character, but I found myself wishing to know a bit more about her younger years. I liked the main male character, but I didn’t really like all of the rosary mentions that came up in regards to his character. I realize that some of it made it historical as Irish immigrants were Catholic, but it seemed odd in a Christian fiction book.

The history and its background was what really held my attention throughout this book. It was very well done.

I received this book from the publisher.All opinions are my own. 

To Write a Wrong

By Jen Turano


This was a slow starter for me, but that could have just been me. I was reading to get my mind of a ferocious headache which Daphne, the main character here probably would have said was a ridiculous idea. However, no one makes me laugh more than Jen Turano when it comes to books. I did eventually get into it, and I enjoyed her story.She has been my favorite character in this group. 

Her outlandish wardrobe and growing vocabulary were marvelous and so enjoyably funny. Her hero was wonderful and perfect for her. I can’t say he was one of my favorite people, but he definitely did well in handling Daphne.

All in all, it was another fun story from Jen Turano. You can count on out loud laughter when reading her novels. They are so fun.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

A Lady in Attendance

By Rachel Fordham


This is my first book by this author. I have wanted to read previous ones just have a TBR that feels like it’s never ending so I hadn’t read one yet. I’m hoping to get her previous ones as I enjoyed this book. I had no idea what “lady in attendance “ meant, but I was quite surprised that was her title. 

I really liked the characters in this book. Gilbert’s shy behavior was something to which I could definitely relate. His career was an interesting one, and I loved reading the author notes as to why she chose his profession.

The main characters were wonderful, the storyline turned out to have several surprises and much suspense. It’s difficult not to give anything away here, but I’ll just say that I was definitely surprised at the turn the book took. It held my attention, and I ended up staying up well into the morning hours to find out what happened.

The faith theme was incredibly strong, and it , in itself, brought about much change. It was incredibly well done.

I thoroughly enjoyed this author’s writing style and do hope to read more of her books soon. Definitely do not miss this story! It was such a sweet story with much to enjoy.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Power Play

By Rachel Dylan


This is the final book in the Capital Intrigue series. I enjoyed this book. The reader follows a main character and a secondary character. I enjoyed both stories. The characters in this series were really good. This was a good conclusion to the group of friends and their different jobs.

The plot and storyline were definitely engaging, the characters were great, and the action in the story really keeps the reader engaged. 

I also enjoyed the faith theme that was done so well in the story. It was an intricate part of the story well woven into the plot. Rachel Dylan has become a must read author for me in the mystery/suspense category. 

This series was incredibly well written so do yourself a favor and get your hands on all three! 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own. 

The Nature of a Lady

By Roseanna M. White


This was a terrific mystery story with an engaging plot and lovable and despicable characters. It had all the right elements to make an enjoyable story.

I loved the mystery part of the story, and it was a pleasant surprise as this author is not known for mystery necessarily. It was very well done. I love the history in the book, and the setting is beautiful and so interesting with all the islands.

With such a wonderful plot and storyline, such creative characters, and a well done inspirational thread, the reader is kept engaged in the story and quickly turning the pages.
My favorite part is the spiritual mystery that unfolded in Libby. That story is beautifully and masterfully told.

I,too, was fascinated by the author notes. There she tells such an interesting story of how this story came to be. Do not miss reading those! I was so surprised at how the first part of this story was birthed.

Another wonderful novel from this author that will be on my forever shelves.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Dark of Night

By Carrie Cotten


Fantastic thrilling read from start to finish. It is always hard for me to jump into a book that isn’t totally reality. Two authors make it a bit easier, and this author is definitely one of them. I stay hooked for two reasons.

First, I want to follow the characters. They are incredibly well done and have shortcomings like us all. They grow through the circumstances in the book just as they do in our own lives. It isn’t all sunshine and roses, but God is there with us through those trials.

Second, I love the faith theme in this novel it is absolutely fantastic. Dealing with anger and learning to trust and obey God are things in which every Christian can improve. One can feel these emotions as the writer portrays them so well! A big bonus in putting in scripture. All of this is so well done and the faith theme is seamlessly woven in the story.

So now we fans eagerly wait the next book….and try to wait patiently…maybe this book should have dealt with that virtue!

PS. Just do yourself a favor and go to Amazon and get this book. This books imagery created a movie in my mind. It’s really powerful in so many ways.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.