Critical Alliance

By Elizabeth Goddard


This was an interesting read about cyber security, and the big “who dunnit ?” The characters were well done, I really liked the suspense in the book. All of the electronics and how they could be a bad thing was fascinating to me. The characters didn’t have extreme depth, but this story is really driven by the mystery and suspense. 

It does have romance, but it wasn’t a lot…and it wasn’t what kept me turning the pages. It seemed a bit fast, but there was some back history between the two.

It had a faith theme of forgiveness that was well done. It was about forgiving oneself and their past.

In reading mystery, I have gotten pretty good at guessing who the culprit is. Definitely NOT with this book. The ending and revelation of the “who” was a huge surprise and a fantastic well written turn of events. It was a WOW moment for sure.

Overall, it was a good read. I haven’t read the previous in the series, and it held up fine on its own.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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