Lost in Darkness

By Michelle Griep


I have given very few five stars this year. I guess I am being stingy. My daughter told me that as much as I had discussed this book, its characters, and it’s depth that I should give it five…so I did. It has a fascinating plot and storyline, many interesting historical facts, intriguing characters, and such a wonderful faith theme!! These are what I love best in a well told story. This has a good and well written romance story as well, though that is not necessary for me to fall in love with a novel. 

I find it very interesting because this is really like no other book I have ever read. It was not at all predictable either which is SO nice. So many of the Inspirational fiction I have read lately has been shallow. Griep keeps to her style in writing a story that has depth and intrigue.

I thoroughly enjoyed the historical details given after the novel as well. I finished this book within 24 hours, and I have an extra copy of this one. I can highly recommend this read so I am looking forward to passing on to a friend.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher as well as purchased a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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