Category: Jill’s Eileen Smith

The Ark and the Dove

by Jill Eileen Smith


This book was my first by this author, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It definitely makes the reader think about what it must have been like during the times of Noah and his family. What struck me the most is that I never considered the grief that family bore as so many of their relatives died within a short time right before the flood came.

The characters of the book were well developed, the storyline had depth and emotion and really made this reader ponder what the family of Noah endured. Imagine knowing that you were going to be the only inhabitants of the earth, yet they didn’t know exactly what that earth would look like. The family dynamics were done so well also.

I really enjoyed this novel because I read to learn. This is a book that kept the reader very much engaged and thinking. I don’t always like Biblical fiction, but I thought this one was incredibly written with a lot of thought put into so many details. I’m looking forward to sharing this book and hearing what they glean from this novel! It would definitely make a good novel for a Christian book club.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.