Category: Stephenia McGee

The Swindler’s Daughter

By Stephenia H. McGee


I really enjoyed this novel. The story was interesting, and I enjoyed the character growth shown in the book. The main character has a lot of character growth throughout the book. Much of that character growth is the result of an older woman who is so helpful as a mentor.

The main male character also experiences character growth throughout the book. He realizes how blessed he is, and what is really important in life. This is kind of a coming-of-age story.

I liked the setting. It was well done. The storyline itself was interesting, and the secondary characters were wonderful. The mystery adds even more interest to the story. If you like a lot of romance it isn’t found here, but I prefer other strong elements in my stories.

The story itself increased in stars because of the well done faith theme. In inspirational fiction, a good faith theme isn’t as common as it use to be. The author did a good job of making it intrinsic to the story and the characters.

With wonderful characters, an interesting storyline, and a good faith theme this was better than I expected. I definitely recommend.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

The Secrets of Emberwild

By Stephenia McGee


This was a book that I really wanted to get my hands on. I heard a lot of positive buzz on social media for this book. I enjoyed the writing. The author was very descriptive and made the scenes come alive.

I just didn’t like Nora, the female lead. She was a whiner and complainer because she was limited for being a woman. I actually felt this way once, but I grew up. Taking a girl in the early 1900’s and having her say and do things that don’t fit the era just wasn’t appealing. I’ll also admit to feeling this topic is too overdone in Christian Fiction. The victim hood of women has been a common theme in a lot of CF in the last several years so I guess I have read too much of it. I think for others who have not been bombarded with it, I can see why they would like the main character. I would have liked her too if character growth was there. It was not.

I did like that the Mother’s character grew throughout the novel as well as other secondary characters. I’ll also admit that I am not a big horse fan. So I am thinking that perhaps I am not the reader this book needed.

My daughter does not look for the depth that I do, and she has loved reading horse books since a young girl. So I am passing it on to her thinking perhaps a teen that loves horses is more the target audience.

It was a sweet story and a well written one. I would have liked to see some spiritual depth, character growth, and more of a faith thread. If you like horse books then give it a try. It just might be a book you really like. I’m interested to see what my daughter thinks.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.