Category: Rachel Fordham

Where the Road Bends

Rachel Fordham


Another sweet story from Rachel Fordham. It has an early twist so that it does not end up like one thinks at the beginning. After a few chapters it is pretty predictable, but a sweet storyline none-the-less.

I loved the characters in this story, and they are what endeared the book to me. Flawed characters that really touch the heart..both main and secondary characters are wonderful.

I do think in the last year or so that I have read so many stories of woman abused by men. I have to admit that story line is getting a bit old and redundant. At least in this story it isn’t steeped in that for which I am thankful.

There is an orphan boy in this one, and I love reading books with children as main characters. Something about the dynamic of having a child who needs love that adds much to a story. 

It is a sweet, simple story that touches the heart. I have enjoyed all the books I have read by this author. I have one I have not read, and I hope to rectify that soon.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

A Lady in Attendance

By Rachel Fordham


This is my first book by this author. I have wanted to read previous ones just have a TBR that feels like it’s never ending so I hadn’t read one yet. I’m hoping to get her previous ones as I enjoyed this book. I had no idea what “lady in attendance “ meant, but I was quite surprised that was her title. 

I really liked the characters in this book. Gilbert’s shy behavior was something to which I could definitely relate. His career was an interesting one, and I loved reading the author notes as to why she chose his profession.

The main characters were wonderful, the storyline turned out to have several surprises and much suspense. It’s difficult not to give anything away here, but I’ll just say that I was definitely surprised at the turn the book took. It held my attention, and I ended up staying up well into the morning hours to find out what happened.

The faith theme was incredibly strong, and it , in itself, brought about much change. It was incredibly well done.

I thoroughly enjoyed this author’s writing style and do hope to read more of her books soon. Definitely do not miss this story! It was such a sweet story with much to enjoy.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.