The Long March Home

By Marcus Brotherton, Tosca Lee


I was glad to read about the March of Bataan. I hadn’t learned of it previously. My conundrum in reviewing is that it was published by Revell, a Christian publishing company. This book was gritty, crass, swearing, and other elements not expected in a book published by Revell. In doing the review a content warning was given to us as readers. Much of the content I expected as it is a war novel. All the elements in this novel are typical of a regular war fiction book or even a non fiction traditionally published book. I expected a much stronger faith theme and no cussing. The fact it came nowhere close to those expectations was very surprising to me.

It is a heart wrenching and highly disturbing war novel. The authors did a good job of bringing the horror of war to the pages of the book. I wouldn’t recommend this book for just anyone as it is a bit tough to read. I read their purpose for writing it, I believe they accomplished it.

If you are looking for a clean book, I don’t recommend it based on some content. I only expected better than that because it was published by Revell. This book needed to be in the traditional publishing world. The authors brought to the reader the story of the March to Bataan. It is a subject more people need to know. The Pacific part of WWII isn’t as well known. My grandfather fought in the Aleutian Islands. He was a medic, but he was involved in hand to hand combat as well. I probably would not know as much about that part of the world war if it hadn’t been part of our family’s history.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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