Category: Christian Romance

Until Our Time Comes

By Nicole M. Miller


I thoroughly enjoyed the interesting historical tidbits that I learned in this book. It’s intertwined with fiction as is usually the case in books like these. I enjoyed the characters in this book-especially Brett and Ewin.

It was a fascinating story, and I didn’t have any problems keeping myself engaged and turning the pages. The idea of transporting so many horses for their bloodlines isn’t something I’d actually given much thought. It seemed a bit reckless at times, but it wasn’t just for the horses it was for the memory of a beloved mother. Perhaps that is what made me perceive it as plausible.

The romance was interesting. It grew through his acts of saving things she loved, but they don’t really spend much time getting to know each other. I’m not disappointed in having little romance as that is the kind of book that I prefer. I just found it a bit confusing on how a bond grows when not much is there as far as knowing each other.

My biggest disappointment is the lack of a faith theme. It is mentioned at the end that God had worked things out as they were meant to be, but that was it. 

I really enjoy historicals, and I enjoyed this one as it is so different from many I’ve read. It is all encompassed by the horses and what surrounds them. I’ve never quite read a book like this one before, and I’m looking forward to more books by this author. This is her debut novel.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Hidden in the Night

By Elizabeth Goddard


This is another fantastic read by this author. Wonderful characters, terrific story, good faith theme, and a suspense thread that keeps the reader turning the pages.

I think my favorite thing about this novel was the setting, and all that is explained about Alaska. There is much in here about the difficulties faced due to the unique terrain, weather, and other challenges in Alaska. My daddy was in Alaska for awhile so the state itself has always fascinated me, even though I have never been there.

The characters are well done, both the main characters and the secondary. They are used well in the good faith thread. It isn’t always easy for suspense reads to have a strong faith thread as the pace of the book is so fast. It was well done in this read.

Using a lost manuscript is an interesting detail in the book, and the twists, turns, and surprises are well done. I have enjoyed all three books in this series. I definitely recommend this one.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Song of Sourwood Mountain

by Ann H. Gabhart


It’s a slow moving sweet story that I really enjoyed. The characters are well done. I enjoyed the main characters, and I really enjoyed so many of the secondary characters as well. Ada June was probably my favorite along with her dog Bo. She is incredibly sweet, but she needs a home and some help.

I really like how love is presented in this story. It’s deep, and it’s lasting. Mira was so careful to wait until true love was present before sharing those words with anyone. “Love” is a word that is so quickly thrown around these days. I really liked how true, abiding live was presented in the characters hearts-especially between Mira and Gordon.

The people were presented in an environment that one could feel and smell. It seemed so real and alive.

Once again this author has written a beautifully woven tale of love and loss, and the faith in God that gets people through the difficult times and gives us days in which to rejoice!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple

by Joanna Davidson Politano


“For years I’d been running and restless. Running away, yes. But also running toward something that seemed elusive and impossible. That garden experience. The safety, the devotion and intimacy…the sheer beauty.”

Wow…I think that sums up my immediate thoughts when I finished. Terrific story. This author does such a fantastic job of using her words and stories as a shadow and allegory of spiritual truths. This book was no different, yet the faith theme is even stronger in this one. I am a big lover of A Tale of Two Cities, and I loved how that was woven into the story. The ending was a surprise for me.

There is something about this author’s storytelling that pulls me in and keeps me in the book. I read this book in one sitting…with dinner in between. I usually cherish hers over two days, but I wanted so much to just relax and enjoy-so I did. It has mystery, a strong faith theme, terrific characters , and a beauty in its story. You don’t want to miss any of this author’s books. This one especially holds so much beauty and heart. It’s beautiful lyrical prose that introduces Lily to the Master Gardener and the Master Storyteller. A person every reader should meet as well.

“They could walk over life’s burning coals and come out with strength and confidence on their faces. Because they had spent time in the garden, drinking in life from their source. They had met the Gardener.”

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

While the City Sleeps

by Elizabeth Camden


I really enjoyed the mystery in this novel as well as the faith threads of hope, love, and forgiveness.

I really liked the hero in the book. He had a fascinating story, and he was simply a wonderful character. He wasn’t perfect, but he had such a big forgiving heart. His past was quite an intriguing story as well.

In all honesty, I wasn’t a fan of the heroine through much of the story. She does grow in character, though, and as she learns , I learned to like her more. I like that element in a story. People do grow and change through each day and through life.

