Category: Ann Gabhart

The Song of Sourwood Mountain

by Ann H. Gabhart


It’s a slow moving sweet story that I really enjoyed. The characters are well done. I enjoyed the main characters, and I really enjoyed so many of the secondary characters as well. Ada June was probably my favorite along with her dog Bo. She is incredibly sweet, but she needs a home and some help.

I really like how love is presented in this story. It’s deep, and it’s lasting. Mira was so careful to wait until true love was present before sharing those words with anyone. “Love” is a word that is so quickly thrown around these days. I really liked how true, abiding live was presented in the characters hearts-especially between Mira and Gordon.

The people were presented in an environment that one could feel and smell. It seemed so real and alive.

Once again this author has written a beautifully woven tale of love and loss, and the faith in God that gets people through the difficult times and gives us days in which to rejoice!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

In the Shadow of the River

By Ann Gabhart


I do not recall having ever read a book with the setting on a showboat. That made this story quite unique. The author makes the setting come alive. I am a homebody and love “nesting”, but I could feel the draw of the setting as I read the book. The boat and the entertainment was fascinating.

I really enjoyed the characters in this book. There is quite a bit of character growth in Jacci and Gabe. They both face difficulties, and those are used to test their faith.The faith and hope theme are well done and woven well into the story. Yes, the story is predictable, but it’s interesting and enjoyable getting to the conclusion.

I wasn’t surprised by much of the mystery/suspense in the novel, but there were one or two interesting twist and turns.
This author writes such interesting stories, and this one definitely didn’t disappoint.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

When the Meadow Blooms

By Ann H. Gabhart


Such a sweet story. This story was a good one for me. I’m bedridden much of the time, and my daughter has done so much of the work. I have had a difficult time with that so I really relate to Rose. It is hard to rest while one’s daughter is working, yet it must be done. I loved the attitude of the girls as they worked. My daughter handles the responsibility so incredibly well. I could so relate to that part of this lovely story.

This was a great read to come after a mafia story! I grew up in the city and now live in the country. I can totally relate to wanting to live or just visit a beautiful meadow. The girls are so sweet, and even as a reader I wanted to give them a hug.

Such a terrific faith theme woven in this book…hope, faith and forgiveness. Friendship and family, good times and tough times, all the things that make up our journey of life are in this story. It’s a sweet , heartfelt story…probably a new favorite from this author. 

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Along a Storied Trail

By Ann Gabhart


This was a lovely story and so well written. I really liked Tansy and her love for books. I had heard about the people who delivered books during the Great Depression, but this story really brought that to life. I didn’t realize that they used materials to make books or that they delivered so many magazines.

I really enjoyed the characters in this book that bring the storyline to life. It had wonderful dialogue between the characters. The story seemed so realistic and true to its time period. There was quite a varied group of characters in the book all adding to a well written story.

I loved the faith theme in the book as well. It was intrinsic to the story and well written. Forgiveness, love, hope, and thankfulness were all woven so well into the plot. The dialogue of spiritual things was intriguing and added much to the novel.

A beautiful cast of characters, wonderful scene and era brought to life, and a realistic and interesting faith theme all made for a novel that I thoroughly enjoyed. This book will make it to my forever shelves-beautifully done!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.