The Song of Sourwood Mountain

by Ann H. Gabhart


It’s a slow moving sweet story that I really enjoyed. The characters are well done. I enjoyed the main characters, and I really enjoyed so many of the secondary characters as well. Ada June was probably my favorite along with her dog Bo. She is incredibly sweet, but she needs a home and some help.

I really like how love is presented in this story. It’s deep, and it’s lasting. Mira was so careful to wait until true love was present before sharing those words with anyone. “Love” is a word that is so quickly thrown around these days. I really liked how true, abiding live was presented in the characters hearts-especially between Mira and Gordon.

The people were presented in an environment that one could feel and smell. It seemed so real and alive.

Once again this author has written a beautifully woven tale of love and loss, and the faith in God that gets people through the difficult times and gives us days in which to rejoice!

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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