I’ve only been to New York City for a brief time for medical reasons. It was fun to visit in the book and hear of some of the “life” of NYC. It is definitely a city that doesn’t sleep. I was stunned at the number of people that were shopping at one in the morning as if it was so normal. The book did a great job of bringing life to the setting.

The book had a wonderful mystery, terrifically done characters, an intriguing storyline and setting, and a good faith thread.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Irish Matchmaker

by Jennifer Deibel


This is a sweet story. This story was far more character driven for me. I love kids in books so I enjoyed Sara. It was a sweet romance read that was predictable but enjoyable gettIng to the end. The main characters were well done, but Sara and her dad were definitely my favorite of them all.

The setting was interesting. I find it fascinating that they use to have a matchmaking festival where so many met their mate. The historical notes at the end of the book were interesting as well.

I also enjoyed the faith theme of this book, and the focus on trying to learn to rely on God for provision was tremendously well done. That isn’t always easy, and it was a well placed message in the story. It was intricate to the storyline, and the Bible verses and how Sara presented them to her Dad was adorable. Oh to have the faith of a child!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Seamstress of Acadie

by Laura Frantz


A beautifully written novel that tells the heartbreaking story of the Acadians. In the many, many books I have read, only one other series that I can remember talks of their sad story. It is a very sad historical event; but the storyline, though sad, remains hopeful.

A beautiful love story that is done slowly and incredibly well, a fascinating time in history, a novel written with such impressive beautiful prose, and a unique setting all combine for a wonderful book to enjoy and savor.

Psalm 23 is brilliantly woven into the story finishing the novel off with a lovely and fitting faith theme. This is a must read for historical fiction fans, and a novel that I will not soon forget.
I received this book from the author. A review was not required.

Double Take

by Lynette Eason


I thoroughly enjoyed this book with all its twists and turns.

The two main characters are fantastic. I really liked James and Lainie. I liked how their relationship grew and that they had known each other so long. The faith theme was quite good throughout the book. That’s not easy to pull off in such a fast paced suspense story.

This was a terrific suspense/mystery story with wonderful characters, a good cast of secondary characters, well paced, and a good faith thread.
This was a great read to start 2024, and it will definitely make my forever shelves.

My daughter is eagerly awaiting her turn. I am eagerly awaiting the next in the series.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Calling on the Matchmaker

by Jody Hedlund


The storyline is well done in this book, and the writing style is wonderful which is always what a reader expects from this author.

I really enjoyed the main characters and secondary characters in this story as well. The shenanigans of Finola are funny, and she has become quite adept at getting suitors to leave. Then she meets her match. Riley is well done in his role as well.

I enjoyed the history of this read. I prefer my historical fiction to have more history than romance so this was not my favorite book by this author. I am probably in the minority in this, but I read historical novels to learn. There are a few interesting historical facts, but the romance takes center stage. If that’s your jam then this will be your book!

My favorite part of this book is the faith theme of forgiveness and recognizing that Christ can forgive anything that we have done. There is also much in charity and helping those in need. The inspirational part of the story is strong.

If you enjoy historical reads with much romance than pick this book to read! Most that enjoy Roseanne White, Julie Lessman, or Tamera Leigh( I’m getting help in these recommendations from other readers) enjoy this author’s books.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Against the Wind

by Amanda Cabot


*I want to start by saying I did read the first book. Though this second in the series can stand alone, I do recommend reading the series in order. I got a lot more understanding from the second book after I read the first so I highly recommend reading this series in order.*

This book reminded me much of a prairie romance. Only this has a woman fighting to be accepted as a doctor. I am thankful for women doctors, but this particular theme of women fighting for a previously held man’s job has been a bit overdone of late. At least it has been that way in my choice of books (grant it, I don’t always read a book the year it comes out-but I’m close). 

I enjoyed the characters and the secondary characters. I didn’t realize this was a second in a series until it arrived in the mail. The first in the series is on its way. I really liked the male main character more than the female. He seemed to have more spiritual growth in him, and I loved it as he continued to grow and learn more. 

Most of the storyline is predictable in this read with a few minor surprises. It’s a fairly good storyline with a very well done faith theme that is intrinsic to the story itself. This author always seems to do a good job at that which is why I continue to read. Her romance isn’t overdone, and it grows naturally and is built on the character and morals of the characters themselves which I appreciate. It did seem to drag a bit, but that might be because the plot was just so predictable.

It’s a sweet prairie type story with wonderful characters, a beautiful setting, and a very well done faith thread.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own,